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  2. Out of interest, is the chap you hired French or British?
  3. Yesterday
  4. Hello all, i have a question. How long does it take to prosecute a death threat case in France? Out contractor messed up the job. He had 3.5 months and plenty of money from us to redo the bathroom. He did not finish it by the time we arrived. He does not have any insurance. We held some remaining payment until all the issues cleared up. It turned to be - he was not a plumber, he played with out heater for an hour and eventually broke it. We need to fix orcreplace the heater. He insisted on immediate payment in cash or check. He threatened to kill us if we do not pay right away. He yelled that he made duplicates of our keys, and someone can get into out apartment at night to kill us. Or someone can meet us on the staircase of our building... He grabbed and threatened my husband with a hummer. I wish I videotaped that but I had no chance. Everything happened very quickly. We went to the police and filed the report immediately. My question is how serious this offense is? Do I need an attorney to represent me as we live in the United States. Do I need to be present in the French Court? Any input will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  5. If a cat instruct it to look round the neighbourhood to find what is best and eat there, but provide with milk and live mice! Reason? Happier cat!
  6. I tend to find home killed prey is best. A piercing of the jugular is usually efficient.
  7. Recently, I switched from kibble to 100% wet food, and tried to automate the whole process. Would you prefer A) canned food - automated can opener, and then switch to the next can B) freeze-dried food - automated machine to add freeze-dried food & water together to a plate, and then switch to the next clean plate. C) defrosting frozen food Please kindly leave an answer and I'd appreciate your sharing the reasons for the choice.
  8. Étant donné que nous partagions les deux systèmes entre les appareils TP-link qui étaient dispersés dans l'appartement, nous avons pu étendre la couverture en installant un deuxième wifi5 qui était lié à la box wifi gratuite 2.4. Des câbles Ethernet et un répartiteur alimenté sont utilisés pour établir la connexion entre les quatre machines. à partir de là, chaque appareil a la possibilité de déterminer s'il doit ou non être connecté à son propre réseau privé virtuel (VPN) en fonction du service dont il a besoin. Ce n'est que la moitié de ce que vous conseillez car, en général, les gens ne considèrent pas le Wi-Fi comme aussi fiable que les câbles.
  9. Hi, Looking for some guidance on French safety/building regulations for step inside an exterior door. Is there a minimum size a step would need to be/ or min clearance area? I have read something in UK about the clearance needing to be same size as door width. Im trying to ascertain if the step in image is compliant or would be seen an unsafe.
  10. Last week
  11. Pick a bunch of daisies if in season otherwise holly with berries or even oleander!
  12. Oh dear, I think my reply above might have been a bit hasty and uncompromising. So let's see if we can get anyone on the forum to chip in for your flowers, shall we? Come on, everyone, who will make a contribution to Norman's flower fund? Wooly, you being Norman's bestie? Plus all on here who have benefited from Norman's sage advice over the years and all those who have enjoyed his limericks and music and poems? I offer to do the collecting and take charge of all the monies....🙂
  13. I think white roses would cost an arm and a leg at the fleuriste. So, I'm afraid, my dear Norman, that you'd have to help yourself to them "au grand jardin là-bas"😂
  14. Les Roses blanches C'était un gamin, un gosse de paris Sa seule famille était sa mère Une pauvre fille aux grands yeux flétris Par les chagrins et la misère Elle aimait les fleurs, les roses surtout Et le cher bambin, le dimanche Lui apportait des roses blanches Au lieu d'acheter des joujoux La câlinant bien tendrement Il disait en les lui donnant : «C'est aujourd'hui dimanche Tiens ma jolie maman Voici des roses blanches Toi qui les aimes tant Va quand je serai grand J'achèterai au marchand Toutes ses roses blanches Pour toi jolie maman» Au dernier printemps le destin brutal Vint frapper la blonde ouvrière Elle tomba malade et pour l'hôpital Le gamin vit partir sa mère Un matin d'avril parmi les promeneurs N'ayant plus un sous dans sa poche Sur un marché le pauvre gosse Furtivement vola quelques fleurs La fleuriste l'ayant surpris En baissant la tête il lui dit : «C'est aujourd'hui dimanche Et j'allais voir maman J'ai pris ces roses blanches Elle les aiment tant Sur son petit lit blanc Là-bas elle m'attend J'ai pris ces roses blanches Pour ma jolie maman» La marchande émue doucement lui dit : «Emporte-les je te les donne» Elle l'embrassa et l'enfant partit Tout rayonnant qu'on le pardonne Puis à l'hôpital il vint en courant Pour offrir les fleurs à sa mère Mais en voyant une infirmière Lui dit tu n'as plus de maman Et le gamin s'agenouillant dit devant le petit lit blanc : «C'est aujourd'hui dimanche Tiens ma jolie maman Voici des roses blanches Toi qui les aimais tant Et quand tu t'en iras Au grand jardin là-bas Ces belles roses blanches Tu les emporteras»
  15. Er......which are your favourite flowers? Nothing too expensive mind😝
  16. Thank you so much! Your advice is greatly appreciated.
  17. I think that if someone incompetent works for you, either as an employee or as a tradesman, and does a bad job, there is probably no point in trying to make him do it again, as he is probably incapable of doing it any better, as he doesn't see things as you do. In the OP's case, the builder may actually believe he did a good job, and doesn't see any difference, in his eyes, between the "right" tiles and the cheaper ones.
  18. P.S. When we had to hire a Huissier, in 2022, the cost for her to come to our home and review the problem(s), take photos, put together a dossier and send the formal letter/documentation to the businesses (there were two), the cost to us was 350€ We live in a fairly rural part of France, so I suspect the price we paid could be a good bit less than it might be in larger cities. Either way, prices will vary. Just giving you an idea of what we paid. There could also be costs if the case continues and the Huissier needs to spend more time on the case.
  19. Agree with ssomon. If you have not paid him the remaining 50% of the work on the devis, consider not paying him. Call your insurance company (the one that covers your French property) to determine if you have Protection Juridique. If you don't and you still have a good bit of work to be done on your property, consider adding it to your coverage, but be sure to ask if adding it now will have any impact on work that had already begun - as it may only cover future projects. If you don't have Protection Juridique, consider speaking with or hiring a local Huissier to document the problems. The Huissier will send out formal notification to the builder with documentation of the problems and what the builder is expected to do to correct them. If this builder is still working in your house, you may want to seriously consider whether he is competent enough to complete the remaining work in a professional manner. I would also have serious concerns about the fact that - it sounds like - he is not insured. If he or one of his workers gets hurt on your property and the builder does not hold the proper insurance, things could go very wrong. Good luck.
  20. I think it is more likely a question of the secretarial staff than the medical. I doubt that the Doctors type or send anything them selves. The care I have received has saved my life, but receptionist and secretaries have nearly given me a heart attack 🤣
  21. I don't think reporting him will help your individual case. Depending on the amount of money involved, you should consider taking legal action against him. This can be quite costly in France If you do have Protection Juridique cover included in your home insurance, this is quite straightforward, as your insurance company will do whatever is necessary. (You haven't said whether or not you have this cover, which is of primary importance) If not, you should take legal advice, as you don't seem to have much idea of what to do.
  22. Yes, devis has his name and address. I do have the devis. What do I think? Should I report him? Where? He should not fool people around, particularly the foreigners. He took 50% upfront for the job without any work plus the materials! He bought the wrong and cheaper tile on the top of everything.
  23. What do you think? Does the devis have his name and address? Do you actually still have it?
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