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Everything posted by betise

  1. You just need to do the pre demande, get ID photos, and make a RDV (for me it was the sous-préfecture). No need to wait for the documents.
  2. What he actually said in his address was a test of less than 48 hours, for people arriving from outside of the EU, vaccinated or not. For those arriving from within the EU, if not vaccinated, the delay is reduced to 24 hours. Which seems rather odd, as they are giving greater leeway to the non vaccinated coming from outside the EU than to those from inside it.
  3. You have to have had the 3rd dose within 6 months plus 4 weeks from your last dose. Allowing people to take their booster from 5 months after their last is purely to give people more time, it has nothing to do with invalidating the pass sanitaire.
  4. But they say that they will still accept Visa debit cards, which is probably what most Visa cardholders would use.
  5. It's a quote from Gabriel Attal "C'est le 15 décembre que le pass sanitaire sera désactivé pour les personnes de plus de 65 ans, qui ont réalisé leur 2e dose il y a plus de 6 mois et 5 semaines, et qui n'ont pas fait leur rappel", déclare Gabriel Attal"
  6. Guilty as charged for most of the things mentioned, they work for me, and if it aint broke don't fix it.
  7. Peter Raven, anotherbanana and Hoddy were our moderators, but now their profiles only show them as members, if they could regain their moderator status it would ease your workload, and slow down all of the bots that are posting spam here.
  8. It's astounding, time is fleeting.... (sorry, couldn't resist).
  9. I found recent unread posts here https://forum.completefrance.com/index.php?/discover/unread/ bookmark it to your new forum shortcut.
  10. there is a government site for this too ... https://www.internet-signalement.gouv.fr/PortailWeb/planets/Accueil!input.action
  11. +3 Norman, and 250,000 demonstators out of 67 million French is a drop of p#ss in the ocean!
  12. I have read that NHS vaccination certificates can now be scanned directly into the Tousanticovid verif app (the one used by professionals in venues requiring a health pass). So there is no need to try to scan them onto your own app.
  13. In this case it looks like she is an independent commercial agent, so working on commission rather than salary.
  14. As someone commented elsewhere: (Govt) You'll die if you don't get vaccinated! (Les français) Pff! (Gallic shrug) (Govt) You can't go into bars and restaurants if you're not vaccinated. (Les français) .... er ... (Doctolib) *crashes*
  15. And yet over 900,000 rendezvous for vaccination were registered on the doctolib site after his speech last night, which is an amazing response.
  16. [quote user="Geordie"]chessie:You were criticising the "other" forum, there is absolutely no doubt about that. You say in another post "If you really want to see the rabid nutters, those who hate the British Brexit voters, who think France and the french are wonderful and cannot be criticised -there is another forum - from which I've been banned for not being leftie enough !!" I wonder why that post was not deleted by our wonderful moderator? I received a PM from Hoddy after complaining (twice) about a post on the subject of discussing other forum, here it is: "There are only two of us moderating the forum at the moment. And, contrary to what you seem to think neither of us is online 24 hours a day.An occasional thanks rather than a sarcastic question would be appreciated." The post I complained about was deleted. That "other forum" has many more posts/members than this one and in my opinion more friendly. To get banned from that other forum you must have been just as rabid a nutter as you are on here... I wonder how long before you are banned from this one? I hope a few people read this post before I'm banned and Hoddy deletes it! [/quote] Geordie, the code of conduct for THIS forum says "Comments or questions regarding the general administration of the forum should be made by "private message" or using the "Report" link to the moderators or direct to Forum Admin. Such comments or questions should not be posted in the open forum."
  17. Oh I wish I could "like" the post above. Not the one directly above, of course.
  18. If you have yours on the tousanticovid app, it will update automatically.
  19. ALBF,all the information you need to enter the UK is here (scroll down to Amber countries) https://www.gov.uk/guidance/red-amber-and-green-list-rules-for-entering-england?fbclid=IwAR0nX0T79JvVu0lYm51NVhWhRIYDuhzDSOhk8zk9ahWr-XZTZe0JZTLTx-0 To be able to leave (and return to) France, for an Orange country... "Quelles sont les règles pour les déplacements vers et depuis un pays « orange » à compter du 9 juin? Pour la sortie du territoire d’un voyageur à destination d’un pays « orange » : •S’il apporte la preuve d’une vaccination complète par un vaccin reconnu par l’Agence européenne du médicament (Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson) : le voyageur n’est alors pas soumis au régime des motifs impérieux pour sortir du territoire vers un pays « orange », mais doit néanmoins se conformer aux règles appliquées dans le pays de destination. S’il n’est pas vacciné ou s’il n’a pas de schéma vaccinal complet, le voyageur doit alors pour sortir du territoire : - Justifier sa sortie du territoire français par un motif impérieux. La liste des motifs impérieux figure sur l’attestation de sortie du territoire métropolitain téléchargeable sur le site du ministère de l’Intérieur ; - Se conformer aux règles appliquées dans le pays de destination en matière de tests à présenter et de quarantaine à éventuellement respecter Pour l’entrée sur le territoire pour un voyageur en provenance d’un pays « orange » : S’il apporte la preuve d’une vaccination complète par un vaccin reconnu par l’Agence européenne du médicament (Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson) : le voyageur n’est alors pas soumis au régime des motifs impérieux et doit présenter, en complément de sa preuve de vaccination, le résultat d’un examen biologique de dépistage virologique (PCR) réalisé moins de 72 heures avant le départ ou d’un test antigénique réalisé moins de 48 heures avant le départ ne concluant pas à une contamination par la covid-19."
  20. You know he won't let you have the last word Norman (is it too early for me to say point proven too)?
  21. I have a happy ending story too. I ordered 20L of PH- from Manomano , and paid the slightly higher delivery charge to have it delivered before Friday (yesterday). I then had an email to tell me it would be delivered next Tuesday! I went back to the site to check the delivery date, and one of those "can we help you" windows popped up. So, not expecting much joy, I asked why they had not been able to honour the express delivery. Three hours later I had an email to say they had refunded the full delivery charge. So 20L of PH- will now be delivered for free. Result!
  22. Too arrogant to accept a truth? Stones and glass houses spring to mind. I think I am beginning to miss ALBF.
  23. Ken, there are restrictions, they are just not being controlled all of the time. A bit like speed limits.
  24. The Correxion seems to think that because the information is general, and not specific to British, it must be wrong... "Several official French sites refer to this form for non-EU citizen visitors but the sites are of a general nature and not specific to Britons." And... "The res­ponse I’ve had is that a host’s invitation can effectively constitute a document for private travel in the sense of the SBC’s Annex 1. “Even so, in this case people will have to show proof of having at least €120 per day of their stay. This is why it can be of interest for people with limi­ted means to ask their host to obtain an attestation d’accueil at the mairie.”
  25. but they smell of poo Wooly B !
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