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Everything posted by Gluestick

  1. I couldn't agree more Gardian! Bearing in mind I am a qualified accountant still in part-time practise. I would also comment from my own investigation into the potential of buying and letting residential property in France some years back, it was not a very attractive proposition. French law much favours the tenant. Commercial property might well be a better proposition.
  2. I suppose one could purchase a new car when the battery failed, too? Or, in similar vein, knock down the house and build a new one...
  3. Glad to see not everyone has cowed down to the woke nonsense! https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2022/01/03/leading-british-girls-schools-wont-accept-legally-male-applicants/
  4. Well that is where are; when allowed back, of course... The river valleys enjoy a micro climate: shorter Winters, early Spring and often Indian Summers. Can be very cold in Winter; temps of -20 are not unusual. We even suffered a toilet cistern freezing and cracking (we now empty it when we leave). When this happened we did not notice the cracks; until one evening, after a long day, I was in bed and suddenly heard shrieks from Mrs Gluey! She was happily ensconced on the loo when the cistern let go, soaked her and flooded the loo and corridor! So there was me in me underpants wielding a mop and I must admit laughing...
  5. Years back it was known as Dordogneshire, as it was the favourite place for ex pat Brits to relocate to...
  6. Macron is a shill for the Rothschild family. He cares not a fig for la belle France or its people. https://foreignpolicy.com/2017/05/18/emmanuel-macron-is-about-to-face-five-years-of-crazy-conspiracy-theories/ If one researches many (far too many!) senior politicians etc in Europe, then a majority are tied to the Vampire Squid; aka Goldman Sachs.
  7. He has gone off in a huff; as discussion about illegal migrants crossing La Manche offended his Liberal-Left soul...
  8. As always, Ken, you are endeavouring to conflate an argument. Since US draftees had thorough medicals before serving; and since the average length of service, in theatre was 2 years, then logically, it must follow that any young fit person who ate increased levels of fat for two years would be suffering from advanced cardio-vascular disease? Well, if all they ate was lard, then perhaps; although I would suggest it would tend to be thrown up and exit the other end too at a rate of knots! However, what they did eat can be seen, here: https://www.historynet.com/gourmet-grunts-1968-70.htm Unless there was another cause. Eating fat and being fat (i.e. obese) are two disparate issues. However, the original point was surely this? "No actual link to eating fat and heart attacks, sadly that misinformation should have been laid to rest and is from the good old US of A. It was referred to as the french paradox, how can they eat so much fat and cheese but have low incidence of heart disease. Or the shorter version, how America got it so wrong, down to a bloke called Ancel Keys. " As a point of reference, early in my life I suffered an MI (Myocardial Infarction: a Coronary if you like). I was extremely fortunate and received truly excellent early care and then treatment by probably the top Cardiologist in the UK at the time, at the top London hospital, London Chest. My GP was a good friend and assisted me with research into,"WHY?". I could tell you however no doubt I would be "Cherry Picking" again! You of course, were not... Interesting that this in depth clinical study mentions both Korean war and Vietnam war PM heart/vascular evaluations; but not fatty diets? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2812791/
  9. Years ago, the American Heart Association set up a long term study: they used only doctors and clinicians, as these would be more likely to stick to the programme. The first group consumed a typical American high fat diet. The second, a very low fat "Healthy" diet. At the end of the project, to the researchers' utter amazement, there was no real difference between the groups in terms of cardio-vascular incidence. However, the low fat "healthy" lot suffered a far higher than normal incidence of bowel cancer and associated diseases!
  10. Aluminium is a very reactive metal and can easily form salts such as oxides, carbonate, sulphides, chlorides etc. Heat encourages this process, of course. As keen cooks, Mrs Gluey and I threw out all our aluminium saucepans, frying pans etc, years ago and invested in some very expensive French professional stainless steel jobs. All still in excellent condition and extremely expensive, now! Excellent investment! We also invested in various Le Creuset cast iron frying pans and casseroles: another excellent investment.
  11. Good to see you here, Idun and so sorry that your life is not good; let us all hope this will improve for you in 2022. Best wishes to all for the New Year!
