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Everything posted by Lori

  1. And when the hunter is within 50 meters of your backyard, where young children and family pets are playing, shooting OUR direction, buckshot flying overhead, that'll get you moving !  I went flying out of the house to grab my kids and pets, screaming for him to move on there are children here (my neighbors were yelling at him too).  He didn't, wine jug and shotgun in hand - he continued shooting.  I called the Gendarmes, they laughed at me and asked me what I wanted THEM to do about it. At some point, logic and responsibility has to come in here.  I suppose the Gendarmes might show up if he had actually shot my child - maybe... Will never forget this moment and am obviously still quite angry about it. 
  2. An AFNOR approved alarm does satisfy the legal requirements.  Perhaps if you get a copy of the AFNOR regulation (NF P 90-306), you can review the exact items that will suffice.  It is about 80 pages long !!  And it isn't free as AFNOR charges to send it to you (amazing).  However, it will define the entire process/law. AFNOR 11, Avenue Francis de Pressense 93571 Saint Denis La Plaine CEDEX 01-41-62-80-00  
  3. I feel badly for you Frogg.  You sound as though you have your "wits" about you and I am confident you will work this out. I am presuming you are talking divorce.  If so, you really need to know ALL your rights.  I know it might cost a bit, but you should consult an attorney specializing in family law here.  A consultation should not cost a fortune and could well point you in many different (helpful) directions. Your Notaire may be able to help you with regards to property ownership, forced borrowing, etc.  I am not a fan of Notaires, but in your case, perhaps they can answer your questions with little time taken. Good luck to you.    
  4. We pay what I consider to be a small fortune for Accountancy Service, but our situation IS complex and we are using a well known International agency (with offices in many different countries).  It has worked for us. 30 Euros per hour seems quite reasonable.  On the other side, 1100 Euros for an initial consultation sounds ridiculous.  Move elsewhere.  Talk to several different agencies before you decide.  Nick is right, there are plenty out there. Good luck.
  5. JJ - yours sounds very similar to one we received about 7 months ago.  Slightly different story, but totally odd.  I just told them the exact full payment in Euros would need to be received 8 weeks prior to arrival - no foreign currency checks and NO refunds whatsoever.  I also asked several questions about his "story" stating that I found it hard to "understand" rather than believe. I never heard from him again.  I was sure it was not a genuine inquiry - and even if it was, I was prepared to lose it. Go with your instincts.
  6. Another oddity among so many is the fact that a certain female organ  le v_ _ _ n is masculine.   Sorry, just had to add that...
  7. If I'm reading you right, you pay 20 Euros (avg) for a 120 day supply --  That is far better than 48 Euros for a 30 day supply.  That is an amazing difference.    
  8. Thanks Catherine - that one was bugging me too.  
  9. Thanks everyone for your thoughts. Andyh4 - I have seen the Glucosomine here at the BIO store, but it runs around 48 euros for about a month's supply.  Is this a good price?? And I thought those fish pills were expensive...  
  10. Viva - I took the fish oil pills for a year or so.  They did help, but now, I find the pain is worse and those little smelly fish pills cost 24 euros per month from the Homeopathe in Carpentras.  I guess I am trying to find something that helps my overall health, not just the arthritis as I have come to find out that the anti-inflammatory drugs are the only ones that really make the pain go.  But, I refuse to take these medications until I absolutely have to.  I hate taking prescription medicines.  Thought if I could boost my bodies overall health, it may help me feel better all round.  
  11. Is this the supplement I find in the Bio store that costs a fortune or is that something called Chondrontine - I'm sure I got the spelling wrong.?  Is your product readily available here?  Thanks.  
  12. Have decided to begin taking vitamins as I am getting older and think it would be a good idea.  I suffer from arthritis - joint pains and they are not getting any better.  Also have picked up a kilo or two and would like to get rid of them. Has anyone ever tried any of the "drainage" products designed to rid you of toxins and excess water weight?  I am not looking to take something to make me lose weight.  I know that will come from diet and exercise.  I simply thought with all the products out there, perhaps there are one or two that actually do help keep you healthier. I did a web search on products and found several sites where they listed them by product name and how effective or not they were.  However, the sites I found were from the U.S.A. and I haven't been able to find the same products here.  I did buy one this morning and have taken the first vial, but I expect it will take weeks to see if I feel any better, worse or same.  The product I bought has Radis Noir in it.  Smells and tastes just yummy ..... ugh I also bought a multi-vitamin, Vitamin C, and Magnesium to take.  Was told to take each vitamin seperately (say a.m. midi and p.m.) for better absorption. Anyone have any recommendations of products that add to your health?? Thanks.
  13. I'm with Fantine on this one - absolutely color
  14. Hoddy - I don't think I could get that close.  I have to buy the high powered bug spray with the long nozzle so I can stay back as far as possible and still spray them. You know, it is odd, I can deal with mice much better than spiders.  And, I know how unhealthy they are to the household.
