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Non delivery of package


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I wonder if anyone can help me ?

I posted a small package on 22 Nov. A computer HD which had failed to be precise. I sent it Recommande but have only today discovered that it failed to arrive at it's destination.

Upon checking on www.colisimo.fr all it says is "colis en cours d'acheminement dans notre réseau" which clearly seems to acknowledge that it's in the system but why it hasn't been deliverd I don't know.

The addressing was undoubtedly correct because the recipent sent me an email with a pre-printed label with both their own and my address, plus the RMA number, additionally it was of course weighed by La Poste for the Recommande so not much scope for error or confusion on any of those points.

I have tried looking on the colisimo site for what to do but with my limited French found it rather confusing and up ended going round in circles so can anybody advise me what my next step should be.

Ta in advance

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Ernie, looking at the Colissimo site, it says...

En cas de retard avéré, vous devez faire part de votre situation à l'expéditeur qui devra alors se rapprocher de son bureau de Poste muni de la preuve de dépôt pour déposer une réclamation.

Si vous êtes l'expéditeur du colis, nous vous invitons à vous rendre à votre bureau de Poste où vous pourrez déposer une réclamation au guichet.

 - Pour les envois en France métropolitaine et vers les DOM, Mayotte, Saint-Martin, Saint-Barthélemy et Saint-Pierre et Miquelon, les réclamations sont recevables dans un délai de 1 an, et ce à partir du lendemain du jour de dépôt de l'envoi. 

 - Pour les envois à l'international, vers la Polynésie Française, la Nouvelle Calédonie, Wallis et Futuna et les Terres Australes et Antarctiques Françaises, vous avez 6 mois pour déposer une réclamation.

Dans tous les cas, il est nécessaire de présenter votre preuve de dépôt. Pour certains services (assurance optionnelle des offres Colissimo Emballage par exemple), il est également nécessaire de présenter une facture.

 Pour toute information complémentaire, veuillez contacter notre service client (uniquement pour l'international) au 0 810 821 821 (numéro azur)

Which translates roughly to, take yourself down to the post office, present your proof of posting, ask for your package back.  As a first step though, telephone customer services on 08 10 82 18 21.


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has anyone managed to claim compensation for Collisismo delivery problems.

I have a situation where Tickets for a tennis final were mailed (from France) to my old address in the UK (i was going to be there to pick them up and the new people were aware of the delivery). Unfortunately the postie decided not to deliver because "I had gone away". The tickets got returned to sender (took 3 weeks to get back to sender). Consequently the final was missed.  (It was my brother buying them as a present for his wife. He wanted to keep it a secret, so I bought them for him)

Of course, UK post service deny any responsibility and the French system blame the british. The UK customer service people can't be ***ed and keep sending my letters back telling me to contact the seller and get him to claim any damages from the French system. I wouldn't normally be this worked up about it, but is was £140.. and

As a last resort i'm going to get a Country Court judgement against the local post office. Both the posty and the post office manager he works out of agree it was a mistake on their behalf, so I reckon that means an admission of liability.

Still... if anyone knows how the system works over here re: compensation then I would be glad of your opinion.

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Ernie, here are the appropiate bit regarding how long it should take and the reimbursement you can expect. Also, more detail from the terms and conditions for colissimo recommandé:

Rapidité: Nous nous engageons à livrer votre colis dans un délai de 48h* (2 jours ouvrables)


Tranquillité : Vous bénéficiez, en cas de perte ou avarie d'une indemnisation forfaitaire en fonction du taux de Recommandation choisi (R1= 50€, R2= 200€, R3= 400€, R4= 600€, R5= 800€)  ou d’une indemnisation de 23€/kg si celle-ci est plus favorable.


link to terms and conditions

see sections 4 and 5

The amount you can be reimbursed depends on the amount of forfait chosen, R1 etc. As Cat says, you have to go to the post office with your bit of paper and make a claim. It will then go through the system and the parcel will probably be found on the Post office floor and delivered two days later.

If the claim is accepted, you should receive a reimbursement in the form of a 'bon' (six months lifespan...) or if it is confirmed lost, you should get a proper reimbursement.

All assuming that my understanding of the French is correct - it might be useful to ask someone else - Clair? Frenchie - to give you a definitive version...

Best of luck


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Thanks to all for the advice however in response to an email to the recipient it seems that it has in fact now arrived, or should that be 'found' [blink]

Seems a bug.gers muddle though as it was they who first emailed me to say that they hadn't received it and that their RMA number would soon expire and Colisimo seemed to confirm this. Despite all their tracker still says "colis en cours d'acheminement dans notre réseau".

Hardly confidence inspiring is it [:(]

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