Yesterday evening the doorbell rang and two scouts asked if they could camp in our garden. Of course, was our reply, so they picked a spot down by our mill stream under a tree. My wife was starting to prepare supper and suddenly dropped back into "Mum" mode, asking the lads if they would like to join us for supper. Of course, being large growing boys their faces lit up and said Merci bien. So she cooked a large pot of Pasta, Bolognese sauce, and garlic bread. This disappeared in no time, and while we were sitting outside on the terrace demolishing our ice cream supply the Guinguette along from us and on an island in Le Loir started their Friday evening music show, which was unusually a tad loud. We had said to the boys if it rains you are welcome to come and sleep in the house. Half an hour after disappearing down the garden there was a gentle knock on the door, Madame the music was so loud we could not sleep, so once again Mum mode took over, they left this morning after a hearty breakfast faced with another 25 kilometre walk to their next destination. Overall a delightful episode which involved us in a touch of French country life.