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I am being driven to distraction by a mouse or mice! It's been a problem for a couple of months but doesn't seem to be getting any better as they are now in the cavity walls.

We've filled in all possible holes where they could have been getting in. I bought a sonarl plug in thing which hasn't worked.

It was quite easy to get rid of them when they were appearing in the kitchen and garage, simply by using mouse traps.

So the problem is not in our living space anymore but between the floorboards and ceiling upstairs and all cavity walls.

If they/it got in but can't now get out, how long can it survive without food or water? I do hear what sounds like a chewing sound so I expect they're consuming insulation or at least making nests.

I don't want to use poison because we have cats and a dog. The cats really are useless at anything inside the house but even they can't get to the area where I think the problem is.

Any suggestions?
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Think laterally, buy earplugs!

They will find their way in and out through holes you cant even see.

Your home should be seen as a shared space with humans, dogs, cats and little four legged furry things having their space. And I am sure if you look you will find traces of Norman too!
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It lasted day and night for my son, definitely sounded like what we all thought mice should sound, but it was the constant rustling of wasps. I was round there a few days after it started and happened to look out of a window, which turned out to be close to their entrance and exit and saw a stream of wasps. I'm allergic to warp stings, so was extra keen to get them sorted, phoned our usual wasp man immediately, who solved the problem the same day. Definitely cheap at the price!

I'm not saying your problem will turn out to be wasps, but it's possible. If it is, sorting it out would definitely be easier!
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OK I  am going to do my 'three yorkshiremen' act.

Mice? you are lucky I have RATS and have had for a couple of years dancing above my head between the floors.One sometimes gets out and we catch it on a piece of cardboard with a strong adhesive baited with cheese. The rat runs onto the cardboard and is firmly stuck in place.

It then has to be diepatched...

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Insects get real.

This time of year - not likely to be wasps, bees or other insects. They need prolonged warmth to start to become active.

It could be mice, but equally a number of other rodents. Lerot would be first choice - possibly fouine or even dare I say it Norman's rats.

You say you have blocked off all holes and this suggests my first 2 alternatives, which will climb external walls and gain entry via the roof and attic.

Getting rid is a problem - whichever species.

Re-check you hole blocking - if their is any hole above around a half centimetre wide (big enough for a mouse) stuff the hole with wire wool and re-apply filler.

Look up at the soffits and see if there is a way in that way. If so, then again wire wool and this time use a mortar (cement sand mix).

These creatures need only the smallest of gaps to get in. The best deterrents are dogs and cats.
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[quote user="NormanH"]OK I  am going to do my 'three yorkshiremen' act.

Mice? you are lucky I have RATS and have had for a couple of years dancing above my head between the floors.One sometimes gets out and we catch it on a piece of cardboard with a strong adhesive baited with cheese. The rat runs onto the cardboard and is firmly stuck in place.

It then has to be diepatched...


Rat au Vin

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