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Sunday Driver

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Everything posted by Sunday Driver

  1. Not quite sure what you mean by the form "Declaration Medical". If you mean the section of the driving licence application form that is 'Réservé a la Commission Médicale' and completed by the French doctor authorised to carry out medical examinations, then the answer is no.....  
  2. Your assets as at this January are not declarable for ISF, either now or in five years time.  If you are exempt from ISF until year 20XX, then your first declaration will be your assets as at 1 January 20XX.  
  3. The applicable date for determining net assets for the purpose of ISF is 1st Jan each year, so how can you tell them in advance of that date?  
  4. Ah, all is explained now.... In order to obtain an international driving permit he must have a current valid driving licence, so that's not a solution. Simplest way is to apply for an exchange licence in the country where he is living.  
  5. [quote user="Keelstow"] my brother lives outside UK and needs to renew licence to enable him to hire cars back in the UK. [/quote] Strange question. What does he do about driving in the country where he lives? Does he have a locally issued licence and does he think it's won't be valid for hiring cars in the UK?    
  6. Bear in mind, the PDG doesn't open his own mail..... If his secretary feels it is disrespectful to address him as the Chief Clown and would p*ss him off for the rest of the day, then your letter might just accidently fall into the shredder....[;-)] Put your emotions to one side - approach a serious complaint by writing a serious letter.    
  7. My analysis lab always asks me if I want a copy of my blood tests sent to my GP.  The test results are marked 'Double a Dr XXXXX'  
  8. Me and Wiggy are doing a classic bike ride tomorrow.  About 70 entrants (we tag onto the back) - meet up in our local salle de fetes for free croissants and coffee....set off and ride round the lanes for a bit....rock up at a big lakeside picnic area for an enormous 11 o'clock brunch.....ride a bit further on to a restaurant for lunch.....set off again for the return home.  You know how it goes. As a prelude, I spent a couple of hours this afternoon at my local bike shop chatting with a bunch of Royal Enfield owners, all looking forward to tomorrows' ride out (Bernard the bike shop owner imports them from India). One talking point was whether I should sell my modern BMW and buy an oldie, and as you would imagine, the concensus was yes. Although I've downsized from my big old Pan to the lighter BMW, I find I'm using it less and less these days.  The advantage of having an old classic is that there are meet-ups most Sundays and the 'crack' is good, so I think I'd be more inclined to get out on the road more often. Question is, do I give up my modern electronics, high performance fuel injection, modern suspension and ABS disc brakes and go back to tweaking carburettors, cleaning and oiling chains etc. Anyone care to give me a little push....[;-)] From this: [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w4/r850r/R850R-1.jpg[/IMG] To this.... [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w4/r850r/RE.jpg[/IMG]    
  9. You resign from your association (in this case ACADIA) as per the terms of your agreement with them.  If that specifies a particular notice period, then you must adhere to that period. Or, as they suggest.......provide them with details of a property you have back in the UK and copies of a pair of one-way Ryanair tickets to Stanstead......  
  10. Press release issued by the Comité Interministériel de la Sécurité Routiere La connaissance de la localisation des radars nuit à la politique de sécurité routière en alimentant le sentiment d'impunité des conducteurs qui ne craignent plus d'être contrôlés inopinément sur la vitesse. Le Code de la route interdit la mise à disposition et la possession de détecteurs de radars, mais il existe des avertisseurs communautaires qui n'entrent pas dans cette catégorie et qui remplissent les mêmes fonctions : ils permettent notamment le signalement par les utilisateurs de la position géographique des radars. Le comité interministériel de la sécurité routière décide d'interdire les avertisseurs de radars. Pour cela, il décide de : - interdire la fabrication, l'import, l'offre et l'incitation à l'usage des dispositifs techniques signalant la localisation des radars, sous peine de deux ans d'emprisonnement et de 30 000 euros d'amende. - interdire la détention ou le transport de ces dispositifs, sous peine d'une amende prévue pour les contraventions de 5ème classe (1 500 euros maximum et retrait de 6 points). No more merrily speeding along listening for the beep telling you to back off for a few metres then back on the champignon....[;-)]  
  11. [quote user="stan"] Thanks Sunday Driver. I put the article through an online translator, and as usual its just gobbledegook! Can you, or someone oblige, and advise me if I can get out of this? Many thanks in advance. [/quote] Normally, when you take out a complimentary heath insurance policy, you enter into a contract directly with the insurer. As an individual, the Loi Chatel then gives you your rights of cancellation. In the case of a collective 'group adhesion' arrangement, you enter into a contract with an association who then contracts with the insurer to provide the cover.  Because that contract is between the insurer and the association, which is classed as a 'professional' rather than an individual, the Loi Chatel doesn't apply. So, instead of writing to the insurer to cancel the policy, you write to the association resigning your membership. Having done so, you are no longer part of the collective arrangement therefore you no longer benefit from the insurance guarantees and the insurer can no longer demand the premiums. The website I gave you contains links to download two example letters - a letter of resignation that you send to the association and a letter you send to the insurer notifying them of your resignation from the association. Your insurer is not being difficult and awkward, they are merely abiding by their contract terms. You are going to be doing the same.  
