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Everything posted by Gluestick

  1. Unfortunately, Lehaut, the detailed data you posted ALL relates to the USA; whereas, Chessie's post referred to France.
  2. Where are you based, Olivia? I could recommend an excellent and totally bi-lingual French avocat, however, he is based in the Pas de Calais.
  3. Just a moment, please, Lehaut! All I did was to pick up the post by Chessie and search for any references. I can find no negative information on the site mentioned; viz World Today -News. Which is not on any "Fake News" listings. However, I did find this: https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20210428-paris-prosecutors-seek-involuntary-manslaughter-charges-over-astrazeneca-deaths Additionally, here are a number of webrefs if anyone cares to see them. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=france+insurer+rejects+claim+as+vaccine+is+experimental&t=ffsb&ia=web
  4. For those who would like to read more on this damned scandal, see here. https://www.world-today-news.com/court-in-france-ruled-death-from-covid-vaccine-suicide/
  5. So sorry to hear this, ALBF: I do hope the little lad is soon recovered. Strange: I have been suffering certain possible symptoms of Omicron and have just carried out this PM an Antigen LFT: clear thus far thank goodness, as I am due to have the full works on Tuesday, Feb 1st, prior to a long awaited hospital procedure (Day Stay)on Feb 4th and the last thing I need are any further delays! All a bit of a nightmare, lately: Mrs Gluey and I spent Christmas day with our son and his partner, who both then came down with Omicron. And next, my brother in law and his wife who adopted their grand daughter as Wards and are her parents now, then told us the little lass 9 coming up to ten, has now gone down with Covid. I popped in to see them last Sunday as I was nearby and as soon as they opened the door and informed me I was back pedalling along their path at a rate of knots. The lass clearly infected at school as again it is spreading among the young. Hope all better soon, ALBF. !
  6. Now there is me thinking the OP, Woolly, was writing about reality. Not movies and fantasy??? Definitions: "the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively. '20th century popular culture' synonyms: the arts, the humanities, intellectual achievement(s), intellectual activity, literature, music, painting, philosophy the ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a particular people or society. 'Afro-Caribbean culture' synonyms: civilization, society, way of life, lifestyle, customs, traditions, heritage, habits, ways, mores, values." I steam, when I occasionally glance at a paper and it suggests such as "Rap" is culture... Sub-Culture more like!
  7. Attin: interesting, Woolly. In our early days, 20 odd years ago, Mrs Gluey and I used to drive along the A 16 coast road in order to visit our friends who then ran a B&B in Campagne Les Hesdin and visit the Leclerc store at Attin. One day, surreally, she was chatting to a work colleague in her then office in the City and discovered she came from Attin and that her brother ran a large farming co-op outside! Pas de Calais, of course has changed significantly, from a farming community to an industrialised area, as major farming outfits have mechanised, hoovered up smaller farms and created mass-redundancy. The younger French eat junk food in increasing volumes and have been Balkanised by American media "culture": hence, the increasing levels of obesity, tattoos and rejection of the wonderful French culture. Sad IMHO. Montreuil: ah, a cultured lovely old walled town, still cobbled in the centre and, of course, the HQ of allied forces in WW1. Some excellent restaurants and hotels therein but expensive. It is also the centre for administration, including the local Impôt. Hesdin is the same; couth and most interesting historically. Next time you are there, wander out of the main square and visit the church. https://monumentum.fr/eglise-notre-dame-pa00108309.html I never forget Montreuil, since it was the place when driving over the cobbles, a centre wheel cap fell off my BMW, in traffic and I could not recover it and had to buy a replacement from my local UK Beema distributor; severe pain in wallet! Tourists tend to power through the Pas de Calais en route to the South and consider it bland and boring. It isn't, actually. Wonderful natural sandy beaches running right from Dunkirk through to the Somme and beyond. Some beautiful rural areas, great golf courses and if one looks, excellent food and drink. St. Omer, for example, is well worth a visit. Some excellent and beautiful old architecture. I used to drive to Brico Depot in BRUAY LA BUISSIERE; this was and is a poor and deprived area, where loads of coal mining went on, years ago. Strange it has never recovered...
  8. If you try and gain useful guidance from say, an Avocat (Lawyer), then it will prove very expensive. I know; I have used one! However, France does have an equivalent to the UK Citizens' Advice Bureau. https://www.connexionfrance.com/Archive/Where-can-I-get-free-legal-advice Clearly, Landlord-Tenant law is a complex process and you need to seek advice. The lesson seems to be, here, ALWAYS demand a contract/agreement in writing, which would normally show duties and obligations. Personally, I feel the landlord is trying to pull a fast one... As they are inclined to do.
  9. Ouch! Scan the minute card and blow up the image to A3. Stick on cardboard and ensure whenever you park in an invalid area (which you are clearly entitled to do) both the A3 card and the minute original are clearly displayed. Personally, I utterly despise anyone who has sunk so low in life, that the only gainful employ they can find is to persecute motorists!
  10. You did indeed, Gardian. And I earlier responded to the other post.
  11. British TV in la belle France? Load of rubbish! I would suggest you buy a cheap flat screen TV in France and at first, watch French TV with, where possible Sous Titrage: literally "Under Words in text", which will greatly assist you with your French language skills. All new sets come with the de-coder built in for the French equivalent of Free View digital service. All you need is a terrestrial aerial. But of course, if you must watch such junk as pretending you can dance whilst the professional waltzes around... Or you could buy a Firestick from Amazon and watch zillions of good movies for free, once you have broadband. As well as excellent past TV series.
  12. This is still under negotiation, apparently, between the UK and France. Who knows? The way the idiot French and UK politicians have handled all negotiations thus far, since the separation, it might not be agreed, reciprocally, until 2030! If then! I know what I would do: print off a translation of your French badge and stick it in the windscreen when you park and leave your car. Useful info here: https://www.connexionfrance.com/French-news/Brexit/Brexit-will-French-blue-badges-still-be-valid-in-UK
  13. France Telecom (Orange) enjoy a monopoly of provision of landlines in France. However, there is competition for supply of services. Here is a good source of information. https://www.justlanded.com/english/France/France-Guide/Telephone-Internet/Fixed-lines
  14. Haven't a wee clue what happened, Woolly! I switched to another screen keeping the forum screen open; and when I returned, the damned system had posted it. Tried an edit but was told I was too late!
  15. I'll try again! Damned system posted before I had finished! ____________________ Choice of two. 1. Cheap white emulsion paint: 2. PVA (Poly Vinyl Alcohol): In the past we all used to whack on PVA to seal, for example, old whitewash before using Artex. Without the PVA sealer, then the Artex used to fall off! Same for wallpaper and indeed, emulsion paint. BTW, artists who use hardboard instead of a proper stretched canvas on a cost basis, tend to seal the hardboard with white emulsion, which also provides them a nice "Ground".
  16. Gluestick


