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Sunday Driver

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Everything posted by Sunday Driver

  1. 'Inactives' must have own resources at least equal to the amount of RSA thereby disqualifying themselves from claiming.  However, after five years legal residence, the resource condition no longer applies and they become free to make a claim. Note that since the introduction of a new immigration law in July of this year, inactive EU citizens who do not meet the required resource/health insurance requirements lose their right of legal stay and the authorities can order their removal from French territory...[:-))]   
  2. You can obtain a free EU certificate of conformity from Renault UK by applying on line via the following link.  Your request will be processed within seven working days. http://www.renault.co.uk/ownerservices/coc.aspx Meanwhile, order the LHD headlamps from your German e-bay seller.  Allowing for delivery, you can have them all done and fitted by the time your Renault certificate arrives in the post. Collect your quittus fiscal on the way to your CT appointment. Leave the CT station and go to your prefecture to obtain your carte grise.  Be prepared to get it right first time by reading the simple registration instructions provided by the official government information website: http://vosdroits.service-public.fr/particuliers/F19222.xhtml As you can see, it's possible to complete the whole import process in less than a fortnight......[;-)]  
  3. If your partner was born prior to 31 December 1987, then he does not require a licence in order to ride a sub 50cc cyclomoteur. Procedure for registering a cyclomoteur HERE. Insurance is normally issued to cover any rider with a higher excess applying for young/inexperienced riders.  Check with your insurer.  
  4. Code des assurances article L113-15-1 (created from the Loi Chatel): Pour les contrats à tacite reconduction couvrant les personnes physiques en dehors de leurs activités professionnelles, la date limite d'exercice par l'assuré du droit à dénonciation du contrat doit être rappelée avec chaque avis d'échéance annuelle de prime ou de cotisation. Lorsque cet avis lui est adressé moins de quinze jours avant cette date, ou lorsqu'il lui est adressé après cette date, l'assuré est informé avec cet avis qu'il dispose d'un délai de vingt jours suivant la date d'envoi de cet avis pour dénoncer la reconduction du contrat. Dans ce cas, le délai de dénonciation court à partir de la date figurant sur le cachet de la poste. Lorsque cette information ne lui a pas été adressée conformément aux dispositions du premier alinéa, l'assuré peut mettre un terme au contrat, sans pénalités, à tout moment à compter de la date de reconduction en envoyant une lettre recommandée à l'assureur. La résiliation prend effet le lendemain de la date figurant sur le cachet de la poste. L'assuré est tenu au paiement de la partie de prime ou de cotisation correspondant à la période pendant laquelle le risque a couru, période calculée jusqu'à la date d'effet de la résiliation. Le cas échéant, l'assureur doit rembourser à l'assuré, dans un délai de trente jours à compter de la date d'effet de la résiliation, la partie de prime ou de cotisation correspondant à la période pendant laquelle le risque n'a pas couru, période calculée à compter de ladite date d'effet. A défaut de remboursement dans ces conditions, les sommes dues sont productives d'intérêts au taux légal. Les dispositions du présent article ne sont applicables ni aux assurances sur la vie ni aux contrats de groupe et autres opérations collectives. Mentions no distinction between ordinary post and AR.....
  5. Given that they are unlikely to be classed as a state secret, I expect that procedures for dealing with UK EHICs presented by foreign resident pensioners will have been circulated to surgery managers and hospital administrators as a matter of routine.........[;-)]  
  6. The DRIRE/DREAL will only provide attestations for passenger cars, and since the beginning of this year, only for those first manufactured from 2006 onwards. You need to apply to Mercedes Benz France for your van attestation. Full details and application form from here: Importation d'un véhicule utiliaire d'occasion  
  7. Never mind quoting all the EU regulations, the definitive law is that of France, ie the Code de la Route. If you live in France and drive a car or tow a trailer then article R322-1 of the code applies to you: Tout propriétaire d'un véhicule à moteur, d'une remorque dont le poids total autorisé en charge est supérieur à 500 kilogrammes ou d'une semi-remorque, qui souhaite le mettre en circulation pour la première fois, doit adresser au préfet du département de son domicile une demande de certificat d'immatriculation en justifiant de son identité et "de" son domicile. Le fait, pour tout propriétaire, de mettre en circulation un véhicule sans avoir obtenu un certificat d'immatriculation est puni de l'amende prévue pour les contraventions de la quatrième classe. So, if you wish to drive your car in France, you must apply for a registration certificate.  Failure to do so leaves you liable to a class four fine (135€). Everyone who owns a motor vehicle which is being driven on the roads must be held accountable for any breach of the law and consequent damages caused by its use and therefore must register themselves as the person responsible so that any such breach can be enforced against them.  Anyone who imagines in their wildest dreams that it's just fine to drive around in an unregistered vehicle is clearly totally ignorant of the law and demonstrates that they hold their obligations to society in contempt.  
  8. I use a small Toshiba USB external hard disk drive as a storage overflow/backup for my Dell laptop. Yesterday, after powering up everything, I can no longer access the drive.  It normally comes up in Windows Explorer as Toshiba plus drive letter plus capacity, but now just shows as Local Disk plus drive letter.  When I click on it to access the drive, Explorer stops responding. Initial thoughts are that the boot sector may be corrupted preventing access to the data.  Can anyone recommend a disk recovery program (preferable free) that might help solve the problem?  
  9. [quote user="JohnRoss"]........I can get within 2 euros of their figure using both your formula and Norman's formula...... [/quote] I'd quit now whilst you're ahead......[;-)]  
  10. Les personnes exonérées de tax d'habitation  
  11. Only if it is issued on the basis of invalidity.  An E121/S1 issued upon receipt of a UK state pension only entitles the holder to the standard percentage reimbursements.  
