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French Women are Easy

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I think I have a phrase book that has questions and expected answers, I daresay you could work from the basics.( I'll look it out)

I have the same problem.....and my numbers its only because I am used to auctions in the Uk that I keep up, otherwise I'd be putting my hand up for €2000 thinking it was 2s6d

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[quote]It's true and I've got the bruises to prove it.. We spent the day at the beach ( not normal for us in August). and at least 15+ women hit on me, some very sexy, given I'm mid 30's, is this normal beha...[/quote]

An old friend  got that alot....but we figured out the women thought he was the family dog because he was so hairy.  You know how the French love dogs.
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Vous êtes tellement drôles, vous les british !! En France, l'image que nous avons des anglais est plutôt à votre désavantage: la peau blanche, les cheveux roux et les coups de soleil sur votre peau !!! Aussi, quand je lis que les femmes françaises sont "faciles" (quelle vulgarité, tellement "british"), je souris à pleine dent. regardez-vous dans une glace. les femmes françaises sont des latines. Mais je pense que pour vous, cette option ne doit pas signifier grand chose...

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[quote]Vous êtes tellement drôles, vous les british !! En France, l'image que nous avons des anglais est plutôt à votre désavantage: la peau blanche, les cheveux roux et les coups de soleil sur votre peau !!...[/quote]

I seem to remember a survey last year about from which country produced the best lovers and what one country said about its own men.

The gist was that French men are very bad lovers said the French women and the main reasons given were that French men were lazy, arrogant, extremely sexist and chauvinistic with as much charisma as a wet lettuce leaf. It was clear that they loved the English chaps because they were well mannered, polite, sophisticated and extremely attentive towards their partners and showed a great sense of humour (something the previous poster sadly lacks as a prime example of French manhood). Of course I personally can identify with all of this.

Jealousy is another great French trait amongst men so I can fully understand why you should want to make the reply you did. It must be very frustrating considering that the French have some of the most beautiful women in the world, well down here anyway and with English chaps around the local French chaps just don't get a look in. One only has to look at the lonely hearts columns in the news papers to see how desperate the French women are to get hold of English men. Sigh, if only I could clone myself

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Hahahahaha !!! Quillan, you are so funny (and a bit pathetic). So british, so arrogant !! I imagine you writing this post while looking at yourself in the mirror !

Come on ! We all know that most of british people are ugly. I understand you when you write about Brits:  "they were well mannered, polite, sophisticated and extremely attentive towards their partners". I hope that the light is turned off ! I spent 3 months in London and I understood how lucky I was to be French and love French women.

It's funny to read what you write about French People in your post. So, what are you doing in this website. If you don't like French people, just go back home !!

I agree with you when you say that we have some of the most beautiful women in the world. You don't.

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"I agree with you when you say that we have some of the most beautiful women in the world."

And you asked why I was living in France?

As to the rest of your comments, well you just proved that what French women said was true really . There you go shooting the messenger, all I did was repeat what French women said. It aparently put's you in the same basket as the Italians as their women prefer English chaps as well.

Still the Belgian women like the French chaps so it can't be all bad for you, or can it?

As for English women, well they are just a nice as the French women it's just they don't get much of chance to wear shorts and bikini tops in London.

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"It's funny to read what you write about French People in your post. So, what are you doing in this website."

We're British, what's your excuse? Haven't you got any French friends to play with? Or do they think you're a cretin as well?

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[quote]I seem to remember a survey last year about from which country produced the best lovers and what one country said about its own men. The gist was that French men are very bad lovers said the Fre...[/quote]

>>>Sigh, if only I could clone myself <<<

Reminds me a Billy Connelly sketch!  So bring to your minds his voice and glaswegian accent!

and it goes sort of : I am approached in Edinburgh during the festival by a lassie asking me if I would like a good time?... No thanks, I'm having a good time as it is... Ach! you're miserable so and so!... Well thanks for the compliment but don't need good time right now.... and the conversation sort of drags out with this goodtime provider following me around.... So I ask her : How is business?... she replied : If I had another pair of legs I would open up in Glasgow!!!


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Viva - Don't confuse the poor chap by using the word cretin, he will think he is a small square piece of toast that you get in soup.


Orsanton - A cretin is defiantly not a crouton, I know it’s confusing for you, just think idiot, then you will get the jest of it.


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Quillian, I visited your website http://www.chambresdhote.com

It doesn't seem to work so well... (855 visitors, what can I say...) I'm sure that before coming to France, You were expected to make a living with your gîte but it's not so easy, isn't it ? Sorry about that.

Talking about your website, your French version is full of mistakes . First, your URL is not correct. We don't write "chambres d'hôte" but "chambres d'hôtes" !! Where did you learn French?? We get the feeling that your web site has been written by a kid.

Then, it's easy to see that your chambres d'hôteS are owned by brits: "IL EST INTERDIT DE FUMER DANS LES CHAMBRES" or "NE BUVEZ PAS AVANT DE CONDUIRE". So british ! You expect French tourists to come in a house where everything is forbidden ! Come on !


