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Everything posted by odile

  1. So we all seem to agree, bad news. But how can we influence those around us, especially in France, who still believe that it is an innocent little helper? Just been doing some French Googling - there is some very interesting info on extensive studies by Caen University which proves clearly that roundup is extremely toxic even at very low dosage.
  2. I phoned their help line in UK last year. I had bought round-up to use on our paved drive. On the bottle the label shows a paved drive- but then the instructions say it should not be used on paved areas because of run-off. The VERY NICE MAN said they had to put that on the instructions because of a EU ruling, but to just ignore it as (as above) perfectly safe as soon as dry. We have covered the old, derelict, vegetable patch full of weeds with 2 layers of tarp, then empty lawnmower bag over and spread to get heat- and we will dig it over in the autumn, ready for next Spring. I would rather wait and do the job properly and safely.
  3. Moles were the bane of my dad's life! I could never understand his sheer hatred towards them. He used to block the holes bar one and put a tube to his car exhaust and into mole tunnel. For gardeners - I use the mole hill earth from or meadow as potting soil - mixed with some compost. Great stuff. Having said that, I am quite happy for moles to enjoy the meadow - but they better watch out if they come into the garden! Althoug I could never do what my dad did - YUK so?!?
  4. I have never ever known any GP, and I know 100s, in UK, France and Switzerland - who would not say exactly the same as Daft Doctor - and who have not had their own children vaccinated. I am so sorry about the experience you had Cathy - it must have been dreadful. I have never heard of a proven case of MMR giving full blown measles. I am not doubting your word, or the terrible ordeal you went through- but I am so surprised your GP, being fully aware of the rarity or indeed non-existence fo such cases - didn't fully publicise his findings as the medical world would heve been extremely interested, I am sure. Most doctors are aware of so many PROVEN terrible disability and death caused by Measles, rubella and mumps - and are very clear about the statistics involved. Cases of measles have greatly increased again because of insufficient take-up. The Press have a lot to answer for! Personal choice is a great concept, but there is a but ... as an insuffficient take-up puts everyone at risk- as has been proven with big recent increases. A reminder that some vaccinations are compulsory for children to enter creche or school in France, for reasons given above.
  5. Perhaps many of us would like to know the answer, as well as Scooby. Thanks.
  6. une chiffe-molle (fem even if masc!) indeed LOL. I sent you a nice message and oops, it disappeared. happened a few times lately, So glad you are safe and nobody is hurt - Hope you really enjoy your walking holiday at Les Contamines - don't let this spoil this. I learn to day that part of the St J. de Compostelle way DOES go across Switzerland - never knew that. xxx
  7. Our taxes have just gone up! You can't win!!!
  8. pourquoi pas un thème typically English - qui se moque (gentiment) de la nourriture, vetements, politique, etc, British.
  9. des expressions du film de ce soir 'dialogue avec mon jardinier' il est un peu patraque  he is feeling rough/unwell le mariolle - the crazy one    arrete de faire le mariolle  stop playing the fool tirer au cul   being a lazy bones  au r'voir la compagnie   bye all! une chiffe-molle  an old fart/ a wimp
  10. pas d'orage ou de grele ici - juste de la pluie et froid.
  11. Quel temps fait-il chez vous? Ici il fait froid, le ciel est tout noir et il pleut des hallebardes! Beuh...... La météo va continuer ainsi jusqu'à jeudi parait-il. JE VEUX DU SOLEIL ...
  12. odile

