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Everything posted by Hectorsdad

  1. On Freesat it is 118 but +1 is not HD. iTV4 HD is on 117 also Freesat.
  2. Dave L has given the answer that I support. There are many members here who have great expertise and could give very useful advice. We assume you already have the property and so perhaps you could start with some photos which are always interesting and productive. It would also be helpful if we knew if this was a primary or secondary home. lastly, at this stage, it would be advisable to respond to the suggestions in a timely manner so we can take it seriously.
  3. Not much different in the UK where there have been floods and general high water levels in the rivers. As expected the dreadful, rainy conditions has been made even worse by the water companies pumping raw sewage into the waterways causing environmental disasters across the country. The boat race participants were advised to keep out of the Thames water to avoid sickness. Just as it looks like it may be drier for the late spring and summer we are being warned of water shortages and hosepipe bans coming into force. During the past three decades there have been no new reservoirs built even though there is a need for at least 30 major ones to maintain a reasonable water supply. The solution is straight forward but the shareholders don’t want to give up their profits. Maybe re-nationalisation is the answer, starting with Thames Water in the south central region.
  4. That pie photo makes my mouth water! Today I worked through the whole thread and was pleased to read about many former members. I remember lots of them and recall how helpful they were over the years. In 2001, when I joined , the forum was clearly well established and the membership included several of the names mentioned in this thread. There has even been a link to our latest car which we bought last year. Our Yeti is a great runaround and even goes well on longer trips. The first thing I did was to fit a spare wheel. I also joined the owners forum.
  5. Sorry I was called away before finishing. The main problem for us was dealing with huge document relating to the deeds. We paid an acquaintance to translate the whole set of documents and she hit many problems with legal terminology. I regret not having a full translation and professional advice. We survived the final meeting although I am certain that the selling family lied to us and the notaire was aware of the lies. If you pay for an interpreter make sure they are not connected with the sellers or the notaire. In the end you will need to trust your own judgement. I hope all goes well and you have a happy result. We did.
  6. We only have experience of buying a house in France, not selling, but we survived a non-English speaking notaries.
  7. “I don’t understand how French forums existed before 2002 (lets say) because Frrance was on dial up for internet.” …from ALBF above. We had to use dial up provided by AOL when we first arrived and I thought it was good because it was free. At that time we also had dial up in our home in the UK. Fortunately we both had super fast internet access in our workplaces so most of my private browsing was done at work, including finding our first house in France and then on the forums discovering how to do everything correctly. It was very comforting to have the support from the members and eventually I found I could make a decent contribution to help others. Looking back it seemed to take about 10 years before the forums were attacked by a variety of trolls who clearly picked on anyone who tried to make sensible conversation. Several leading lights on all forums said goodbye citing the abuse received from the trolls. It is much better now but I do recognise some rather personal infighting from a few posters.
  8. The change of email address affected me twice as I used my university email for all things France as it was most convenient. I recall the abrupt loss of all data and new registrations including one when my wife told me not to use a certain username. At least I am able to keep abreast of many topics generated by the good members here even if the numbers have dropped considerably since the peak times.
  9. Thanks for the link. It certainly looks like a series that we would like. Which TV channel was in on? I suppose we will be able to watch it on Prime if we join again for a month in April.
  10. I certainly can’t answer your question but when we bought our house in France in April 2001 I needed lots of practical help to help us settle in. I think it was during that first year I joined two forums, one of which was this one and the other one survived for many years before taking on a smaller forum and eventually closed. Over the years I have been a member of a few small forums which have since failed. I am glad this one is still going but the posting rate is rock bottom at the moment.
  11. It is annoying when a new, single poster asks for help and can’t be bothered to visit the forum again to receive any advice or comments offered by the members.
  12. This report is in the updated, live online Sunday Times. Looks really bad. Three dead and seven missing after storms hit southern France https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/c1d47f76-8aa3-4ed3-9a71-6f4b53f5b329?shareToken=2362bbe2c72eb5a990871a9e53219141
  13. The first thing I did while reading your post was to look up “Lagomorph” which was interesting in itself. I think it is a young hare with quite short ears ……or maybe a young rabbit with longish ears. Thanks for the view of the countryside that your are enjoying. It is not very crowded with people is it?
  14. That has produced more posts than anything this year! I have tried hard to remember any vegetable that I dislike but have only come up with green lentils and my mother’s version of spinach because she boiled it forever into a green slime. My wife has cured me by either lightly cooking the leaves or raw in salads.
  15. I support Menthe’s suggestion that simplest solution is to find short term boarding kennel in the UK. You will need to book early to ensure a place in any respectable kennel. There are so many difficulties to finding a suitable place in another country where you have no chance to search effectively and assess the accommodation. Individuals like myself might consider it but would turn you away because we are 100 miles from Perigueux, our lurcher boy may not accept a stranger and we would be entertaining other friends and family. It seems too complicated. Have you checked the cost of bringing your dog to France? This may pay for the UK kennels.
  16. Thank you for the warning although we all hope it will not happen to anyone. There are so many pitfalls in the UK as well as in France.
  17. Looks like the ingredients for a chicken casserole, cooked in a large covered pan on a top ring. Lots of chopping to get the chicken in smaller chunks. Watch the film while you wait and have another whiskey. What did you do? Today you must fix the oven.
  18. We quite like Morbier but perhaps SuperU stocks are trouble free. It will be worth further checks when we go back in April before we buy some more.
  19. Well Lehaut, you have a lot to answer for! There is a mass of information out there and DL’s second link is very interesting. It states that there are 109 Wallace Fountains in Paris and that site lists all of them together with a set of walks to discover them all. It suggests there are a few in Barcelona so I may enlist my son and granddaughters to locate at least one and report back.
  20. My last post was an attempt to copy just one photo but it has failed to get beyond the map. Sorry!
  21. This is a photo from the “photos” tab in Google maps at the Wallace Collection. https://maps.app.goo.gl/tUnBa6mNcXuro5Ay9?g_st=ic
  22. I can see it on the satellite image which is probably quite recent. It is the green blob to the right of the main entrance as you look at it from outside.
  23. The rain in The Surrey Hills this morning has prevented me from working on our car in the drive so I was having a lazy day when I found this posting. Although I have walked the streets of Paris, either sightseeing or just getting to the various stations, I have not noticed these water fountains but I must have passed them. Do they currently supply potable water? Google Maps clearly shows one in the courtyard and some kind person has included a good image in the photos section. Next time when we visit the Wallace Collection I will show off my new found knowledge to wife. It is very interesting how Richard Wallace developed such a strong empathy with Paris and her people. I wonder if they are aware of his connection with the fountains. Several of our friends have tried Pilates but I doubt they have any idea of the origins. There is plenty of background information on the Internet and I have made a start discovering some of the details. Thanks for the prompts.
  24. I was surprised 23 years ago that hazard warning lights were used by all vehicles when approaching an unexpected or unusual event requiring a stop or just a considerable reduction in speed. When in France I copy the procedure. I asked several French friends and they all said “it is the law”. I think I found it in the French Highway Code.
  25. Very lovely! Is it really just a visitor or permanent? That is proof that we are not the only family that allows our dog on the settee.
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