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New Specs


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I am interested, how do the online opticians position the lenses in the right place and adjust the prescription to suite the angle of you lens on your face? I've been out of the business nearly 20 years, but I still remember the troubles we used to have with lenses that were not centred correctly! Do you have to send your measurements or do they just hope you are average?

By the way... Hypermetropia - Long Sight, Myopia - Short Sight, Astigmatism - Front of eye like a rugby ball instead of a football or lens not straight, Presbyopia - Old Sight, I used to find that funny 20 years back - not so funny now. Most people have a touch of astigmatism, don't let the optician tell you that you are unique and that your lenses need to cost lots more! (Oh, while I'm at it, a squint is not what you do when you look at the sun, a squint is eyes that don't look in the same direction).  


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  • 3 weeks later...

I am sorry Battypuss, I am going sound a right bitch here and most of the forum will slate me , but your daughter has needed new specs for 2 months, you stated that you were short of 50 euros,(that in my simple maths equates to 6 euros per week) did you not get the allocation rentre? What are you living off to have such a low budget? have you tried for RMI? is there nobody , either in France or UK you can do a long term loan off?  Just how long do you plan to let the long term well being of your daughter go on for?

Is this the modern version of a begging letter?

Mrs O


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FYI Opas, I have tried everything. I have no family, apart from a the children, whatsoever, anywhere in the world. I have declared myself bankrupt to the Banque de France. I cannot claim RMI because I am classed as handicapped now which renders us even poorer as I now have to pay for things I did not previously, such as a TV License and a mutuelle. I had to take the glassless wonder out of her school and put her elsewhere, where she has the choice of coming home and stuffing food down her neck in 10 minutes or eating at the canteen, needless to say, that doesn't come free. My other daughter broke her ankle about the same time and that caused more school bill problems with food. Since both bills for school lunches are administered by the Trésor Public, they took it upon themselves to deduct that amount from our Allocations Familiales.

Don't be so judgemental. The Social worker has done something, I have to see another on monday, but neither can help with the glasses as far as I am aware because the CPAM are 'dealing with it'.

My letter was not intended to be begging in the slightest, just warning other people that things can be difficult here, no matter how many avenues you explore, it all takes time.

Our current allowance for food is 3€ per day. How much more would you like me to cut it down????This is for three people, remember. Yes, the Restos de Coueer have stepped in. YOU try eating what they handed out last week: 6 cans of Cassoulet, 3 cans of sausage and lentil, 6 cartons of milk, 1 kg of rice, ditto spaghetti, 12 yoghurts, one and a half bars of chocolate (cooking sort), 4 frozen burgers and 2 fish cakes! So we have cassoulet monday, cassoulet tuesday, 1 burger wednesday, we fight over the fish cakes thursday. Kids having stomach problems with too many beans...and I am allergic to milk.

Oh I forgot, we also had 3 minute coupelles of compote de pommes and two camembert that flew home, so high were they.

Send me a menu that contains something one can buy (3 breakfasts, two lunches and three dinners), balanced and full of all good stuff for growing kids and I'll shut up. I forget to mention one will not eat eat beans, lentils or any form of cheese.

Have a Happy Christmas.
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B,puss,my heart bleeds for you not,for me your sad tale of woe is so full of how to say errors,you still have internet access I note which is at least 25euro,s and as far as I know most kids have two hours for their lunches,why are you in france when for sure you know that your kids would be better of in the UK.The 3 euro,s a day you have to live on is a joke surely,21 euro,s a week,15 quid for three people to eat.How long have you lived in france,because it was only at the start of this year than EU citizens did not need a CDS,and before that in order to live in france one had to be able to support one,s self.Enough said I think that you are a self centred joke.
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I have internet thanks to the kids godfather, who also owns the computer.

Please explain to me how a child can stop school at 11.50, as is the case at the new College, either walk or catch a bus (which goes at 12.03) after 10 minutes walk from school to bus stop so obviously can't catch the bus if she's one minute late out of College? Then, perhaps, instead of being a normal car owning person, you can also explain how the only bus she can get back to College is the one she just got off and eat lunch as well?

Even the College agreed it was impossible. Hence the appointment with their social worker, in the hope that Polly can eat there for less, her suggestion, not mine.

For your information I have been here for 13 years on the twenty-third of December. I have paid my dues. In England AND in France.

If you want to have a go at someone, try the families who are unemployable that land here, rent a house, have 5 kids and then sponge from the French. Then I will agree wholeheartedly with your point of view.

We do not fit into this category.

I wish you all a Happy Christmas, and will keep trying here with the CPAM! I don't give up that easily and I doubt the new poster has as much experience of the French system (legal variety) as I, and thank you moderator for your kind comments.
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Now I realy am confused! you have lived in France for 12 years and have nobody you can turn to? but when prompted on the use of a computer/internet, it turns out you use the childrens godfathers, call me what you will , but isnt that a contradiction in itself ? 


