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Lori last won the day on June 30

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  1. I can see how you might think that. However, take a look at the Kardashians and their following. Mind blowing.
  2. He's a real winner isn't he. But, it plays right up to their entourage - a bunch of old, white men and women passed their prime. I believe there is some truth to this, particularly regarding the younger generations. The half U.S. adults being her fans, I have my doubts about that. Yet, I don't think anyone would turn down an endorsement by her.
  3. You are not alone. I find it all just stupid. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/07/22/entertainment/charli-xcx-kamala-harris-brat-meme/index.html
  4. If you don't want all the furniture can you donate to an organization who would come take it off your hands ? We did that with 50% of our goods when we moved from Bédoin. Took quite a few phone calls to find organizations that would come take it, but we did in the end. ** This was to give it all away, not to sell it.
  5. Yes, I've seen that done in Paris many times. However, I've been told it is quite expensive. If no one wants the piano or there is no window large enough to haul it out of and onto an external lift (which would, of course, bring into question how it got there in the first place) or no one wants to pay for said removal, I'd go back to my original suggestion. Dismantle it.
  6. That is quite detailed Norman. I have saved it. Thank you.
  7. Sad story. I'm' sorry for the loss of your friend ALBF. I didn't realize Ehpad's were so expensive. Are they all that way and do all the residents pay similar annual fees ? As to car leases, they are the same the world over. READ the fine print folks. The lease does not go away, even if you die. Your estate (if you have one) or your next of kin will be expected to pay the remainder of the lease. NEVER NEVER NEVER do it.
  8. Which, I imagine, would have been a nail in her coffin. Though I don't think she will win if she is the Democratic nominee, I think in your scenario, she would lose by bigger numbers than she will under the current circumstances. Or should we say 'more biggly?'
  9. I don't think he'd win either. But who knows.
  10. I'd be very surprised if she won the election. I'm not convinced the Democrats will nominate her. Guess we'll soon see.
  11. Great idea. Perfect when you don't have time for all the washing, chopping, etc. Thanks !
  12. I've only heard breeders use the term b itch. Regular dog folks I talk with use the term male or female.
  13. Yes, I saw the headlines from the U.S. that vending machines selling ammunition were going to be installed. So, you can then stock up your bullets while purchasing a cold drink.
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