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  1. We have lived at 30 rue de blah blah blah for 14 years According to EDF and Free and every other computer in France, we live at 28 rue de blah blah blah. Why ?….I have no idea. But every utilities company in France they think we live at 28 rue de blah blah blah. There is no 28 rue de blah blah blah BTW. It does not exist. But apparently we live there. We have called, we have sent letters, we have sent attestations from the Marie to all these companies saying we live at 30 rue de blah blah. There is no 28 rue de blah blah blah. Last year we finally persuaded EDF that we live at 30 rue de blah blah blah not 28 rue de blah blah blah…..because there is no 28 rue de blah blah blah. They updated their computer. They said everything is cool now. Anyway, we have installed a new heating system so we no longer require gas. A date was booked for a gas engineer to come around and stop the gas officially. Mrs ALBF was leaving the house on the morning of the said date and spotted a very confused gas engineer walking up and down the street. He was our engineer. Guess what address he was looking for 😃
  2. No way were they French . French nationalité maybe. Asleep. Read the comments on the DM. Bots (who have no knowledge of France) blaming migrants and others to sow discord . Yeah like they have knowledge of sophisticated TGV signaling systems.
  3. Was there not another one a few weeks back preparing a terror attack ? St Etienne I think.
  4. Yeah….I know. Bet Im right though. This is going to be a headache with La poste. Stick with it op. Don’t let them steal the cash with their incompetence.
  5. I don’t think anyone on this forum could answer your question. Very highly specialized. Google ‘expatforum’ and switch to the France section. Someone there might be able to help. It is a very boring French forum but they do have a good knowledge base for such things. They could help.
  6. It seems to me like a very very highly sophisticated attack which requires a lot of technical know how. Not islamic terror….they like killing people. I don’t think this is French vandalism. Naa…this is not disgruntled ex French SNCF workers or anyone else. That leaves one other perpetrator. Is this the start of war ? It this an attack on a nato country !
  7. You have first hand experience of French family dying ? First hand experience of viewing, signing for an ehpad for another person in a different region of France ? Booking medical taxis to transfer the patient on a 7 hr journey. Speeking to doctors and nurses concerning their end of life care. Speeking funeral directors to arrange a funeral and mass in one region then have the body transfered to another to be buried ? Sorting out their possessions ? The administration…..which never ends. Canceling a phone contract, internet contract, peage contract and all the rest. Dealing with a dementia patient who has no idea what is going on. Finding them a place to live. Visiting them everyday, shopping for them. Finding them a doctor, dentist, eye specialist. Finding them a neurologist. This has been a full time job since January. You are a very rude person.
  8. Of course it is not universal, I agree with you on that point. I just wanted to give everyone on the forum and those looking to move to France a snapshot into ´real’ French life and the costs involved in staying in an ehpad and death afterwards. It is not cheap or easy to organise for those dealing with the issues. You need a command of French and able to handle the administration. Make a plan. Have a plan…because it will be a nightmare for others to pick up the pieces afterwards. In our case….this is just one of four. Three more to go. I would say on a final point, emptying flats and houses is the hardest thing. Especially when they are so far from where you live. The medical stuff and funeral arrangements is hard and expensive…..but the aftermath is more so. If you know what I mean. Funeral tomorrow. 4 hour drive.
  9. Just telling you about the real world out there Norman. Official sources is not the real world. It is just a website to spin you. Like everything else.
  10. This is 7 floors up in the sky with a lift designed only for people. That means the stairs….and limited parking downstairs for a truck. The furniture is not worth anything. Although it is quality stuff. We are talking a very high flat.
  11. They forgot to tick the cremation box on their plan. Now the body has to be transported from Nantes to Burgundy to be buried with her parents. All within one week. That is the law. That means also opening and existing grave to put the coffin in. Very expensive stuff . That said, you can’t transport ashes by yourself interdepartmental in France. So it done by funeral people if you are going outside the department.
  12. Destroy it yes…believe me it is not in tune and never will be played again. But it is very heavy. So a good 10 trips in the lift…and then to a déchèterie. But this is the centre of Besancon. This is not a job for babies. But by who ? There in lies our problem…..along with all the other furniture. It is not ikea furniture…..we are talking proper wood. Its a 20 k job to empty the flat. And that is up to us to sort out. Nô one else to help us.
  13. In the 60’s people weren’t snowflakes and went up by the stairs. Idiot child.
  14. Good question. My advice for any foreign person living in France is to get your affairs in order so that others don’t have to deal with it. Life can turn on you quickly. We (Albf and Mrs Albf) have to empty a 7th floor flat in Besancon (6 hours away from us) that involves 60 years of junk which includes a piano. A piano on the 7th floor with a lift that can only accommodate 2 people. How the hell do you deal with that ?
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