Attin: interesting, Woolly.
In our early days, 20 odd years ago, Mrs Gluey and I used to drive along the A 16 coast road in order to visit our friends who then ran a B&B in Campagne Les Hesdin and visit the Leclerc store at Attin.
One day, surreally, she was chatting to a work colleague in her then office in the City and discovered she came from Attin and that her brother ran a large farming co-op outside!
Pas de Calais, of course has changed significantly, from a farming community to an industrialised area, as major farming outfits have mechanised, hoovered up smaller farms and created mass-redundancy. The younger French eat junk food in increasing volumes and have been Balkanised by American media "culture": hence, the increasing levels of obesity, tattoos and rejection of the wonderful French culture. Sad IMHO.
Montreuil: ah, a cultured lovely old walled town, still cobbled in the centre and, of course, the HQ of allied forces in WW1. Some excellent restaurants and hotels therein but expensive. It is also the centre for administration, including the local ImpĂ´t. Hesdin is the same; couth and most interesting historically. Next time you are there, wander out of the main square and visit the church.
I never forget Montreuil, since it was the place when driving over the cobbles, a centre wheel cap fell off my BMW, in traffic and I could not recover it and had to buy a replacement from my local UK Beema distributor; severe pain in wallet!
Tourists tend to power through the Pas de Calais en route to the South and consider it bland and boring. It isn't, actually.
Wonderful natural sandy beaches running right from Dunkirk through to the Somme and beyond. Some beautiful rural areas, great golf courses and if one looks, excellent food and drink.
St. Omer, for example, is well worth a visit. Some excellent and beautiful old architecture.
I used to drive to Brico Depot in BRUAY LA BUISSIERE; this was and is a poor and deprived area, where loads of coal mining went on, years ago. Strange it has never recovered...