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voting for local mayor


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Am I allowed to take part in the vote for the mayor next year?

I am resident in England and pay tax here but also I pay some tax in France as I have a gite which I let in the summer. I realise I can't vote in national elections but some people in the village say I should be able to vote in the elections for the mayor and some say I can't. We bought the land for our house in 2000 and the house was completed in 2002 if that makes a difference. I would like to vote if possible  as we plan to spend more time in France over the coming years. Hopefully someone else has been in this position and can let me know.




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You can also vote if you are in your 5th + year of having a maison secondaire and have been paying the local taxes.  You do have to register before the 31st of december though to be able to vote in march's elections.

BTW, you don't vote for the maire as such.  You are voting for the whole conseil municipal and it is that group of people who vote among themselves as to who will be maire.

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My understanding of that rule is that it applies to those who are permanent resident in France AND have a second home in another area of France.

It does not apply to those who reside outside France (my red, my bold)

[quote]Les personnes qui peuvent justifier d'une inscription pour la cinquième année consécutive au rôle des contributions directes locales : taxes foncières, taxe d'habitation, taxe professionnelle.

Lorsque l'étranger communautaire demande son inscription sur la

liste électorale complémentaire sur ce fondement, il est possible que

l'intéressé ne réside pas dans la commune à titre permanent (c'est

notamment le cas des ressortissants de l'Union européenne qui ne

possèdent en France qu'une résidence secondaire). Il lui appartient

alors d'apporter la preuve qu'il a son domicile ou réside de façon

continue dans une autre commune française faute de quoi il n'aurait pas

la qualité de résident en France et ne saurait donc obtenir son

inscription sur la liste électorale complémentaire au titre de


De même, le conjoint peut, en vertu de l'article

L.11 du code électoral, demander son inscription sur la liste

électorale complémentaire mais il est préalablement vérifié qu'il a

bien le statut de résident en France


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While on the subject, can anybody confirm whether I need to re-register for next years elections? I registered last year, and it seems from the form instructions that 5 years of registration are necessary for it to be permanent. But my neighbour, M.le Maire, assures me that once is enough.


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[quote user="Valleyboy"]While on the subject, can anybody confirm whether I need to re-register for next years elections? I registered last year, and it seems from the form instructions that 5 years of registration are necessary for it to be permanent. But my neighbour, M.le Maire, assures me that once is enough.




You should have received your voting cards by now if you are on the register to vote. If not, check to make sure because upto two years back you had to re-register every single year if you were non-national and I know because I am on council and had to check each time so I could be legal to vote for the europeans.

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