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  1. Hi, I have been told that wood ash is good for the garden. Would that be for flower borders, vegetables, lawns or where? I am a novice gardener but would like to recycle stuff. I have a composteur which I put grass after mowing, vegetable and fruit waste, eggshells etc. But now the winter is approaching I will have loads of wood ash to utilise. tuppence
  2. My thoughts entirely AnOther! And yet again we may have to suffer another unelected Labour leader. It's about time Nick Clegg made his bl**dy mind up, talk about holding the country to ransom. And what will the Nationalists want in return for backing Gordon the Moron? Lets have another election soon!! tuppence
  3. As someone who also suffers crossing high bridges, I sympathise with your friends situation. I NEVER, EVER drive myself if there is a bridge where I am going, but as a passenger I duck down on the backseat and wait there till the crossing is completed. Yea OK I am a wimp but it is so much better than being scared out of your skin. Have just seen a view of the Millau viaduct and my knees started to wobble just looking at the picture!!![:'(] I am going to the Vendee for a break in the summer and am already checking out the lay of the land before booking! Tuppence
  4. Hi, I've  recently received details of yet another cheap day return via Eurotunnel in April. So me and 2 friends decided to go over to Canterbury for the day. From UK to France £22 for a day return. From France to UK €30 (or on todays exchange rate £27). So no change there then [6]. But the good news is that with 3 of us on board it only works out at £9 each. tuppence
  5. Hi, We took advantage of this offer in December and we are going over again on 17th Feb. It doesn't matter whether you go from France or the UK except that paying 15€ it is slightly cheaper[:)]. You can't book online only by phone. Details are 08448797371 for the UK and 0811364133 for France. Laughable really that 2 numbers are given as they are all in the same call centre[8-)]! I used the UK number only because I would be asked in French for all my details and it's not that good, but used my French bank card to pay!![8-|] tuppence
  6. Just had an e-mail re: £15 or 15€ return crossing offers again[:D]. Valid Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday 16th, 17th and 18th February. Tuppence
  7. I have often wondered why Eurotunnel charge so much more on a return crossing from France than they do from the UK. I would have thought that after their recent bad publicity blaming French snow for delays etc that they would have started to use an up to date exchange rate for fares. I tried to book yesterday for a return crossing from France......€162, but if I used my address in the UK it was £116. Even with the exchange rate at €1.11, this made a difference of £29. Wake up Eurotunnel, why should we be fleeced for living in France? tuppence
  8. Hi, The letter 'g' is softened when it is followed by 'i' or 'e' and hard when followed by 'a'. 'o' and 'u'. The letter 'j' is different as most of the time is pronounced as 'z'. As there are so few words in the French language beginning with 'j', it does sometimes change as in jargon when it is pronounced the same as the English 'j'. tuppence
  9. Thanks Sunday Driver, I am well aware what lane you can tootle in!!  I was actually sticking to the UK speed limit so not tootling in the sense of slow driving, perhaps tootle wasn't the right word to use. tuppence
  10. Hi, An interesting post this one. I live in a village of 1,750 people of whom 36 are "non-French".I attend an anglo-francais conversational group each week set up by the Mairie. Absolutely fabulous! It is obvious from this group that we (the English) are actively encouraged to integrate.......and we do. We have been invited to schools and colleges to speak English to the students. The one comment I have to make is a reversal of the anti-British incidents. When, on the few occasions I return to the UK and am tootling along the M25 in a car with French plates, some (British I assume) driver comes within millimetres of my bumper and gives me a Churchillian salute[6] shouting abuse because he believes me to be French!! I know where I am welcomed!! tuppence
  11. P2. when I wanted to renew my frequent travellers tickets, and living in France, it was 550€ compared to £390 so I used my Mums address in the UK to save a lorra, lorra money!! I haven't bothered this year as I don't make so many journeys back to the motherland. My friends came over in June, were quoted almost £200 return on the shuttle, so they came over on LD Lines Norman Arrow return £60, big difference don't you think? tuppence
  12. Interesting thread this one with differing items being discussed. I have a 2002 Rover 25 which I bought in the UK last December, registered it in France in March. It was a one owner, low mileage car costing £1795.00. With tax and MOT. Our local garage has a 1999 Rover 200 with 149,000km on clock and he wants 2,900€. Also for me to replace headlights would cost (from Germany on Ebay) over £400[6], almost 20% of the price of the car itself. tuppence
  13. Sorry to disappoint you Sweet, but  after my Mum goes home from my place in France, my sister picks her up from Rickmansworth to take her back to Staffordshire. I then only have a 100 mile journey back to the Tunnel, so I do my shopping at Tescos Rickmansworth. Still saves £'s . The nice thing is if I have forgotten something I call in at Tescos Junction 10 , M20. double the fun[8-|]. tuppence
  14. Sweet you are not alone, came back via Eurotunnel yesterday after having filled the boot with special offers from Tesco at Rickmansworth. So many items at BOGOFF prices[:D] now all I have to do is to find room in the fridge/freezers for them all. I don't mind being common if it saves me £'s[8-|]. tuppence
  15. Thanks for the replies but the Pont de Normandie just ain't my cup of tea, although the Tancarville may be a possibility. But I could amend the route to come into Rouen another way and avoid both of them. I am supposing that their river bridges are similar size and height as those in London over the Thames??? And , Michelle, they may not be scary to you but to most vertigo sufferers they are horrendous and to be avoided at all costs. tuppence
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