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anotherbanana last won the day on July 11

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  1. Glorious, French, kitsch fun and no bloody hospital beds! A bit long though.
  2. Getting bulky objects in and out or high flats is usually done using an external lift which takes the thing right to the road outside. Seen it done many times in Belgium.
  3. Anyone come across this at motorway service stations or elsewhere? Be careful folks: https://www.cnews.fr/france/2024-07-21/departs-en-vacances-quest-ce-que-larnaque-lirlandaise-de-plus-en-plus-repandue-sur
  4. Biden played this really wrong; he should have stood down immediately which means Kamala would have become President immediately and have had several months in office before the election, raising her profile and showing the public what she is capable of doing.
  5. France’s last working telephone box is attracting attention and may become a tourist attraction. Never noticed their departure. https://www.lefigaro.fr/actualite-france/elle-n-arrete-pas-de-sonner-en-alsace-la-derniere-cabine-telephonique-en-france-attire-les-curieux-20240721
  6. Paris businesses say they are suffering a big drop in customers at present, not least people avoiding the place because of the Games but there are apparently other reasons. Judging by the weak business of the gite next door to me folk are being very careful with their money, taking, for example only one week of away holiday rather than two or three. https://www.francetvinfo.fr/les-jeux-olympiques/paris-2024/paris-2024-commercants-et-restaurateurs-deplorent-une-baisse-de-frequentation-sans-precedent_6677007.html
  7. Try ‘Je m’en bats les coudes/couilles’ - think Gone with the Wind.
  8. Another question, at what point would it have been legitimate to have shot Hitler?
  9. My Maizy is a lady dog. Is it still permitted to call her a b itch or has that word been taken over by the mob? My grandson says it is rude. Then there was Evelyn Waugh!
  10. Was wandering the streets of Montreuil just before the weekend, training the dog Approached a road to cross with a crossing, marked and clear about 15 metres away. Road very slow, flat, cobbled and moderately busy with vehicles and tourists. Normal vehicle speed is a crawl or less. A couple approach the crossing and the woman starts crossing; a gendarme SUV hoots them and half crosses;, no sign of flashing lights. The man crosses and tells off the gendarme vehicle which pulls and the two gendarme give them a right mouthful. Unfortunately the woman was a lawyer, so she said. Even my grandson was shocked at their behaviour. Such arrogance.a
  11. What please is Porkaman that apparently sensible folk need several fones simyultamusli(sic) and sit in parks trying to catch something? Is it a way to claim sickness benefit?😜
  12. Oh yes you can cheat; make a noise when someone is about to throw, for eg.
  13. Now that, my dear menthy one is a pure and proper sport, played only by true sportsmen with proper spirit.
  14. Has the word ‘pedant’ not been banned as discriminatory, particularly against older people, likely to cause confusion with other words beginning with ‘ped’, and implying an educated user which is now definitely infra dig. It has been replaced by ‘duh’!🙀
  15. Surely, the Euro is a currency?😜
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