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Everything posted by Jc

  1. Driving up a narrow country road and confronted by an approaching car I swerved off the road but to the left!!The bemused Frenchman in the other car ended up in the middle of a field.(he swerved to his right).
  2. Should have added you will then need to go to "back room"and then "technical matters".
  3. Try the forums(fora)at www.honestjohn.co.uk There are people on there who know everything about every car.
  4. Depnds on your level of dial-up-the one I used to have would stay connected for hours.Contact your service provider and ask them.
  5. There are also breeds of horse bred in France for meat just like other cattle.
  6. Old front wheel drive Citroens can get anywhere-one of the reasons for the failure of the AFRICAR project-while prototypes(4wd) were being tested in Africa they got fed up with 2cv's overtaking them.
  7. A problem shared means two people have a problem!!
  8. From the manufacturer;write to them at their registered office.
  9. I thought Spanish bureaucracy makes the French look like a bunch of amateurs!
  10. Be careful;he was using it illegally in Spain and other things like parking tickets and speeding fines may catch up with you.
  11. Pity it's not a hanging offence!!
  12. Jc


    Town called "Negrepelisse".
  13. Exactly;I've just received my form asking me to confirm that I still have no TV.
  14. There is a supposed limit on transactions of 15,000€(£10,000);above-must be reported;below-may be reported.
  15. It's not just the "money-laundering" side of the regs;to run an "overseas account(compte etrangere)",you must prove annually that your main source of income is "overseas";in my case a copy of a UK tax code.
  16. Just received my money for my P&O shares plus a certificate so that I still get my 50% discount.
  17. Most root vegetables in France(other than spuds) are used as animal food.
  18. The rating would be correct for the country into which that vehicle was originally sold but may not be the same as for a "supposedly" similar vehicle originally sold in France.Many vehicles(even those manufactured in France)were slightly modified from the specifications sold to the rest of Europe to bring them into a lower(cheaper) CV class.Having said that a number of other European countries based their insurance classes on engine power output and others on engine capacity.In the UK the classes are usually agreed between the AIB and manufacturers and take into account cost of repair,likelihood of accidents(hot hatches) and other factors.
  19. Exactly;it was useless to try to sell,for example,a 7cv vehicle,when all your direct competitors fell into the 6cv. class.
  20. The CV rating shown on some CoC's may not be correct for France;many manufacturers changed the specification slightly for France to reduce the CV rating and hence the registration tax.The difference was usually a different final drive or set of gear ratios.
  21. You must have a massive TV if it needs a 13A fuse;a 3A fuse will be more than sufficient and better protection.
  22. But if you buy a double socket,chances are that one will be connected the other way round,unlike UK sockets.
  23. It has been my experience that many people on these fora spend a lot of time making mountains out of molehills;mainly because,instead of going to the bank,notaire,DRIRE etc.they will ask on these fora for advice,get plenty of it ,most of which is conflicting.
  24. We opened ours with two passports;took about 10 minutes-it was just before they closed for lunch.By the time we got home 10 days later,there was a registered letter waiting for us with a cheque-book.Never had any charges.
  25. People probably paid in cash to avoid the tax.
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