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  1. A quick search brings up this place: http://www.auvieuxcampeur.fr/adresse_toulouse. You can find Merrells in these shops.
  2. [quote user="sweet 17"]Sorry, id, I didn't make myself clear:  I meant what is the equivalent French expression of "blowing like the clappers"?[/quote] One which comes to mind is "un vent à décorner les bœufs", meaning a wind strong enough to pull the horns off cattle... Would that do? [:)]
  3. [quote user="sweet 17"]Can we have a weather update, please, people?[/quote] OK! I realise I'm 12h  behind the request, but in case you're still interested, I can let you know it's raining ice here... [:D] It's not rain and it's not snow, and it's too small to qualify as hailstones, but it's noisy when it hits the Velux and it does  not melt or flatten on contact. Temp -3°C overnight, and although the thermometer reads +3°C, the wind makes me believe I could almost be on my way to accompany Sir Ranulph on his latest adventure...
  4. It's snowing again in our northern corner of the Lot. Temp down to -4.6°C overnight, though it's due to warm up a bit by the end of the day... Boots at the door and winter tyres fitted... Bring it on! [:D]
  5. Not quite. I lived at home until I was 18, then went to Uni in the Savoie for a bit, then moved to the UK.
  6. I don't mind it. But then, my youth was spent in the Alps where there is a lot of it. When we'd walk to and from school (4 x a day), the snow on the pavements would come up to our knees, and it would stay 4 months of the year. You'd have to pay me a lot of money to get me to ski, though! And I mean a lot! [:-))] I remember driving with a friend to a summer job in 1978 and finding snow patches in the ditches in July!
  7. OK, sweetie, I'll do that. I know your feeble constitution wouldn't take it... [kiss]
  8. It started with a light flurry yesterday afternoon and carried on all night... By the early hours of the morning, the ground was coated and there is a thin layer everywhere I look.
  9. These might help: https://glass-insert.com/ http://verredistri.fr/ (for info only; not a recommendation, as I have never dealt with either.)
  10. You might find some tips on these older threads: https://www.google.com/search?q=%22replacement%20glass%22+site:services.completefrance.com
  11. This is what it looks like all around the house just now: [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q296/clair46/8c0a03c1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q296/clair46/689d89a8.jpg[/IMG]
  12. Location Toilettes Mobiles in PagesJaunes.fr http://www.wcloc.fr/
  13. [I] The Mods have edited this thread and some posts have been removed. If you have any questions about this message, please do not post on the thread, but click on the report button (bottom-right of this post). Please let's keep the discussion to the topic at hand. Thank you. The Mods.
  14. After the last couple of days of strong gusts of wind, after the curtain of rain and the peppering of hailstone, the snow arrived last night. There is a light covering of the white stuff everywhere outside...
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