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Everything posted by DaveLister

  1. Interesting. I'm assuming you have loyalty cards for those stores, otherwise how would they know your phone number? I'm finding my shopping habits are becoming more and more diverse and I'm using the cards I have less and less. In fact the last time I popped into a SuperU I discovered my card had been cancelled through lack of use. Bit of a shame as it had money on it.😒. There used to be a great website that you could subscribe to and receive weekly emails with all the product recalls but it closed in 2017. The new one is nowhere near as good IMO. You have to know what product you are looking for. Again, onus on the consumer.
  2. Wow Ken, I'm impressed!!! How you manage to keep in your head the shelf price of every item in your weekly food shop plus any promotions along with a running total is frankly amazing. That's a talent I'd pay to have😵. I suppose the checkout staff know you so well that when you tell them they've overcharged you they simply take you at your word. I agree in part with the 'waste' argument but paper is biodegradable ( as it happens, I have a little piece of kit that uses things like receipts to make firelighters). I have no problem with stores only issuing receipts on demand but I think it shouldn't be on the consumer to ensure they have a proof of purchase. Ireland haven't had automatic receipts for a while but it is up to the store to ensure that the customer is given the choice. Over here, as I understand it, it will be up to the customer to insist. That, IMHO tilts the balance of power away from the consumer.
  3. As you probably know most shops, including supermarkets, will be no longer issuing paper till receipts at the checkout from the 1st January. Apparently if you have a loyalty card it will be sent to the associated email address or to your smart phone. I always check the receipt before leaving the supermarket and at least four times a year will find errors in the bill. I wonder how you are going to be able to prove you didn't buy that crate of champagne if you have to wait to get home to read the email. Is everyone going to be standing at the checkout checking their smartphones? Normally I'm too busy loading up the trolley to watch the items get scanned individually but it usually takes less than a minute to speed read the receipt whilst heading for the door. I, for one, will be asking for a 'ticket' for some time to come. What about you?
  4. Are you referring to my contribution to this thread? If that is the case, my 'evidence' is the obituaries of the time and his own papers on the subject. Lehaut's contribution gave the impression Professor Micheals was still alive and working for Cato. I was attempting to dispel that misconception and point out that although he was funded by the fossil fuel industry he made no attempt to hide it. The video you link to was not made recently.
  5. Small couple of interjections. Professor Michaels has always admitted that the majority of his founding comes from the fossil fuel industry and that he was retained as an expert by the coal industry. He is deceased.
  6. It means with working in collaboration with another medical profession. Before my doctor retired he went "en binome" with another doctor for a couple of years. Think job-share.
  7. Fine, but only red or yellow. Green gives me heartburn.
  8. Absolute Zero (2019 publication) Do I get a prize?
  9. Well maybe somebody up there likes me😇 The telegraph article mentions the charity who organised the trip so I found the story on their website. If anyone else wants to read this story but has your 'paywall' problem they can get it here. https://www.taxicharity.org/post/veteran-reg-pye-finds-the-french-girl-he-has-been-looking-for-since-wwii
  10. That's strange, no paywall came up for me. I can read it fine and I'm not a subscriber.
  11. You owned it on the first of January therefore you are liable for the whole year. It might seem odd to you but it's the way it is. If you had bought another house in France its' TF & TdH would have to be paid by the previous owner until January 1st 2023. I've looked up the second home issue and you have no exclusions or reductions I'm afraid. https://www.service-public.fr/particuliers/vosdroits/F34715 I should warn you, late payment incurs a 10% surcharge.
  12. Both Taxe d'habitation and Taxe fonciere are paid by whoever owns a property on 1st January for that year. Selling it later in the year doesn't change your liability. It's true that a lot of Notaires will include a clause in the sale whereby the Taxe fonciere is split prorata but is is not a legal requirement as far as the tax authorities are concerned. For your notaire to do this your buyer would have had to agree in advance. https://www.impots.gouv.fr/particulier/questions/jai-achete-vendu-un-bien-immobilier-cette-annee-dois-je-payer-une-partie-de-la https://reassurez-moi.fr/guide/immobilier/taxe-habitation
  13. I love the fact the kid is wearing a mask🤭
  14. Actually there isn't, it's just something someone made up on a forum (Prove me wrong😀). In fact your whole posting should be in quotation marks as it's a direct lift ( quote of the month in April if I'm right ) and, whilst I realise I'm being pedantic, Churchill actually said "Truth is incontrovertible. Panic may resent it. Ignorance may deride it. Malice may distort it. But there it is." More poetic don't you think? My point is, Truth, just like Proofs cannot be absolute. They are shaped by our experience of the world. I suggest, if you get a chance, you read "The Day The Universe Changed" by James Burke. It's an eye opener in more ways than one.
  15. Don't worry Mr B. I think the conversation has run it's course.
  16. and your reply reminds me of a standard bot response. In answer to your question, unless you can give me 'incontestable proof' that you are in fact a human being I can assure you that I am more of an adult that you will ever be.
  17. Because incontestable proof doesn't exist. No one can prove the world is round Nobody can prove that things will always fall down when you drop them. No one can prove that the stars are far away. No one can even prove that you exist Ken. You may just be a figment of my imagination which itself might be an algorithm in a computer network. prove me wrong.
  18. No, your turn. You find me a 'proof' that isn't contested by someone, somewhere. You find me an example of your high standard. The earth is round? Still contested by some. Man landed on the moon? Contested by even more. Sandy Hill Massacre? Anyone??
  19. I note you haven't answered the question Ken. What would you accept as proof.
  20. Yep, that's exactly it, discussing how to interpret raw data to provide an accurate model. Just like any good scientist. The 1940's ocean blip for example was caused by WW2. Prior to that, the UK and US fleets had contributed roughly equally to the global temperature record. From 1942 to 1945, UK ships were mobilised on the front and contributed just 5% of measurements. Measurements taken from US ships made up 80%. The key, then, is how each nation took its measurements. UK ships tended to throw a bucket overboard and lift it on deck to take the water’s temperature. US ships by and large would sample water drawn into the engine room before it was used to cool the machinery. Researchers have known for some time that each method has a bias. Temperatures measured in the buckets tend to be lower than those obtained when a thermometer is placed directly into the ocean because heat escapes from it as it is heaved on deck. The type of bucket can influence the temperature as well: wooden buckets, common in the 19th century, offer better insulation than the canvas buckets used in the 20th century. Engine room measurements, on the other hand, tend to be higher than the actual water temperature because these rooms are hot. So a temperature record dominated by US measurements in the early 1940s would show the sea surface to be warmer than it actually was at the time. Moreover, late in 1945, the UK resumed its measurements and for a period was responsible for half the global record while the US share dropped to 30%. This period is biased towards cooler, bucket-based temperatures, and corresponds to the sudden 1945 dip. It's reckoned that the fallout from the UEA data hack lost the world ten years. They never did find out who did it.
  21. Love the music, hate the musician.
  22. As far as I'm aware the only other 'controversy' around NASA's data stems from an open letter from former employees requesting NASA refrain from commenting on what they consider a debatable situation. The reasons for their letter are not made clear and, if I was inclined to believe in conspiracy theories, I'd suspect I'd be looking for links to the oil industry. Unfortunately as someone once said "A lie can travel halfway round the world while the truth is lacing up his boots"
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