  12. [quote user="stan"]My wife and I have been paying about 80 euros a month to a mutuelle that we took out when we came to live here following our receipt of Carte Vitales with for E121 (underlying entitlement to UK Incapacity Benefit). Are we elegible for CMU Complimentaire Santé, as, following receipt of our Avis d`Impot, our joint Revenu Fiscal is now 11,720€ (which includes an "Abattement personne invalide" for me) I have had a look at the CMU website, but see there are 2 plafonds for this (one above and one below the Revenu Foscal figure), and I cannot work out which is which. Any ideas?  [/quote] According to one of your earlier threads, you are registered with your CPAM under an E121/S1 issued on the basis of invalidity and therefore entitled to 100% reimbursement of your medical expenses. On that basis, why would you have taken out a mutuelle at 80 euros a month which you now seek to replace with a free one under CMU complimentaire?  
  13. You could always chop one of your legs off and qualify for the handicapped tax allowances.....[;-)] However, if that seems a bit radical, then check out the Impots website for various reductions for income tax: Les réductions d'impôt et les crédits d'impôt  
  14. Elnagh are a major European manufacturer of camping cars so if your particular model was built since circa 2002 then they are likely to have submitted it for EU whole vehicle type approval as a 'specialist vehicle' and will be able to issue an EU certificate of conformity covering the complete vehicle which will allow you to register it without the need for any further inspection or modification. If not, then you'll have to submit it for a DREAL single vehicle approval inspection (réception de titre isolé).  For that, the DREAL will require you to obtain an attestation d'identification from the base vehicle manufacturer, a constructor certificate from Elnagh covering their conversion, a gas safety report from Bureau Veritas, quittus fiscal VAT certificate and a controle technique certificate if the van is over four years old.  Once you've submitted your dossier to the DREAL, they will review the documentation and call the van in for an inspection.  They will then issue you with a proces-verbal de titre isolé which is your new type approval certificate.  Then it's off to the prefecture to obtain your carte grise. http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/RTI03-5-1_062011_autocaravane.pdf  
  15. This thread, which has been exhumed by newbie popeye32, is over seven years old so don't expect any responses from the original posters......[8-)]  
  16. Thanks, Norman.  The mother-in-law had a heart attack a couple of weeks ago and we had to go across and sort things out.  Bad news is the old dragon has made a full recovery.....[:-))]  
  17. Social security contributions deductable at source as a percentage of salary: http://www.urssaf.fr/profil/salaries/baremes/baremes/taux_des_cotisations_du_regime_general_01.html  
  18. This DREAL guidance note explains the process for obtaining single vehicle approval for a non-conforming imported vehicle: Voitures particulières, camionnettes et véhicules automoteurs spécialisés importés non conformes à une réception par type nationale française ou une réception européenne  
  19. As always, the first step is to find out if it is possible to obtain a certificate of conformity before buying such a vehicle...[;-)] If you are very lucky and it was originally a European spec car which the original owner exported to Dubai and which was subsequently exported to the UK, then you may have a chance.  You can verify this by checking the manufacturer's plate for the e* type approval number.  If you find it, then you can obtain an EU certificate of conformity from Mitsubishi UK. If not, then the vehicle is likely to have been originally manufactured for commercial sale in the Middle East so it won't comply with European type approval.  That means you'll have to submit the vehicle for a DREAL single vehicle approval inspection (réception de titre isolé).  For this, the DREAL will require you to obtain a partial or non-conformity certificate (attestation d'identification) from Mitsubishi France as well as independent test reports covering emissions, braking system, sound levels, radio suppression and field of rear view vision.  These tests are carried out by UTAC who are based at Montlhery just south of Paris and will typically cost around 2,500€.  
  20. Peut-on apposer un logo régional sous forme d'autocollant ou "sticker" ? La plaque minéralogique forme un tout cohérent, depuis l'eurobande en sa partie gauche jusqu'à l'identifiant local en sa partie droite. De la même façon que la plaque d'immatriculation doit être inamovible, les éléments qui la composent doivent rester solidaires de la plaque elle-même et ne peuvent en être détachés pour quelque raison que ce soit. Le remplacement de l'identifiant local donnera lieu au changement de la plaque minéralogique. Il n'est donc pas permis d'apposer le logo en stickers sur la plaque.  
  21. I picked up this thread earlier this morning, but by the time I'd had a good laugh about it being the job of lazy French bureaucrates to search for information missing from our paperwork, the forum had been fiddled with and my reply came out as gobbledegook. I'd be interested to hear more about this wonderful European law that says it shouldn't cost us anything to move within the Union.....  
  22. All explained here: http://vosdroits.service-public.fr/particuliers/F1707.xhtml Your insurance company will want to see your copy of the déclaration de cession.  
  23. The classification relates to the number of main rooms in a property, excluding kitchens and bathrooms. So, a house with a living room and three bedrooms will be a T4 whereas one with a living room and five bedrooms will be a T6.      
  24. [quote user="Judith"][quote user="Benjamin"][quote user="freddy"] Many thanks for all the replies that makes me feel much better about this. [/quote] Your opening post mentions E111. [/quote] In my reading of it he quotes an E106 or S1 - not an E111.  [/quote] [quote user="freddy originally"] My question is this: What happens if I needed medical treatment during this period. Do they give you a temporary card or letter straight away or am I covered by my E111 until the carte vitale turns up or something else? [/quote]    
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