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Come on will ban this punk orsanton, unless of course someone in authority has invented this character to beef up the forum in a similar way that the "thatcher" poster who wanted to carpet bomb paris was allowed to stay for longer than was decent.
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[quote]Quillian, I visited your website http://www.chambresdhote.com It doesn't seem to work so well... (855 visitors, what can I say...) I'm sure that before coming to France, You were expected to make ...[/quote]

Thanks for the free advert.

I know it's not very many, what should I do? Still we don't really want French people, the English have so much more money to spend, much nicer and well behaved.

In fact we have so much more of everything than the French, including literacy it would seem judging by your reply. I buy and sell houses, I buy cheap from the French, double the price and sell to the English, a nice little earner.

We have now decided to stop speaking French and make you French learn English (it's not working very well judging by the quality of your replies), it's only right really; we have beaten you in just about every war (Agincourt, Waterloo etc) and had to save you on two occasions from the Germans who are really nice people by the way. But I am charitable and forgive you  .

But then we are doing you all a favour, we pay tax on everything to feed, cloth and shelter the unemployed in France.

We are helping to bring France in to the 21st Century (well somebody has to); you seem to be stuck in the 19th at present. And if we were really that bad I am sure the French government would throw us out but then what would they do for their money.

Talking of money it's a bit of a cheek you lot charging us to drive on the Autoroutes considering we paid for them in the first place. I think the French should pay double and the English pay nothing, got to get our money back somehow.

Anyway, I must dash old chap; being only an amature bullsh1ter myself I await the master’s reply with baited breath .


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How did you get a picture of orsanton, can you confirm if it is male or female as there was a suggestion that he was a she?

Sadly after typing my last response Forum Admin banned him/her which was nothing to do with me I might add. Just as I was warming to the poor, misguided chap/chapess as well. Guess I will never get a response now to my 'fishing' expedition. Well thats life I suppose. Still like English women (I bet they are please to know :whistling, just as nice as the French in bikini's. Oh well make to answering questions on Outlook and alike, shame really I was enjoying myself there for a minute or two.

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Well he is back now called Coluch and I have recieved a badly concived personal email which is a follows (why he can't write in English is beyond me as this is a English forum about France)


Thank you for all your comments. C'est toujours très intéressant de lire tesqpensées profondes sur les Français, comme, par exemple,: "The gist was that French men are very bad lovers said the French women and the main reasons given were that French men were lazy, arrogant, extremely sexist and chauvinistic with as much charisma" ou bien "I buy and sell houses, I buy cheap from the French, double the price and sell to the English, a nice little earner" ou encore ";we have beaten you in just about every war (Agincourt, Waterloo etc) and had to save you on two occasions from the Germans who are really nice people by the way" ou "We are helping to bring France in to the 21st Century (well somebody has to); you seem to be stuck in the 19th at present."... Les exemples ne manqent pas, on dirait. Tu es tombé dans mon piège !!

Comme je l'ai dit à Will the Conqueror, je vais surfer sur bon nombre de forums touristiques et autres et expliquer aux internautes quel genre de "gentleman" tu es. Je vais préciser que j'ai été l'un des clients de ta chambre d'hôtes cet été et qu'on a été reçus comme des chiens !!

Tu dis que tes clients sont anglais ?? Très bien, c'est ce que nous verrons.

For a literal translation of the French piece.....

The examples do not manqent, one would say. You fell into my trap!! As I said to Will the Conqueror, I go surfer on considerable forums tourist and different and to explain to the Net surfers which kind of "gentleman" you are. I will specify that I was one of the customers of your room of hosts this summer and that one was received like dogs!! You say that your customers are English?? Very well, it is what we will see.

By the way, your house looks like my garage !

  • Let orsanton back, I was enjoying his stuff.  It was no more offensive than many others who still post and an interesting insight into the French Sun reader/Chav mentality.  It only got silly and nasty because les Anglais reacted to it with the usual crap about Agincourt and the War.  It may have been a wind up but if you think that it is an isolated opinion, think again.  All you had to do was read it and ignore it, he got what he wanted when you started trading insults.
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    Oh come on Ron you don't think I really think that way? Of course he wanted somebody to answer and me being bored at the time thought it would be a nice bit of sport to let him think I was biting. If I was really serious I could have really taken offence to some of his personal comments but then you have to laugh, life is difficult enough. He does post in a few other forums we have found and he has a .be email address so yes he was a Troll (no offence Mr Troll if you are still out there). Anyway who cares, he's gone now but then who really cared in the first place. By the way I didn't see you or any of the other chaps stick up for our "English Roses".

    To those that dropped me personal, encouraging messages etc many thanks, wasn't it a gas!

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    I know NOW that you don't think that way, but how could I have known before when you were trading insults?  That is the trouble with messages, you type them with a smile and they are read with a scowl  For what its worth I found the exchanges very amusing but then I wasn't on the receiving end
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