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val douest

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  1. Hi Scoobie I've sent you a pm; if you can't open it then let me know with a reply to this posting and I'll try again. Val
  2. Regarding milk, our local supermarkets - including SuperU and Shopi -  stock 'fresh' milk in the chilled foods section near the creams and butter.  Red-capped bottles are full-cream, blue-capped ones are semi-skimmed; skimmed milk does not seem to be available. Regarding bacon, gammon steaks, ham joints, cumberland sausage etc anyone living within striking distance of Marciac in the Gers might be interested in this website www.bulldogbaconandbangers.fr.  The website tells the whole story but basically these are really top-quality English-style products made from local French pork at reasonable prices (a kilo of best back bacon is 10 euros, for example, and ham hocks are 4 euros each).  Many local French people enjoy their products too. Val
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