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  1. ...and what date is it tomorrow?????? "filmed in 1864" rather gives it away!!
  2. Suze01


    I have seen that Auchan sell the glass jugs for cafetières.
  3. Nearly every town in France I would imagine, certainly around here. Throughout the warmer months, not necessarily for May day.
  4. I think you'll find that even though you can copy the books between people/PCs you won't be able to open them to read them. I have a UK amazon account that I downloaded books to my Mac application but when I tried to copy the file to my Kindle on my different .com account it said it was registered to another user.
  5. Something to be aware of that I have discovered : I bought my 3g kindle from .com a couple of weeks ago, delivered to France. I had my region set to Europe. On trying the web browser and Kindle store on the device all worked fine as it picked up my home wifi connection. However, when I tried it out and about using the 3g (actually it was edge but that is neither here nor there) I could access the Kindle Store but I COULD NOT access the web browser as there were "local restrictions in force". I have now got around this by changing my region to UK using my BIL's address. Now all works fine. If I were to download any books from the Kindle Store I think I would browse and decide what I wanted to buy on my home computer as it is easier then go and do the purchase 'outside' using the 3g just to be safe.
  6. quote user="Simon-come-lately" How complicated, and expensive some peoples lives are ! Take a look at this text from the 'Manage My Kindle' page on my Amazon account: Your Country If you're moving, you can change the country associated with your Kindle account. Current country United Kingdom Edit Simple - just change it. If you gave your Kindle to someone in another country they'd do the same thing. There are millions of people all over Europe who order their Kindle from the UK and use it in Europe (including France!) and Worldwide - without any problems. I fly all over the place and have never had a problem. Why on earth anyone would order their Kindle from the US when they can get it across the Channel I've no idea...... Simon :-) /quote Because I live in France, have done for nine years, have no connection to the UK, no address in the UK and so it is the correct way to order a Kindle. Kindle UK won't deliver to France. I have ordered from .com because that is what you have to do, and I did it in order for my life to be NOT COMPLICATED by trying to cheat the system (and yes I fully understand about changing your location in Manage My Kindle)
  7. quote user JK:- "Well, that sounds very reasonable. Will you use the 3G or wifi to get books and do .com levy a charge for delivery outside the US?" You have to set what region you are in - so I am in 'Europe' region (as apposed to UK / US / Australia....) . It seems as though most of the 'free' books that are on amazon.com US region cost 2,30usd on amazon.com Europe region. This, I am told on the Kindle forum, is due to France imposing a charge on 3g downloads. Plenty of free books are available on other sites though. I am happy in the knowledge that I have ordered my Kindle 'correctly' should I encounter any problems.
  8. I paid in euros (new facility on Amazon.com - pay in the local currency of the credit/debit card used). I bought the 3g model with the Proporta waterproof (5m) cover and I paid a total of 211€ which includes p&p, taxes/import duties etc.
  9. Well, my Kindle arrived very quickly. I had ordered it last wednesday night and it was sent from Philadelphia and arrived monday morning, 4 and a half days delivery :) Since, I have been busy organising collections and downloading loads of 'free' books, and reading of course. Oh, my last paragraph in my last post above - ignore it, it doesn't work as the Kindle says it's registered to another user when I try to copy it to my device. Tant pis, but I have loads of other books to read so I am not that bothered by it.
  10. I have ordered my Kindle! It should be here before next wednesday the 2nd March - from the States - I just couldn't face the possibility of coming up with issues if I had a problem with it and ordered it through amazon.co.uk and had it delivered to a friend.. My worries about the very long delivery times from .com were unfounded. Despite their FAQ saying 18-32 business days, when you come to order it it is actually 2-4 business days. Also new to .com is that they have a currency converter and if you pay with a Euro currency credit card (or other currency) you are given the option of to pay in USD or in your local currency. However, 1-click is not yet set up for this but it is planned. Having spent a huge amount of time looking at all the options I have discovered that I can order books, free/paid, from amazon.co.uk : I have a separate account with them (on a different email address) and have Kindle for My Mac application downloaded. I have download books to that application, then transfered them onto the Calibre application and then I will be able to transfer them on to my Kindle.
  11. Went to Bordeaux FNAC. Wasn't that impressed. Pages were jumping without touching the touch screen. The white casing was already filthy and the demo model seems to have been abused/faulty. Plus it lacks quite a few features the Kindle has (no browser so can only access FNAC using the 3G / notes facility basic / no built in speakers / no text-to-speech / supports fewer formats / more expensive..... ) Result - NOT wow! Hence I ordered a Kindle 3G last night :D
  12. I decided some weeks ago that I'd like to buy a Kindle. Since then I have been saving and researching. I have become more and more concerned about the whole issue of buying from amazon.co.uk and risk being blocked with downloads etc or buying from amazon.com and having other issues with that. So I have been researching and researching and this evening fell upon the FNACBOOK from FNAC with free 3g / wifi. http://www.fnac.com/Guides/High-Tech/fnacbook/default.asp?Origin=EF_GOOGLE_FNAC_LIV&OriginClick=yes Take a look at the video demo. It seems to have everything that the Kindle 3g does with the benefit of being able to read ePub books. There are 80,0000 ebooks available from FNAC as well as many free, many in english (but of course you could get ePub books elsewhere in addition). It is very nicely styled, and has a touch screen rather than a keypad. http://www.fnac.com/telecharger-ebook.asp?NID=%2D73&RNID=%2D73 Is it too good to be true? I am seriously excited by this and may abandon the Kindle idea. I am going to Bordeaux on wednesday so I will pop into FNAC at Bordeaux Lac and take a look.
  13. Having woken in the early hours the cogs in my mind started turning. I thought that if I bought from the UK and was very unfortunate to come up with problems like Cathy, then I could either accept the situation and go to .com or I came up with the idea of de-registering the Kindle from my account and re-registering it to a family member/close friend in the UK. Not only does it save the problem but it also enables us to share our books. I could pay for a gift voucher in advance to cover any books that I buy 1-click
  14. In the next couple of weeks I am going to order my Kindle. Has anyone done 'the right thing' and ordered it from amazon.com and not .co.uk (being a French resident)? I am trying to find out what tax/import duty would be paid on it (I am assuming there is otherwise it is vastly cheaper from .com). If 19.6% is applied then it works out about 20€ cheaper to buy it from .com at todays exchange rates. Unless I register a credit card to get to the final page of ordering one from .com I can't see what the total price that I am going to be charged is. Has anyone got any experience of buying from the .com site/contacting their customer services in the event of a problem? Would it actually be dispatched from the US? I do have someone in the UK that I can get one sent to (I already have Kindle for Mac set up and have successfully downloaded loads of free books). What would you do in my situation .co.uk or .com?
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