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Outlook 'bleak'


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No, not actually Norman - only for 3 years - after their 1st budget they started spending massively in the public sector (3 m. more 'jobs') costing the taxpayer 30Billion.

The OECD have long criticised GB for his tax & spend.   But it's typical for a socialist government.


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Seems to me the real problem is the rest of the world - and Britain in particular - jumped on the American bandwagon of funding everything with cheap money without questioning or understanding what was behind that finance - very little as it turned out. The US government ignored advice to rein in the spending bonanza, and everyone else followed the Americans into the abyss. If our former prudent Iron Chancellor was as good at his job as he and his Labour friends made out, why didn't he see it coming and act sooner to make sure the banks were not over-stretching themselves?
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This topic started with a reference to the outlook for France's economy. It has become yet another Britain-bashing, or to be more precise, Gordon Brown-bashing session.

Does this mean that the users of this forum think that France's economy is in good shape? That it is somehow going to escape the ills that have hit the rest of the civilised world? That it has no national debt, unemployment, or public over-spend? Or is it because their pensions come from Britain and they have no stake in the 'real' France, French politics just don't concern them?

Just interested...

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A valid point Will (unsurprising given its source.) I was reading elsewhere a pretty common and oft-repeated thread on taking up French citizenship and whether or not there is any point to this.  I have always felt it will be something I will do when my five years are up (next summer) because I firmly believe one should vote in the country which one has made one's home and this is the only way to do so.  However, as my pension is from the UK it is certainly true that UK economic policy still affects me, even though I no longer live there.  So it's still up for debate as to whether my vote is better used (from a purely selfish standpoint only - moral issues aside) in the UK or here.

However, I still remain to be convinced that governments of any hue have much influence in financial markets these days.  It seems to me that currency speculators have as much bearing on the value of my pension as anybody I might be able to vote for.  Scary thought.  But I digress....

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In these difficult times, perhaps the depth of economic misery suffered by individuals is linked to the amount of personal indebtment which they have been permitted to accumulate. And therefore, given that the French generally (and the Germans?) are not so addicted to living on tic, they are getting through the crisis better?

On the other hand, the very sectors which were Britain's strength (ie property and the City) are those areas which have been worst hit, whereas France has a more varied economy as does Germany, though the may yet feel more pain.


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There is a strong sense of quiet despair amongst the community currently. It is so sad and bad as so much hope is being crushed. Perhaps the mods might sing carols from Queens to cheer us up..... well, you, not me. RH on the Bongos, Quillan on the gate, Hoddy on contralto, 'er with the frogs legs on guitar and RA on GOG. Personally I am getting in the booze when I get back from Belgium, plus food and, with the dogs, we have 25 plus new DVDs to watch.

And there will be a Woolybanana blog in the new year to entertain you all. It will be a cross between RA, the Daily Mail and Hope.

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Good on yer, Wooly!  I was going to PM you to see what you'd be up to and now I'm glad to see you are behaving more or less "normally"!

I'm off the wagon for the duration but I am cold and not my usual happy-bunny self.

Should be OK though as puter working OK now and I shall be doing frugal and simple and will be  planning my new life in the New Year!  Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS, tell dear Randy she's welcome to spend Christmas up at the Chateau as usual if she feels so inclined.

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Randy. huhhhhhhhhhhh, the little baggage has discovered the back entrance to a Gendarme Caserne somewhere I dare not mention and is earning a fortune poledancing, so she says. The little hussey, I thought she was going to help me distribute food to the poor and needy.

As to her at Chateau Sweets, I assure you you don't want her there, the light fingered little bizzum, and she'd have your husband too.

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Come on Wooly - I warned all the lads in my village that Randy is coming- and they are all so excited. You can't break their heart now! the only reason my 2 agreed to come for Christmas is because they know Randy will be there to entertain the village boys- so they can have a good rest.

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