How about a loaf of sliced bread for toast....should last 3-4 days  1 euro 40

                                   10 eggs                                            1 euro

                                    sack of spuds....will last for weeks        3 euros

                                     5 killo bag of onions                                      99 cents

                                    pack of 100% beefburgers   less than    4 euros

                                    tin of  tuna                                                 60 cents

                                    tin of sweetcorn                                           33 cents

                                    1kg carrots                                                   30 cents

                                    12 plain yougurs                                  1 euro   50 cents

                                    packets of pasta   Ikg                                       50 cents

                                    Pack of frozen queue de lotte                 1 euro 50 cents

this fish is lovely baked in a tomato sauce with bit of garlic and a few dried herbs

your frozen burgers are very versatile and can be used as mince with the potato and carrots for a stew and with some passatta for a pasta.......we do regular. Potatoes can be baked and add tuna and sweetcorn....I could go on but.....this is not the food forum!


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[quote]Now I realy am confused! you have lived in France for 12 years and have nobody you can turn to? but when prompted on the use of a computer/internet, it turns out you use the childrens godfathers, call...[/quote]

I'd love to know where you can buy 5 kilos of onions for 99 centimes. In our local shop, 1kg costs more than that! I realise there are many cheap meals to be made with cheap ingredients, God alone knows I've had enough practice, but the great big bags of spuds etc. Are only cheap in a large supermarket, to which we don't have access, being carless...

To clear up the internet question. The computer is owned by the children's godfather, who lives in England. He uses his pension to pay for the Internet/phone line.

Anyway, all I really wanted to know was how long the CPAM are likely to sit on a 'dossier', which consists of two pieces of paper. A simple yes or no from them would suffice. If we had 2€ less per month, we would qualify for CMU, but short of knocking off one of the children, I'm not sure how to rejig the benefits.

Thank you for taking the time to suggest some cheap meals. Not sure how you make lasagna with no oven, however. Sadly, the kids won't eat tuna in any shape or form either! I am honestly NOT trying to be difficult or provocative.
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Firstly no one mentioned lasagne!

We are going round in circles here , all I asked was can you not borrow long term off anyone, you stated you have nobody anywhere and in the next breath your children have a godfather who pays for your internet access......You will obviously do you own thing as is your right.

You have been here long enough to know that CPAM work at their own pace, some days they will surpass themselves and do things streight away and for other seemingly more urgent matters they drag their feet, but one thing is for sure that if my daughter was anywhere near as blind as me ,I would sit and beg outside the supermarket  or do what ever it takes to pay for them, not sugesting you do this of course .


Hope your daughters problem gets solved soonest.

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I would prefer to wait for an answer from the CPAM, whom I know of old can be either superfast or slow as anything before getting the glasses! If they so NO, I will move heaven and earth to get the money elsewhere by fair means or foul. I am not a bad mother, honestly! I agree it might sound like it. The Godfather is prepared to pay for this connection but not anything else, actually I don't think he has any more money than that. I take it and be grateful, else we'd be completely marooned...

Sorry about the lasagna misunderstanding, it's just the first thing (apart from canneloni) that sprang to mind when thinking 'recycle beefburgers'.

Any ideas how to make tuna look and taste like something totally different, these two kids are both good cooks and it is very difficult to fool them. One look is enough normally, then they dissect the recipe before they taste the result. I've tried hiding it in pastry, pasta, sauce, rice and chinese wrappers. Hasn't worked so far!

Thank you for your good wishes.
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[quote]What a shock yesterday. At long last saw our opthalmo and duly got a new and necessary prescription. Found a new pair of specs at the opticians immediately which was amazing really and I was feeling r...[/quote]

Sacre Bleu,mais oui etc!!!!

Just had a quote of 215euros PER lense for varifocal lenses,of equal strength.At this rate it will be cheaper to pay for a ferry and visit uk,than buy local,especially as we have had to wait 8 months for an eye test.Will try and get more quotes,from independents who have lower overheads,but am not optimistic.Ive heard they are cheaper in India,does anyone know the ferry timetable?

        ooh la la--Maude

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Maude, Luckily John and I have both had our eyes tested recently and I broke my specs a week before I went to the UK last year so I got a new pair - but it did hit the £350+ for a pair in the UK - varifocals, I don't think that is much different from your quote.

I actually have a spare pair as it is illegal in some EU countries to drive without a spare pair in the car in case of breakage. I also have another spare pair (identical) as Vision Express forgot the UV filter on the first pair and so made a second pair and gave both to me (the lenses cannot be removed from my frames once made). The spares are over 4 years old but luckily my vision has not changed enough to make them obsolete.

I know people in the UK who get specs made in Cyprus while on holiday as it is so cheap. The problem with varifocals is that they have to be fitted to each eye or they do not work correctly.

Ho hum, another jar to stick on the shelf to take any spare cents.

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