  12. Seems the odious little pigeon-chested creep, Macaroni is determined to finally destroy any remaining goodwill from the Entente Cordiale. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/dec/29/britons-living-in-eu-told-they-cant-drive-through-france-to-get-to-uk
  13. And meanwhile, here is a nice woman...
  14. Brussels is seeking worrying new powers to sequestrate property in the case of another pandemic, or similar... https://www.politico.eu/article/eu-seeks-emergency-powers-on-supply-chains/
  15. https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2021/12/29/guardian-person-of-the-year-poll-deactivated-after-j-k-rowling-takes-lead/
  16. Here, here, Loiseau! If it aint broke, then don't fix it! The Christian Church enjoys a wealth of wonderful music. The woke brigade, stupidly seems to believe that if they "modernise" music and services, then the rapidly dwindling congregations will increase.
  17. I know a few bars in the North which have no gaming and are delightful. Nothing like a Leffe pression on a warm day before luncheon. Well, perhaps a Bofferding pression in Luxembourg city.
  18. You do seem to have a quaint knack of upsetting people, ALBF! ??
  19. English pubs? Guide me to one! Most are made-over shadows of their former self; flogging undrinkable wine, mass produced chemical beer; dominated by a huge TV screen for the brain dead devotees of Foot Ball. The bar staff are ignorant, rude and invariably covered in tattoos (and that's just the females!). Loud nasty noise comes from the over-loud sound system and the constant noise of one armed bandits dominates all. Perhaps that's why so many shout... The sole purpose of the majority of customers seems to be to become P*****d as a fart asap, shout at the top of their voices and behave badly. Lovely. There are a very few old English hostelries left; real oak beams, a live fireplace and real live bitter sold direct from the barrel, however, these tend to be in rural areas, such as Norfolk, Wiltshire etc. Towns tend now to have bars: which are a pastiche of a real pub. And the prices! Give me a decent French bar any day: particularly since increasing numbers are now also micro-breweries. Brasserie of course, means brewery.
  20. It is not you, Woolly! Mrs Gluey has always adored the carols from King's; not this year however! She gave up after a bit since the old carols have been "Modernised". I am pretty amazed the revisionist, cancel culture woke mob even allowed the event in the first place! Sadly, the one man who ruined Anglican church music was Ronald Jasper: he also did his best to ruin the prayer book and order of service. Try and find and read Quentin Lett's tour de force, "The 50 people who Bu******d up Britain"; tremendous but true analysis. After all, they didn't want to offend those claiming to be adherents to the religion of peace... Oxbridge now leads the charge for academic wokeness. Circa 23 years ago, Mrs Gluey and I were still house hunting, but spent some time staying with friends who had purchased a lovely house outside a nice little town called Frevent. Not far from your demesne. At Christmas there were red carpets outside the shops, Santas hanging from windows on ropes, Christmas trees with parcels in front gardens and it was all very lovely and festive. In the UK, as we know, Christmas is now Xmas and simply now has become an orgy of excessive consumption, a time for gluttony and boozing; the central aspect and reason the festival is called Christ-Mass is all but forgotten. Personally, I have more respect for the few who celebrate the pagan feast of Yuletide, than the commercialised feast of Mamon... For me, the big difference between la belle France of 15 years ago (when compared to the UK) was the majority of people were much happier, polite and cheerful. The Covid Pandemic has quite obviously impacted everyone's lives and work; on top of this, however, is the utterly appalling mess that has resulted from moronic politicians in most of Europe and the USA: socially, financially, structurally and intellectually. People are now wilting and struggling to find a little glimmer of hope, perhaps? In any case, Christmas, for me, always was about the littlies: who still believed in Santa and were excited. Mrs G and I spent Christmas Day with our son and his lovely partner. She is a very accomplished creative chef and our son is a really excellent cook and approaching chef level. They truly spoiled us with gourmet food; and thereafter we all enjoyed a special time talking, listening to decent music and relaxing. We had fun with their new Amazon Alexa voice recognition system; requesting an eclectic range of music from 60s rock to the 1812! Now it is fortress Gluey; where we are closed in, the insane World is locked out and we are grazing on the remnants of festive food! And I am mainly reading.
  21. Forum fatigue, Gardian. It is very common. Many will return after a break. Anyway, a very happy Christmas and an excellent (and healthy!) New Year.
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