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  1. It's to embarrass Macron on the morning of the start of the Olympics. Who would want to embarrass Macron? Ok it's a long list, but the prime French candidate is Melenchon's extreme left rag-bag, as their candidate for prime minister has been turned down by Macron. It's likely the saboteurs were French as they knew exactly where to act to cause the maximum disruption.
  2. Perhaps the pedestrian/lawyer couple weren't aware of this:- "Pedestrians account for a significant proportion of road deaths. While you may be considered a priority on a number of roads, in different situations you do not have all the rights. Stay vigilant and do not take any reckless risks, particularly by crossing the road at random without ensuring that there is no danger to you or another road user" From https://www.securite-routiere.gouv.fr/reglementation-liee-aux-modes-de-deplacements/pietons-et-mobilite-urbaine/reglementation-des Maybe the subject couple were not seen to exercise sufficient caution in the opinion of the gendarme - ie actually looking both ways before they crossed? As many of us have seen ,many pedestrians just walk out in front of moving traffic without any observation, expecting the law to protect them.
  3. “Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.” (Possibly Groucho Marx ) That should be engraved on Macron's tombstone, it sums up what he is about perfectly.
  4. I'm replying to this topic to provide a test post for Dave Lister for forum technical management.
  5. FAO Admin or moderators. My post above is in the forum name of "Armor" - my correct forum name is Harnser. How did that happen? And can you please correct it.
  6. "national priority in certain areas, in particular for access to employment and housing" Presumably you are not aware that in the UK, employers and landlords are compelled by law to investigate the immigration status of prospective employees and tenants? https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/landlords-guide-to-right-to-rent-checks/landlords-guide-to-right-to-rent-checks-21-june-2024-accessible https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/5a7b94a8e5274a7318b8f97c/summary-guidance.pdf
  7. "if Bardella succeeds in creating a second class of French citizen" Bardella is proposing that holders of dual-citizenship should not be considered for higher civil service posts. This is the same rule as in the UK and a lot of other countries, so not worthy of concern.
  8. I cannot believe that you think that the RN is a real threat compared to the rag-bag of socialists, communists, green loons, trots, and a their assorted hangers-on that makes up the hastily assembled Nouveau Front Populaire. An agreement between France's left-wing parties was reached on Thursday, June 13, under the banner of the Nouveau Front Populaire. It includes La France Insoumise (LFI), the Parti Socialiste (PS), the Greens (Europe Ecologie-Les Verts, EELV) and the Communist Party. It should worry all of us that Melenchon will be at the centre of it. One former adviser, who asked to remain anonymous, says those close to him both admire and fear him. “Ninety percent of the time Mélenchon is a brilliant orator and a brilliant strategist, but 10 percent of the time he is mad and paranoid,” he said. “He is a scale model of a charismatic dictator,” he added. I'll take the Le Pen option, assuming that Macron is touted as being a busted flush.
  9. Or to put it another way - a gypsy's warning?
  10. PARIS (Reuters) -In a shock move, French President Emmanuel Macron on Sunday said he would dissolve parliament and call new legislative elections later this month after he was trounced in European elections by Marine Le Pen’s far-right party. Macron said the results were a disaster for his government, and one he could not pretend to ignore. In a high-risk political gamble, less than two months before Paris hosts the Olympics, he said lower house elections would be called for June 30, with a second-round vote on July 7. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/macron-calls-shock-french-elections-after-far-right-rout-by-le-pen/ar-BB1nUyAK Jordan BARDELLA RNNational gathering 4,503,486 votes 36.96 % Valérie HAYER RENRenaissance (the new name for Macron's party) 1,707,175 votes 14.01 % The above on partial results 49%of the vote.
  11. You obviously didn't read the articles I linked to which included facsimiles of the subpoenaed bank records. But you carry on with your grain of salt approach if it suits your mood.
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