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Everything posted by opas

  1. Now Piprob,don`t mean to be picky here but hopefully theres nothing untoward in my wine(cept the odd fly that takes a sip!) Bio only for us....
  2. 3 each of estate agents and pharmacies a sexy undies shop(mr O  always seems to cross the road facing there) a couple of presse and 6 hairdressers! all this in one street and a market square. I actualy got brave last week and went for a haircut...Mrs O of the only grey head in france, Madame was very nice and didn`t cut too short ,whilst I had my chin on my chest(she was cutting the back) my eyes caught a glimps of the hair mags under the table,had to keep the giggles in check...even without my glasses on I could read the tittle,in English; Hair Colours. whilst she was blow drying my hair madame said that my hair was very blonde! how tactfull,so I laughed and said not blond but grey, Next thing she is offering to discuss colours for my next visit! and whilst she was cutting ,the other thing that made me smile was the colour under her nails...red from all that dying!
  3. Didn`t see this program, what time was it on and which channel? Would love to see the kitchen ....is it self cleaning? Oh silly me, people don`t cook when they are on holiday do they!
  4. Pip rob said it has been quite on here lately and thinks members will post more in the winter! Well let me tell you now young man that I will not be posting during winter, my winter will be next week in UK oop north at my dads without a PC! Having just watched BBC weather I feel like cancelling the hire car and staying here....it is 29 degrees today and everything in the garden is rosy( well pansy once i have bedded in todays market purchases!) Should have started on the cod liver oil as I can feel my fingers aching at the thought of 3 degrees in Saddleworth (lancs/yorks border) ....thats daytime!!
  5. The only time I can remember having stomach cramps to die for (labour excepted!) was after eating from a cold buffet in Turkey, Fool that I am did it all over again another time....
  6. opas

