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Christine Animal

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  1. That may well be why they are not in French gardens, but the British ones !
  2. And who dug you out the Riff Raff Element. Nice to see you suddenly back on the forum.
  3. Not surprising your neighbours moved! What do you do with the bodies, or do they manage to crawl away and die in agony somewhere else, so you don't even have the bother of that? You are not only responding to other people's unwelcomed animal attentions, you are acting unlawfully and should be punished. You almost seem like a troll.
  4. Such despicable "people" as Lehaut hopefully will get something back one day. Just a question of time.
  5. There is even a noun now in French, un startup ! http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Startup  
  6. Well, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asJAbkR459Q https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ij3r-k-DSGM  
  7. That's nice for you David.   [8-)]    
  8. They are always "notre envoyé spécial".  Maybe they wouldn't look so spécial with a hat on!  
  9. [quote user="NormanH"]A famous sketch which is still relevant https://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=2067488296470 [/quote] [:P] [:P] [:P]  
  10. A bit of useless information if ever you have dinner guests in England, but no tin opener. http://screen.yahoo.com/opening-boss-165350405.html  
  11. Might be quite amusing. http://www.programme-tv.net/news/tv/39064-comment-jouer-sarkozy-chirac-hollande-tele-video/  
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