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New law on external insulation


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Might have been scare mongering, but the 1300 news yesterday ran a piece on this new law


Basically, if there is work on the facade or roof of a building, the law requires that external insulation is used - not internal.

L'obligation d'entreprendre des travaux d'isolation thermique

A l'occasion de certains travaux de rénovation, des mesures doivent également être mises en oeuvre afin de rénover l'isolation thermique du bâtiment concerné. Ainsi, si tous les travaux de rénovation ne sont pas concernés, cette obligation, instaurée par le décret du 30 mai 2016, concerne essentiellement les gros travaux qui peuvent être entrepris sur un bâtiment d'habitation.

Sont donc, à cette occasion, concernés :

les travaux de ravalement importants portant sur les parois de locaux chauffés donnant sur l'extérieur : réfection de l'enduit existant, remplacement d'un parement existant, mise en place d'un nouveau parement dès lors que cela concerne 50% de la façade du bâtiment (3) ;

les travaux de réfection de toiture : remplacement ou recouvrement d'au moins 50% de l'ensemble de la couverture (4) ;

les travaux engagés pour rendre habitable un comble, un garage annexe ou toute autre pièce non habitable d'une surface minimale de 5 m2 non enterrée ou semi-enterrée (5).

It would appear to be an attempt by the government to put work in the way of scaffolding and building firms. This will, imo, have major effecst on nearly all the high rise buidlings where the revalement needs redoing every 15/20 years. And who pays??

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Certainly my neighbours in the village have just done exactly this when renovating their property.

Half-way through it seemed very odd as the house was covered in what looked like polystyrene packaging, but afterwards it was covered over with a thick crépi.

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It seems fine for more modern buildings, but in areas where the traditional building style is stone - dressed or otherwise - this will completely change the character of buildings.

Additionally, what happens when the wall defines the edge of your property?
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This was exactly the point made on the news yesterday andyh4. The example shown was a columbage house. Evidently you can pay the Maitre d'ouvre extra to either get round the rules or design an external covering that matches the original.

Le Canard enchaîne has a few examples here

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