    New Specs

    Do keep us informed on which optical chain you choose...I to could do with new specs and hubby `treats `me as I only used to work part time, quite some prezzie as I am blind as a bat and have super thin lenses with a reaction lense(cant stand bright sunlight....funny that seing as we live in the south:laugh comein at about 220 quid with frames!
  7. Rob, can`t tell you the name(cos I dont know it!!!!) but you know where we had a meet in perpignan, If you make your way down that main road in the direction of Castorama...on the oposite side of the road there is a HUGE store (which is similar to blackpool illuminations ....without the colour!) On the same side as BUT ,but lower down. Mr O would probably tell you all the road numbers and rue de whatsits etc. Heaven help me next week ,I amheading to blighty with the girls and hiring a car from gatwick to oop north.....just stick me on a motorway with a signpost for Leeds!
  8. Come on SB tell all ...who did you sleep with last night?
  9. Hope you are not expecting any rain ...by the state of your roof!
  10. Just got back from over the border...Spain. On the drive there this morning it was breath taking,Canigou has its peak covered in snow, so there Quillie,it wont be long before you are fit tho bursting with 4x4s and Volvos heading for the piste......though the drive back was wet and low cloud so I don`t know if the snow has been washed away.
  11. Fresh milk! wouldn`t know about that, but they do some rather good wines
  12. Sorry to say its another lovely day ,blue sky etc and yesterday afternoon promted a topless doze on the terrace...but, BUT, the evening drew in chilly and finally decided we needed a fire...albeit a small one,and forgot to roast the chestnuts! no rain  at all in 66130. ps glad to be back....had a bug ,not us, the computer.
  13. stick us a couple in the post....oh no thats pigeon isnt it. Seriously if I had some land would set re set up Mr Tweedies
  14. I`ll ask the mums on the place at school time! 
  15. Hopefully the problem has been resolved this morning,a mix up between french tax year(jan-dec) and Uk tax year(april-April)...not our mix up!
  16. If you enjoy making your childrens birthday cakes,don`t forget the food colouring for Icing.....I tried every where last year ,even asking the neighbours (who thought it strange that I should want to change white icing sugar into pink/yellow/blue)
  17. will collect my own crackers on my visit to UK at the end of this month....oh the thoutht of that cold weather,I am not at all comfortable under 16 degrees.....third degree frostbite sets in then!   as for stuffing I prefer to make my own,stale bagette,onion garlic milk herbs and plenty of pepper ,lovely. We also have the benefit of techno light fitters...but they work, will be taking the girls to Blackpool illuminations when we are in UK,lets see how many bulbs are out.... will be bringing loads of sultanas etc to make some christmas cakes , arn`t they expensive here for a tiddly packet,our girls enjoy them for their gouters and a pack goes nowhere. Just an add on that france doesnt start with the preparations as early as UK...went to Lidl at Prades yesterday.,they have stollen,Panetone,and those lovely little chocies that are like minature christmas crackers....you know the ones,gone before you know it  mmmm had to resist as Rosemary conleys Ultimate workout keeps telling me I will have that body beatifull if I stick to the regime!
  18. I had already started on the system TU suggested ,when I thought perhaps there was an easier way,aparently not! I also couldn`t get that link to work . Anyway continued with my search and hey ho! one in the next dept...with the same initial as myself ,but is listed as male, hopefully this is a mix up as the letter is asking for quite a large sum to be paid back!   Off to the appropriate office in the morning and will keep you posted.....oh and there is another listed in Paris.
  19. I have tried to do a search in pages blanche.....started with the phone book itself,then realised it is not set out as we kow it in the UK ie,Alpabeticaly,well it is ,by town then by name. I want to look if there are any other families in the region or indeed the whole of france with our surname,It is a very unusual one and being of Irish decent there were only 10 listed in greater manchester,so should be less than that in france. I am not asking out of curiosity, We think that someone is trying to claim benefit using our name,or that we have been mixed up with a family of the same name....very unlikely,due to a letter we received yesterday . Is there a simple way of doing this search without going through every region?
  20. The sanglier are well looked after in our dept(66),our neighbour goes into the woods every night,after rubbing rotten peaches on his wheels(apparantly this attracts them)he feeds them stale bread and bruised fuit from his orchards ,takes the village kids up there(ours included) to count the babies....what does one call a baby sanglier?  a sangliette? then hopefully bags a few for dinner and the freezer.....still waiting for a portion!
  21. Last year was our first christmas here as residents and expected to pass a `quite day`(with our 2 girls!!!!) planning to go to Argeles port and plage for a promenade whilst our Joint cooked,then watch some tv(satelite was our prezzie to all of us) Well we did all of the above ,and very enjoyable too....except our dinner was not quite the same....no crackers to pull, no I hadn`t forgotten to buy them whilst in the UK in November....I had taken them to a neighbours house on Christmas eve,which was a last minute invite when they realised we had`nt any family here to go to,The crackers went down a storm and I intend to buy some more when I visit my dad in blighty for half term in October. There must have been 30 members of the family all mucking in with various dishes for nibbles and the main course and It was really lovely to be asked to be part of it. Apart from that It was all back to normal the day after christmas.....not much change there then for me ,having worked in a supermarket for 10 years...christmas and Easter being the one time of the year you were threatened not to be ill! But that said every village and town was beautifully dressed up.
  22. Gee now I know why I never went to Uni! though I did suprise mr O by answering a few questions. You would have thought we had family in the winning team the way we were encouraging them
  23. I`ll tell you what really annoys me  about this site. Posters who can change their Avotar as often as I change my mind....yes SB I do mean you and Miki. Suppose if I sat here long enough I would figure out how to do it ,but right now we are busy debugging the puter cos some sad git has bugged us! The how much does it cost bregade annoy me no end how long is a piece of string?
  24. I kow this has nothing to do with France...but I can hardly go and ask my French neighbours! Did any body watch University Challenge last night? Please ,Please,Please can someone put us out of our misery so we can sleep tonight? What was the answer to the final question which was left unanswered just as the gong went? It was to do with the connection between an equatic mammal, a way to stop a leak ooooh and something else.....seems to pale into insignificance now...but if you know the answer please let us know.....doesnt apply at the moment in our village as we have no water to stop leaking!!!!!!
  25. `Frech Kissing`  ......I have never been greeted in this way in France,well not out of the home anyway..
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