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  1. I am lucky enough to pop into the local health centre and to pow wow with the service secretary who offers me appointments from her ‘reserved list’ within 48 hours but I usually ask for late Friday. I get an email reminder, not letters etc. The last specialist I saw was the opthalmo who was very good but his secretariat was very controlling, seemingly to give appointments depending on her idea of what was urgent; as a diabetic getting the eyes checked is important so I let her know this after she tried to bump me off the list for three months. She immediately reinstated my appointment.
  2. Not just individual medicine that is in trouble; Urgences seems in the doodoo as well ( which I already knew from neighbourhood chatter), despite the Ministry apparently being economical with the truth: https://www.lefigaro.fr/conjoncture/les-medecins-urgentistes-alertent-face-a-la-degradation-inexorable-de-leurs-services-20240917
  3. Well, it seems that the Left is busy in-fighting in the good old traditional style which may be why Macron did not choose a PM from their ranks. Perhaps Starmer should look across the Channel to see what is to come! https://www.lefigaro.fr/politique/lfi-entre-francois-ruffin-et-les-insoumis-la-guerre-est-declaree-20240913
  4. Too much. blocking the aisles and you could get a steep fine: https://www.lemonde.fr/economie/article/2024/09/13/la-sncf-infligera-des-amendes-aux-passagers-des-tgv-inoui-en-cas-de-non-respect-de-son-reglement-des-bagages-a-partir-de-lundi_6315929_3234.html
  5. CU Dictionary says: an insulting word for someone, usually a young person, whose way of dressing, speaking, and behaving is thought to show their lack of education and low social class But nowadays many Chavs in the universities, often found on Med. holidays, on TV, and on cheap flights!
  6. Well, they are over and what a spectacle; and I am filled with immense admiration for the folk who took part and for the seamless organisation. So much courage and dedication. Long may the event thrive and long may the Para folks be able to practise their sports.
  7. I think the spirit of optimism has disappeared, Noisette, as governments have not really delivered on their promises over the years probably because they were never realistic, and the Eu is increasingly disappointing. It is seen as undermining French institutions and culture,mInthink. Perhaps the seeds of this were sown in Mitterand’s time when he promised a paradise on Earth for France which has not been delivered.
  8. Aren’t you remembering France through rosé(!) coloured spectacles, Noisette; my memory of visiting in those early days is that there was poverty, low earnings etc, just as there were the rich or those striving to become rich; things are better now, surely?
  9. Those who are likely to be in the streets are actually opposed to change, imbued with old fashioned rhetoric
  10. His danger comes from the nut jobs on the far right and far left. If it is wet today you might like to try and see how he might be censured by the Assemblé Nationale and if it is a real danger. https://www.lemonde.fr/les-decodeurs/article/2024/09/06/le-gouvernement-barnier-peut-il-echapper-a-la-censure-de-l-assemblee-nationale-testez-notre-simulateur_6305669_4355770.html
  11. It seems that recovering this beautiful old ruin has caused consternation amongst the locals because there will have to find another ‘room’ to consummate their passions; and, for some the return of the feudal lord is a problem. Ah, la France profonde! https://www.francetvinfo.fr/replay-magazine/france-2/13h15/video-le-chateau-de-commarque-ressuscite-par-le-descendant-de-la-famille-originelle-apres-quatre-siecles-d-abandon_6686130.html
  12. He is from the Haute Savoie, I think and his hobby is climbing(!). He seems a cold fish, narrow minded, unbending. But he might be able to grease enough palms to hold a government together for a while.
  13. One resident oik is here with guns loaded!🤪 I know the Navy has trouble funding itself but a “Plymouth based frigate for tourists” is going a bit far.
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