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  1. Be warned, as I believe, when you receive your facture, you should just add the cheque to the envelope with the piece you tear off - that should only have the amount written on it. If you have signed it you are giving them permission to take the money by direct debit etc.
  2. Just to point out that the next week or so looks to be having quite a bad time for weather around the Perigeux to Limoges area. Check the Meteo but storms are forecast for nearly the whole week - looks like local flooding as well - best to be prepared.
  3. Krusty - this just got me laughing - thank you for putting a smile into all this stupidity...
  4. Remember who Nick Clegg is married to - hence the remark one feels....
  5. what's it about Frenchie - nothing showing.
  6. Brilliant - the looks of hate! Made me smile
  7. Looks like it beats a Rampant R*b*i*
  8. At present we are on the top floor of a block - so can't get the bikes up the stairs (no lifts). Winter definitely means casseroles and puddings - sticky treacle or syrup with custard for the OH. Roast beef dinners on Sundays instead of chicken & salads. T-shirt on under the top & SOCKS - my friends all say they know winter is coming when I put on my socks again!
  9. He reminds me of a lost puppy or child - he has an incredible mind but like all genius's he is I think on a different planet - think Robin Williams in WD 'Flubber'. He understands the working of most things, or takes the trouble to do so, I think he's ok! And like you say, he likes bikes.
  10. 781.4 on my first 'lethal pingu'! Only 151.4 on the other game - I still prefer the ballons though, that kept me away from work for hours!
  11. Might one have/see a photograph to prove the honour?
  12. My original piece is about the way we have press reports about us heading towards being an overweight nation  - we are often portrayed in national press as an uncouth/overweight nation - we all get tarred by the same brush, even though it is often only a minority. She needs education to prove that healthy eating is not expensive and needs to regain pride in herself! I hate reading articles in the press about us not being able to cook and eat properly or that we live on the social.
  13. Apparently the driver is not to be fined as he was seen inspecting the coach to try and deter stowaways - and the other drivers do not I suppose!!!
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