  12. Check out this website for an article about  Résiliation de Mutuelles : savoir utiliser la Loi châtel. Contains useful information about getting out of 'group adhesion' contracts.  
  13. [quote user="sweet 17"] Still, not long now before you'll be driving in the le Mans 24 hrs?[:D] [/quote] Only if they make slicks to fit a wheelchair....  
  14. A new Arrete was issued middle of last year requiring a CoC to be presented when requesting a CT on an imported vehicle. I recently bought a four year old Mercedes from Germany and the dealer supplied an EU certificate of conformity from Mercedes Benz as part of the deal. When I took the car for its CT, Ludovic the tester asked for the carte grise and CoC. L: "Is this the carte grise?: SD: " Yep, Zulassungsbescheinigung is German for carte grise" L: " OK. So this is the certificate of conformity? It's in German as well.  What am I looking for?" SD: "There's the number, just type it in the box." L: "Merci, Sunday.  That's all I need" Oh, and it passed....[;-)]      
  15. [quote user="cooperlola"] Well, at the risk of repeating myself, and not withstanding the fact that both S/D and I think it should go in VIII (although I have a feeling that from something going back to the FHI days, your income is not from the UK but elsewhere but I might be mixing you up with somebody else so VII might still be right as I think you may be an exceptional case?) - amounts entered in VII must go on to box 8TI on the blue form.  Thus, because you've put in an amount in VII on the online return, it cannot understand why you haven't used section 8 on the 2042 so it needs you to go back and amend that. That's all I can think of. But still, I think VIII and 8TL are the boxes where foreign income taxable in France goes![:-))] [/quote] No, No, No.... I don't "think Mogs' UK salary should go in VIII" - that's solely for the CRDS charge, not the tax.  Neither should it go in VII because that will adversely double up his/her marginal tax rate. Let's start from basics.... Mogs has a foreign salary which is taxable in France.  Here are the boxes available on the tax forms: 2047 section I plus 2042 box 1AJ --- salaries which are taxable in France 2047 section VI plus 2042 box 8TK --- foreign income not taxable in France and qualifying for a tax credit. 2047 section VII plus 2042 box 8TI  --- foreign income not taxable in France but taken into account for marginal tax rate Now which of those would appear to cover Mogs' salary which is taxable in France??? With all due respect, speculation isn't really helpful here....  
  16. 2042 box AJ the salary earned offshore  Correct 2047 box I and box VII the same amount  Incorrect.  Nothing in box VII and nothing in box 8TI or you'll be bumped up your tax bands twice over. I can't remember exactly the details of on-line process (I'm leaving mine until the last moment), but I completed the 2047 first then moved on to the 2042 (which is the correct way to do it). Perhaps there's some system conflict that's causing you problems.  Worth deleting the declaration and starting again, 2047 then 2042....  
  17. Appareils de chauffage au bois ou autre biomasses - box 7WK.  Enter the cost of the boiler including TVA but excluding the cost of installation. Matériaux d'isolation thermique des parois vitrées (fenêtres, portes-fenêtres...); volets isolants - box 7WQ. Enter the cost of the shutters and the installation, including TVA. Just enter the costs as above. The system automatically calculates the tax allowances (40% for the boiler, 15% for the shutters). If you're doing a paper tax declaration then attach copies of the invoices.  If you're declaring on-line, just file them in case of a future tax audit.  
