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Foyle's War: The Russian House (shown on Sunday)


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Did anybody see Foyle's War on Sunday?  We recorded it, but when we sat down to watch it we found that it had started fifteen minutes late, so we had lost the last fifteen minutes.  What happened? Who did it? Was it the son, the gardener or the returning soldier? Was there any suggestion that Sam would return to her old job as Foyle's driver?

Pity BBC don't put ITV stuff on their iPlayer.  We can always dream.


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Sam is going to work in the guest house with the owner who was accidently shot by the Russians who were chasing Sam and Foyle. The Russians were trying to cover up the fact that defecting Russians were being forcibly repatriated and killed with the knowledge of our government. The escaping prisoners knew what was going to happen. The artist was killed by an English soldier who was looking for one of the escaped Russians, the English soldier just happened to also be the brother of the returning soldier who was told he couldn't have his job back with the artist........phew hope you get the plot because I think I have just lost it!!
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It turned out that it was an accidental shooting by the army type who had come to arrest the russian refugee.

I don't think there was any hint that Sam will go back to being Foyle's driver. She has agreed to go and work for the young man she met at the hotel, who runs a boarding house in Hastings. He had worked for the intelligence service at Bletchley Park during the war.

I was interested to learn about these white russian refugees - I knew the story, that they had fought on the german side against the red russians, and were shot by therussians after the war. But didn't know that many of them tried to hide out in the UK.

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I'm always amazed at the responses received.  Today I got an almost instant offer of a copy of the programme - beat that for generosity.

In fact we were able to watch the end on Catch Up (thanks, Russethouse).  I did'nt know about that, perhaps because I usually record ITV programmes and skip the adverts, and in the process miss useful bits I need to know about.

Well Chrissie, here's my best shot.  There won't be any names as they just go in one ear and out the other with me.

The fella what dunnit was the brother of the soldier who had come back from the war and did'nt get the job he had been promised.  He (the one what dunnit) led the group of soldiers who were sent to the house to arrest the young Ruskie gardener.  In the process the artistic fella got between the soldier and the Ruskie and got shot.  The soldier panicked and ransacked the house to make it look like an intruder (but what about all the other soldiers who were present at the shooting?).

Milner had to apologise profusely to Foyle for acting like a pillock when Foyle seemed to be interfering when they were both investigating at the artist's house.

Sam seems to have landed on her feet.  The fella who has inherited a hotel/guest house in Hastings, did'nt mind at all that he stopped a bullet intended for Sam and she (being out of a job now) is going to help him with the running of the guest house (lots of coy and bashfull looks passing between the two).

Thanks everybody.


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[quote user="Patf"]It turned out that it was an accidental shooting by the army type who had come to arrest the russian refugee.
I don't think there was any hint that Sam will go back to being Foyle's driver. She has agreed to go and work for the young man she met at the hotel, who runs a boarding house in Hastings. He had worked for the intelligence service at Bletchley Park during the war.
I was interested to learn about these white russian refugees - I knew the story, that they had fought on the german side against the red russians, and were shot by therussians after the war. But didn't know that many of them tried to hide out in the UK.


Typical of Stalen if you came back from the German side then irrespective of circumstances you were treated identically. 

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I thought Foyles war was TV drama at it's best. But unfortunately it should have ended with the war, it's now lost the plot.  Anthony Horowitz writes wonderful children's books and I've searched high and low for grown ups books, sadly no success.


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