    Eye Tests

    Make sure that if you are over 50 your eye test includes checking the pressure in your eyes. If you do have high pressure, and it is picked up early, it can be easily treated with drops - if high pressure continues over a period of time the result will be glaucoma and blindness- as happened to my mother. The local optician never tested her for this- just changing prescription and selling her new glasses, and by the time I realised, it was too late.
  13. it is exactly the same in Switzerland- and the police just do not want to know- because all the Fetes for societies, charities, villages - horse events, agricultural fairs, rural and mountains cafés,  and so on - would stop being profitable. Some Brits here would say they run away from UK because of too many rules, etc - I do wonder how they would feel if that had to experience what you went through, or if any of their loved ones were killed by drink-drivers. When I was 16 (many moons ago) I regularly drove friends back from gigs and parties and I wasn't totally p......ed. The first time it happened I had never driven before! I shudder to think..
  14. I wouldn't mind a bottom transplant - as mine is currently larger than in my younger days! The title of your post confused me ... sorry.
  15. A Londoner might find it difficult to run a small rural shop in Yorkshire perhaps! And imagine a non English speaker from France running a grocer's there! But it does seem too that French Maires have great power of their populations, especially if family is involved.
  16. un clafoutis - beaucoup recettes sur l'internet. Mais pourquoi pas les manger just comme ça - elles sont délicieuses sans rien- plus facile et moins de calories. Quand on trouve de bons produits - simple c'est toujours mieux. Il a plus toute la journée et re-belotte pour demain! super concert de 2 choeurs dans le Temple devant chez nous ce soir. La voix humaine est un magnifique instrument quand on sait bien l'utiliser! C'était dans le Temple où nous avons eu la cérémonie pour papa mercredi et maman il y a 3 mois - nous nous sommes assis tout au fond au cas où je ne pourrais pas 'tenir' - mais j'ai tenu le coup. Un merveilleux concert. Frenchie j'espère que tu iras mieux bientot. Envoie-nous des nouvelles. xx
  17. Alors explique nous comment on fait le ski nordique avec 2 BATONS - je voudrais essayer aussi. Comment est-ce qu'on tient les batons, quelle position. Explique en anglais, si tu veux . xx
  18. the crunchy types have huge amounts of sugar in. I live in Switzerland, so plenty of good muesli (often called bircher muesli here where it was invented!) about- but very expensive. A related question - where can I buy BIG oats, not the little ones that turn to concrete as soon as cooked. I make my own magic porridge - with crushed seeds and nuts and bits of dried fruit - and need whole rolled oats. Live near Pontarlier so have access to all big supermarkets. Luckily a really kind soul has offered to bring me large oats from UK next week - but need continuous low GI supply. Thanks
  19. LOL - typo!  and SO do waterbutts (yes linked to downpipe). There is a guy on another forum named redbidet - I always wonder  if that means he has got p....les! ... but I digress. Salutations to all he Woolie familyxx Sorry all the shops have closed - an institution - like you.
  20. sounds like you have done quite a bit of groundwork - well done. The only factor that would influence my otherwise positive reply is 'how good is your French?' I do feel that if it is the only shop around - and therefore the one the locals, especially the elderly, have available - not being able to speak the language could be resented by them (even if they realise you have 'saved' their local shop) I am not talking about perfect French/correct grammar - but an ability to communicate and a desire and will to improve. Also I feel it would be important to make contacts to learn more about French and local  produce, local producers, etc. If you do have have good basic French - would you be able and willing to do an intensive course before or as soon as poss? How would elderly neighbours feel if they can't make themselves understood in their local shop - or have a bit of a chat/banter - as they have always done.
  21. Too many parents are unaware of the importance of the personal statement and the weight of an interest in relevant (to subject) or other 'meaningful' activities which can be backed up by references and insight into experience gained. The ex Head of UCAS used to come and visit our 6th Former and outline this very strongly.
  22. Blimey Woolie - and I thought, like Randy, that I was quite streetwise! Just sent a mail to Les Contamines Tourist Board to ask for meaning. Will pass on when I get reply. xx (PS pouring with rain today - garden needs water and do do waterbutts, hope it doesn't last too long)
  23. It was soooo beautiful - and terrifying too. The discussion and questions was also thought provoking. It is sad that France has one of the worst record for biodiversity protection, from wolves to songbirds, chemical and antibiotic use. Only 2 % of production is bio and most imported from afar. Can anybody remember the name of the woman talking about sustained development. She made some very interesting points- especially about the 'rich' world supporting developing nations rather than pointing the finger and blaming them for wanting to emulate our western development style. I haven't had time yet to look up Tristan Lecomte 'altereco' association. The first good programme I have seen on French TV in 3 months here!
  24. have a fantastic time in Les Contamines - and bravo for the 'aux'! Hope to meet you soon xx
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