  18. Tuppence If you are talking about the on-line summary of your declaration and the projected tax due, it is based on the information you've just entered so it has taken into account any deductions or allowances. And yes, it is just an assessment - the definitive amount of tax due will be that shown on your paper tax avis.   
  19. Hold on there.... A UK salary which is taxable in France goes in section I of the 2047 then across to the 2042 into box 1AJ. That defines that income as taxable and adds it to the calculation of the individual's marginal tax rate. If you're on CMU, then you also put it in section VIII and box TL for the CRDS charge.  That's all you do with it. If you also put the income into section VII (which is for tax exempt income that nevertheless has to be taken into account for calculating the marginal rate) then put it in box TI, it'll add the income to the marginal rate calculation a second time......[:(]  
  20. It's because for everyone else in France, social security contributions are deducted from salaries leaving the net pay figure declarable for income tax purposes.  For the non-actives who are registered under CMU, this separate tax deduction makes up for that. Edit:  So cross out the big fat 0 and write in the amount of CMU payments you've made. Add a short comment, such as 'CMU URSSAF plus your ref number'.  
  21. The Notice to tax form 2042 contains the following comments regarding diverse deductions (box 6DD): les versements de cotisations de sécurité sociale dans le cas exceptionnel où ils n’ont pas été déduits pour la détermination d’un revenu particulier. Les cotisations patronales de  sécurité sociale versées pour les employés de maison ne sont pas déductibles. Pour les rachats de cotisations de retraite, voir paragraphe « pensions ». Vous ne pouvez pas déduire les cotisations versées à une mutuelle ou à tout autre organisme de prévoyance ou d’assurance lorsque l’adhésion est facultative. The 8% of taxable income paid towards couverture maladie universelle is classed as a social security cotisation so it qualifies here.  In the case of someone who does not qualify for state assurance maladie, you would need to speak with the tax office to see whether a commercial health insurance policy which is required to satisfy legal residency criteria would be regarded as being optional or not.  
  22. [quote user="idun"] This is from the NHS web site. <<snip>> <<snip>> <<snip>>  If I were you I would try sending the bill to Newcastle or call them about it and see what happens. Let us know how you get on. [/quote] Which is wot I suggested three hours ago.......[Www]  
  23. The amount shown next to box 6DE is a percentage of your last year's CSG bill which is allowable against this year's income tax. That's why it's variable. These 'pre-completed' amounts have a box next to them so that you if you disagree with the tax office's figures you can enter your own in the box. Edit:  You can check the figures by looking at the schedule on the back of your last year's avis de contributions sociales where it shows the tax allowance you get for next year.  
  24. The problem appears to be that whilst most prefecture websites now simply provide a link to Vos Droits for the conditions relating to exchange driving licences, the Lot et Garonne prefecture have created their own bespoke web page which doesn't actually reflect the official position. For example: Comment faire la demande ? Vous devez présenter : • Une demande d'échange de permis de conduire, remplie et signée • Une pièce d’identité • 2 photographies d’identité • Le permis de conduire et sa traduction officielle • Si vous êtes de nationalité étrangère, le titre de séjour ou de résident • Si vous êtes français, l’attestation d’immatriculation ou de résidence délivrée par le consulat de France. • une enveloppe affranchie au tarif ordinaire et libellée à vos nom et adresse, afin que votre permis vous soit envoyé par voie postale • le règlement de la taxe régionale de 52 €   The items highlighted (my italics) are only required for non-EU licences/licenceholders but there is no mention here of the differentiation. It's not clear whether the Scotty is merely acting upon the website advice or whether he's tried to obtain an exchange in person and been sent away by the prefecture to obtain the translation.  
  25. Mogs If you check out the Tax FAQ, you will find precise instructions on how to fill out both forms according to your specific income. Note that the FAQ has not yet been updated with the changed procedure for declaring UK taxable income such as a government pension so if you have one of those, come back on and we'll give you the full SP...  
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