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  1. But I put bleach down my loo in France. That stuff with the parfum. I always have done whether it be from Super U or Carrefour or Leader Price.  I always check that it is bio degradable and I don't do it every day either, but I do it regularly never the less.   Funny how much we get to know about people on here isn't it. I bet my best friends don't know that.   AND on the subject of toilets, I think I'm off, the Geheime Staatspolizei are in action again and I just can't be doing with it.
  2. We used to have the same problem, and it was always during the HC because the water heater came on too, we had to have it on then other wise we wouldn't have had enough hot water. I was so glad when we had it upped.
  3. Post edited by Moderator   What does this mean please?
  4. You are kidding aren't you. Now, even if I haven't got to be told to be careful what goes down mains drains,  personally I would never 'abuse' them any more. I remember my SIL putting a disposable nappy down hers and blocking the whole system and it cost a pretty penny to get it unblocked. I just wouldn't put anything other than is necessary down any system any more. Surely sani towels and tampons and condoms must take a lot of clearing out by some process or other that is costly.
  5. Guard that attestation, that is REALLY important. The Carte Vitale as Clair said is convenient.
  6. Well at least she has a song named after her.[:)] I would have thought it would be a very confusing name with it being a conjugaison that is used all the time.
  7. Teamedup


    Yes, maybe, I had forgotten about that one.
  8. Teamedup


    Just googled Total France forums, got the link to press on and it is working now. Apart from the very odd occassion when someone has suggested I look on there, I just don't go over there. Haven't tried to log on, as I don't.
  9. [:-))] As I said my Dad loves it. He puts it on early morning and leaves it on low all day long and then it is tender. He doesn't seal it or anything, just in the oven with something covering it and he checks that there is a little water in the bottom of the dish regularly. Can't stand it myself, but lots of people do like it. If I was given a joint, I would make it into sausage meat to be honest.
  10. When I got to France in 1981 women with tiny babies who were not even three months old were going back to work. In the north of England I had only known of one woman at that time who was going straight back, but still taking 6 months off first. Maybe in the north things were a little different, I don't know, but it wasn't as if I had moved to Paris either when I moved to France. Women in France do work. Usually both parents work. I have never known many women who have taken much time off when they have had their children.
  11. I had to see the toubib today with some results, but my throat is very sore and swollen. He looked at it then swobbed it to check for an angine before prescribing anything. It is just a virus, but what a good idea this is. I don't like taking anti biotics if they aren't necessary and now I'm sure I didn't need them. He told me to just suck sweets, like I ever need any encouragement to do that.
  12. 1) are you permanent residents in France 2) you are self employed, but where are you working? If you work from France then you should be registered in France and paying into the system, donc you don't need an E106, ask if your husband can be noted as a dependant. 3) If you go to the UK to work and pay contributions there, then check with Newcastle and see what E forms are appropriate for you both and see if your husband is not working now, if he can be classed as a dependant. 4) E form or paying directly into the french system, then I would recommend that you take out top up health insurance.
  13.  I don't know 36 brits never mind couples and families. Well not in my address book. I have very few brit friends here. There are some brits where my husband works and when we've been to the very rare do's that were held at work I would see some of them. We are on slightly more than nodding terms and they are all long termers like us. Like us they all came after they found a job. I have heard of brits starting work there and leaving quite quickly, even with a job, it doesn't suite everyone.  
  14. What people do in their own homes and what parents allow is quite another thing ofcourse.  But here are the regs   Protection des mineurs, accès des mineurs aux débits de boissons Il est interdit de recevoir dans les débits de boissons des mineurs de moins de seize ans qui ne sont pas accompagnés de leur père, mère ou tuteur ou de toute personne de plus de dix-huit ans en ayant la charge ou la surveillance. Toutefois, les mineurs de plus de treize ans, même non accompagnés, peuvent être reçus dans les débits de boissons assortis d’une licence de 1re catégorie. Service des boissons Consommation sur place : 1° Peuvent seules êtres vendues ou offertes gratuitement aux mineurs de moins de seize ans, pour être consommées sur place, les boissons non alcooliques constituant le premier groupe des boissons ; 2° Peuvent seules être vendues ou offertes gratuitement aux mineurs de plus de seize ans et de moins de dix-huit ans, pour être consommées sur place, des boissons appartenant aux premier et deuxième groupes des boissons. Boissons à emporter : Peuvent seules être vendues ou offertes gratuitement aux mineurs de moins de seize ans, pour emporter, les boissons appartenant au premier groupe des boissons. Répression de l’ivresse publique 1° Il est interdit de vendre au détail, à crédit, soit au verre, soit en bouteille, des boissons des troisième, quatrième et cinquième groupes à consommer sur place ou à emporter. 2° Il est interdit de vendre au détail, à crédit, soit au verre, soit en bouteille, des boissons du deuxième groupe à consommer sur place. 3° Outre l’interdiction qui leur est faite de faire boire jusqu’à l’ivresse un mineur, il est interdit aux débitants de boissons de donner à boire à des gens manifestement ivres ou de les recevoir dans leurs établissements.   1er groupe: - Boissons sans alcool: eau minérale, jus de fruit, thé, café, chocolat, etc. 2ème groupe: - Boissons fermentées non distillées: vin, bière, cidre, vins doux naturels, jus de fruit ou de légumes fermentées, comportant 1 à 3 degrés d'alcool. 3ème groupe: - Vins doux naturels autres que ceux du groupe 2: apéritif à base de vin ne contenant pas plus de 18 degrés d'alcool pur. 4ème groupe: - Rhum, eau de vie, liqueurs, etc... provenant de la distillation du vin 5ème groupe: - Toutes les autres boissons alcoolisées, apéritifs, vodka, gin, whisky, etc
  15. He may be use to estimating the time for doing jobs. What he won't be used to is how much he needs to charge to get a living wage in France. Remember those cotisations. They don't take into account having no income or anything 'silly' like that. When the URSSAF etc want paying they want paying immediately. And woe betide you if you make a profit, you get hammered the following year.
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