    Bloke in a pub with his chums, all a bit peed, says; "There's only two good things ever came from Wales!" "What are they?" asked a chum. "Rugby players; and loose women!" A very large guy at the end of the bar, says, "Oi! You with the mouth! I'll have you know my wife is Welsh!" "Really? says the talker: "What position does she play?" ?
  17. For those who didn't realise, the Private Messaging (PM) function is now up and running.
  18. Err...How please? Since the Private Message facility doesn't want to work and unless a member has another member's email... Carrier Pigeon? Message in a bottle and pray, perhaps? Actually, it would seem the PM function is now working??? ?
  19. I ought to have written "Waste", rather than drain, BTW. With a hand basin, for example, failing to ensure it has been washed thoroughly after treatment can result in splashes of the caustic soda solution being diluted into the water used to wash your little face. And, more critically, leach into the eyes...
  20. Ooops! Forgot to mention! First thing next morning, thoroughly irrigate the surrounding area to the drain, since caustic soda sort of dissolves skin!
  21. Carrefour stock caustic soda solution (i.e. Sodium Hydroxide). Or if you like, Hydroxyde de sodium. https://www.carrefour.fr/p/deboucheur-soude-caustique-26-vinckel-professionnel-3490570200653 Sink, Shower and Bath Traps tend to build a nasty mass of hair and grease from soap etc. A small quantity of this liquid, left overnight in the U Bend is a good maintenance routine once a month.
  22. Couldn't agree more, Alan! It is the marie, liaising with the local SPANC who can order that a fosse needs emptying. Not an imobilier. Furthermore, it is a statutory regulation that chimneys need regular sweeping. Indeed, if one suffers a chimney fire and the chimney has not been swept regularly the assurance provider can repudiate any claim. Once again, if a prospective buyer requires the chimney swept and the fosse emptied, then these should be entered into the Compromis de Vente as clause suspensives and form part of the conditional offer to purchase.
  23. Gluestick


    Nope! Pragmatic and realistic, rather Woolly! Personally, I'm fed to the back teeth with the legions of "Experts" who have been banging on about the Covid-19 Pandemic since it all started. One fine day they might all agree...
  24. Gluestick


    Forgive my cynicism... At the beginning of the BSE (Bovine spongiform encephalopathy) crisis, we were informed by experts that this disease could not jump species and thus beef was safe to eat. Indeed, the then Minister of Agriculture even went to the lengths of feeding his lovely little four year old daughter, Cordelia a beef burger for a press call! He, of course is now a baron (Deben) and earning a fortune from supposed green energy. Unfortunately, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) DID indeed occur in humans after eating BSE infected beef products. We shall see.
  25. Gluestick


    I can empathise... A recent - significant - birthday, saw me deluged with rather nice bottles of single malt! Clearly, my friends and relatives know what I like.
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