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  1. If it isn't too late, how about? C’est avec grande tristesse que nous avons appris le décès de votre chère maman… nous partageons votre peine et vous faisons part de nos sincères condoléances. I would think that a card is appropriate as you don't know the recipient that well.  It is kind of you to send one. By the way, when I was bereaved unexpectedly (my baby son died), I was swamped with cards but I only received a handful of letters.  I treasure those letters.  I do understand that people are reluctant to write letters for fear of saying the wrong thing but in reality, there is little wrong that you can say.  So now, if I hear of a bereavement affecting someone that I know reasonably well, I don't send a card but a letter.  I usually mention something kind about the person who has died and I always say at the end that they do not need to write back.
  2. Rose - how are your feet? I keep looking at your blog and I am still waiting...
  3. You are right, Rose.  Hey ho.  You win some.  You lose some.  Anyway, Norman is a new boy around these parts.  I'm promised to others.  Where is Professor Bugbear (with his bike) when you need him...
  4. I have witnessed first hand the deaths of three loved ones (mother, father, brother) from cancer.  I have also lost two loved ones (baby son, best friend) very suddenly.  I have had cancer myself. The loss of someone suddenly is devastating.  The loss of someone from cancer does give time to prepare.  But for cancer to be a merciful death, it needs to be coupled with assisted dying.  The three cancer deaths that I witnessed were miserable, ghastly and pain ridden in their last few days of life. I think that the doctor is generally right in his supposition but thinking that love, morphine and whisky can lessen the pain at the end is completely erroneous. I just hope, hope, hope that we shall bring in assisted dying.  Our pets are able to have a merciful death.  Why can't we?
  5. You are right on all counts, Mint. Twas Hogwarts that did for us and twas fun too.  Still is...
  6. So many questions to ask, Frenchie.  Do you still teach?  Your son would be a teenager now?  How have things been? I've been away from the Forum, just popping in when I've needed valuable advice.  Re-reading the Academy thread made me remember how much fun that we had.  I feel quite nostalgic.
  7. AMAZING ! I come onto the Forum for the first time for AGES and whom do I see but ...  Dame Frenchie, Vice Headmistress of the Academy of Haberdashers and Seamstresses - AND - Bursar Mint too. Can you believe this was SEVEN years ago? http://services.completefrance.com/forums/completefrance/cs/forums/1115203/ShowPost.aspx Lots of love to you Lady C xxx
  8. OK, OK,  this is not 'working with wood' exactly.  But you wood lovers may be able to help me. We recently changed the wood suppliers for our log burner.  This year, our wood is (a) leaving hardly any ash and (b) leaving a lot of tar in the stove itself and on the stove glass.  In the past, we have always been supplied with wood that leaves ash and I find that a bed of ash gives a much better fire. Do you think that the new supplier given us duff wood?  Your thoughts would be really welcome.
  9. Can I have a link to Rose's blog, please?
  10. I clicked on this thread as my 14 year old son lost his USB stick a couple of weeks ago in Bordeaux.  There wasn't too much on it but he has lost some school work. I hope that you find its owner.  I would hate to lose my data...
  11. easyJet used to run an old year round service (including winter) between Bristol and Bordeaux but stopped it in 2005.  Since then, it has been March-October only. I don't understand why they don't run a once-weekly service in the winter months.  I am certain that there is demand beween the South West of England and the South West of France.
  12. I followed the link and filled in this questionnaire.  I do like to help students because they should be encouraged in their studies.  This questionnaire is surprisingly well written considering the author is not a native English speaker. I rather enjoyed watching videos promoting Poland.   I have never considered Poland as a tourism destination but this questionnaire made me think again.
  13. I visited our Orange shop. After a wait of about 20 mins (why do they understaff Orange shops?), they gave me my PUK code but I had to pay 9 euros for the privilege, which is a standard charge for them looking at your details on the computer. My phone is now unlocked.  In future, I shall be keeping my PUK code somewhere safe (and trying not to be so silly as to put a wrong code in - 3 times). Thank you everyone for helping.
  14. Thank you everyone.  Very helpful information.  It was great that it was in the right order with the Wiki explanation first, so that I could understand things better. I shall visit our nearest Orange shop and see what I can do.  There are always queues in the shop and so I shall need to be patient.  I'll let you know how I get on.  In future, I shall keep the SIM card or write the PUK codes down.
  15. I'm seeing Rose and Greyman very soon.  I'll take them some grapes to replace the ones that they have been throwing at each other...
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