  15. Catalpa - Thanks, I had thought of using the vacuum, but I would not sleep thinking they managed to live and get out.  Yes, I have a problem.  And, you are right, that IS the spider we find.  I don't think it is the hobo spider, but who knows, they are very similar.  I have not inspected them under microscope.  I do get bites though.  If it is those big ugly things, I think it is good they bite me when I'm asleep as I would surely die if I saw it happen. Alcazar, you are adding to my sleep disorder. I will tell my husband about the camel spider.  I suspect he already knows about it and has never mentioned it to me as he knows it might well send me over the deep end.
  16. OKay, I told you I was looking around the room as I read the thread.... It is only 4:30 pm and I am making apple turn-overs.  Came back to the computer after having stirred said apples and there it is.... to the left of the door approaching 2.5 cms, with its fat long middle body.  I don't normally see these things until darkness sets in (isn't it lovely)!  I HATE THEM !!!!!  This is husband duty and naturally, he is not here. Got the bug spray and from what I thought was a safe distance, started spraying.  You know they always run.  I did not have the courage to go close enough to use the fly swatter.  So, he goes under the sofa.  Yes, I moved the sofa, spray again, he runs again.  This time, onto the sofa - can just picture him getting into or under the pillows where we sit every single evening.  Took the fly swatter and knocked him as far as I could, then gave it to him. Now, I cannot stop looking over my shoulder.  I do wish I could identify this one as I find these so so often.  They kind of remind me of a smaller, somewhat thinner, dark brown version of a tarantula. I'll never sleep.
  17. No, the jersey cotton sheets to not cause any static.  
  18. Husband is in Saudi Arabia.  My guess is you are going to tell me these lovely "things" live there.  I knew there was a reason not to go out in the desert at night.  We have spent many day trips fossil hunting, etc.  Lucikly for us, we never saw anything odd.  If I EVER came across something like that, I'm sure I would drop dead of fear. We have lots of scorpions here in Dept. 84 Southeast France.  I am told they are a harmless variety.  Just don't tell me the lizards are poisenous as we are inundated with them.  We also have lots of spiders in the Spring and Fall.  They can get WAY too big for my well-being. 
  19. That is horrible - I'm looking all around me as I read.  I have a terrible fear of spiders and every Spring and Fall I seem to get bitten by them.  I assume it is spiders as the bites fit the spider bite descriptions.  They can really hurt (the bites) and leave scars. Do these camel spiders live in other parts of the Middle East?  My husband is on assignment (not military) over there right now (not Iraq).
  20. Thanks for the replies.  I guess I just found it odd as for the previous 3 years, he has given me a 12 month prescription... About 5 years ago, I had a suspicious smear, so now I have been advised to always see a GYN for my annual checks.  I don't really mind paying the 45 Euros.  It isn't that so much as having to drive all the way down to the Clinique for another check-up when I never had to before. Also, when I discussed my GYN with my GP, here in Bedoin.  He said that he always recommends his female patients see a GYN for the checks.  He doesn't even have the equipment in his office for the smears.  
  21. I saw my GYN in Avignon in April, 2005.  After discussing a particular issue, he and I forgot my annual birth control prescription.  I called a couple of days later and he sent me a prescription in the mail.  Howver, it was only for 6 months.  I thought it was odd, but figured I'd call when the last month was approaching.  Did that today and was informed that GYN's can no longer write 12 month birth control prescriptions.  I have been seeing this doctor for 4 years now - annual exam and the odd illness.  He has always given me a prescription for 12 months of birth control pills at each annual visit. The nurse said that there was a change in procedure - governmental health athority and now I must see him twice a year.  It isn't the end of the world and the charge is only 45 euros per visit/exam (far cry from the 250 dollars I paid in the U.S.), but still, I don't fully understand this. Has anyone else encountered this issue? I do plan to ask my doctor on 14, Oct. when I have an appt., but thought someone else might have a clue as to what this is all about.  Is it to further protect women's health??  It certainly couldn't be to line the pockets of the Dr.'s could it??  
  22. I like the LeClerc Eco brand very much.  I don't taste any dijon in it. I think it is probably all a matter of what you get used to. I still miss the much lower fat versions of ANY mayo.  I have seen the lighter versions they sell here and they are okay...., but still a bit sweet for me and still too filled with fat. Would eat chicken salad or potatoe salad more often if I could find a lower fat mayo..
  23. I am American and I think the site is awful.  Not all Americans have brains the size of peas, but, sadly, many do.  Its a big country. This obsession with French bashing is embarrassing.  It shows an extreme lack of intelligence.  And as stated earlier, the limited vocabularly of using mostly foul language supports my point.  
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