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  1. Sooooo  good to log in this morning and read your messages!! I'm fine , and so are you I hope! You've made my day!! [kiss]
  2. Oui c'est moi ![:)]  Je vais très bien et toi ? Good to hear from you [:)]
  3. Hello to the people I used to chat with on here!  Don't know if you're still around  , anyway,   JOYEUX  NOEL!!!!  xxx  Frenchie.
  4. http://youtu.be/pPk9-AD7h3M Watched the film on French tv last night.
  5. Serves him right  ( no pun intended ) How are you Norman? Been quite a while!
  6. My son uses the word ironically when he spots a car with british plates ; " Oh, des anglois !!' 
  7.  You could also hear one say " Rien d'interessant ; que des cochonneries dans ce vide grenier " .( So it is just like saloperie) . Both can be considered as offending , so , beware !
  8. In which case he could have said " et il s'appelle retourne " ! ( very common thing to say in such circumstances" 
  9. Bon, après toutes ces circonvolutions ,  il te le prête ou pas cet outil .?????? [:D]
  10. Yes, Chancer, I saw that one when she ventured into the ring with the matador !!   I also love this programme and the presenter is so nice !
  11. That s an interesting site to browse, even when you're French ! [:D]
  12. Giggling..........   At the time,  the poor girl didn't know about the double entendre in the song... When she got it, she was very angry with Serge Gainsbourg....
  13. Ah je vois.. Une petite gâterie !!
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