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Everything posted by NickP

  1. Interesting, well-produced and nicely shot but, no mention of Co-Vid or wearing of masks.
  2. Woolyone: It is probably down to the Internet connection speeds, have you checked your "speed" I use speed test an app that measures the connection upload and download. Also, are you connected to the router by WiFi or cable, cable is better. I'd be surprised if it a speed problem given your geographical location so check cables.
  3. My wife got a letter from the CPAM saying she should make an RDV for the vaccine, this she did after many tries on Doclib and Sante France giving all her details date of birth etc. We arrive at the centre this morning, it's actually empty, rather different to yesterday when I had my RDV. To be told Oh no you're too young, she's 74, you can't have the vaccination. While there we got my certificate, as yesterday the computer broke down. When we read it, it said the Doctor had explained all about the vaccine to me and that my second appointment would be in 4 weeks time. Strange considering that yesterday he told me no second dose as I'd tested positive last year, and nothing about the vaccine. It also stated on the certificate that I'd had the jab in my right arm, where in fact I'd had in the left one. French bureaucracy eh.
  4. Mint, my lovely wife is a now-retired Practice Nurse who's speciality subject was Diabetes, she did extra studies at Warwick University and ran the local diabetic clinic where we lived. Her mantra is/was diet, diet and more diet. I weigh a healthy 75 kilos and considering that I've been retired now for 6 years after doing a very, very heavy manual job, it's down to the decisions my wife makes about our diet. I hate to think what a state I would be in if it wasn't for her care and attention. I must add though that she is a fantastic cook and that helps.
  5. Woolyone wrote: " Interesting that CDS was required as it is not, to my understanding, obligatory for UK residents in France until June or October." I think woolly that it was just a method of ID, and to be fair I offered it, mainly because it's the first time I've had the opportunity to flaunt my new found Frenchness.??
  6. Yep Lori, the Pfizer, so as I said, because we tested positive a while ago no second jab. I blame my wife who was a nurse who grassed on me. She did debate with the doctor the fact that some tests aren't actually correct, but he overruled her. If only I was so brave. ??
  7. It's never been any different,
  8. Interesting Morning, arrive at the vaccination centre at 10-30 for a 10-50 rendevous. The man on the door ushers me into the waiting room for 1st dose vaccinations. There is a woman receptionist and loads of chairs randomly placed around the walls, also roughly 20 people with no queuing system visible. She calls out any rendevous for 10-30, it's like a rugby scrum everybody jumps up except me. She tells them all to sit down and one woman goes forward and the receptionist deals with her, after taking her temperature and details guides her to the Vaccination room. Everybody once again rushes forward, and once again the receptionist rebukes them and sorts out who is next. I said to my wife this could be a long morning as the next thing it'll be lunchtime. Eventually, she calls for 10-50 rendevous and I manage to fight off two or three geriatrics, ( all younger than me I would guess LOL) and get to sit at the reception desk. Temperature is taken, Titre de Sejour checked etc. and in I go to the vaccination area. Get called in to see a Doctor who asks questions and when I tell him that I'd tested positive last October he said in that case you only need the first injection, I explained that I'd had no symptoms and he said that is immaterial you only need one injection. I got taken into a cubicle and injected by a Nurse, very efficient very pleasant who showed me to another waiting area and told me to sit there for 20 minutes and I would be given my certificate. 20 minutes later a women approaches me and said, sorry the computer has gone down you will have to come back another day to get your certificate, although she did give me a handwritten one. What is it with the French and the notion or lack of notion for Queuing? Plus for a country that used to be far in front of other countries with IT, i.e. they had Minitel long before ordinary computers, why do they often struggle?
  9. "Hundreds of thousands of Covid-19 deaths could have been avoided if the obesity epidemic had been tackled, the World Obesity Federation has said. Obesity has been linked to a higher risk of severe Covid-19 and death from the disease. And a World Obesity Federation report claims that around nine in 10 Covid-19 deaths have occurred in countries with high obesity rates."
  10. Be thankful that the UK is dealing with licence changes, all of us lot in France aren't so lucky, the way it's going we will all be walking everywhere by Christmas. ????
  11. Brits with a UK licence in France and trying to change them are faced with the same request from the French, we want a certificate of entitlement, from the DVLA. Although at the minute they aren't changing peoples licences as there is no agreement in place and negotiations are ongoing. So it's strange that lack of agreement doesn't seem to affect people in the UK. just those in France. I wonder who's say-so caused this? Would it be the same man who is telling porkies about the Astra Zenica? Of course not. ??
  12. While I understand the thought that pharmacists could easily administer the vaccine, the problem is the storage of the Pfizer vaccine. The Astra Zeneca one could be easier to store but Mr Macron, he say no. Still, we have a RDV for next week, lets hope it doesn't get cancelled.
  13. For those who don't understand what's going on, this is from yesterday's news: More than 170 migrants attempted to cross the Channel today with nearly 50 reaching the UK on one of the busiest days of the year so far. Forty-nine migrants were detained at Dover after crossing the Channel in small boats but 126 were intercepted by the French including 30 who were rescued after their vessel’s engine failed.
  14. If you don't like what I post then tough, scroll on by and ignore it, but no, you want to have your say and are happy unless others disagree with you. I don't give a flying fig what you think. As for dissing others comments, pots and kettles come to mind.
  15. At the moment it's early days, things will settle down after a while. I was freelance and worked in an industry that moved very expensive equipment and crews around the world, including would you believe Europe, before the EU came into existence. Often things would be sorted and indeed carnets sought and achieved in a very short period of time. My son is a tour manager in the music business and he says yes it's more work, but it will happen as long as you approach it in the correct manner. So I think O'Hooley and co will be OK. Mind you, having heard O'Hooley and co if they didn't tour it would be a blessing. ???
  16. EuroTr@sh wrote the following post at 21/02/2021 17:47: Doh, I don't get it NickP. If who gets in a rubber boat? Sorry an' all, I know it spoils the joke when you have to explain it, but... My daughter who is the Marketing Manager of a company that is one of biggest spenders of advertising on UK TV, says to me when I say I don't understand that advert, if you don't understand it, probably it isn't aimed at you.. Although as I think that most of your comments tend to be pro-EU, maybe your understanding is selective in this case. ???
  17. Woolyone, you know that if it isn't made in France it will never be any good. ??
  18. EuroTr@ash wrote: That's all finished now, and it will be that little bit harder for a kid from a deprived background who left school with poor grades and no job, to get inspired." If he gets in a rubber boat and sails from Calais to Dover it's not t finished. ??
  19. " Some milk farmers think that electromagnetic waves have a negative impact on milk yields and cows health" If this is true, I'm surprised how many fields I see full of cows, and the fields have huge electrical pylons in them.
  20. I purchased something for £99 plus £6 shipping last month for Amazon, when I got to the checkout, they removed the UK VAT, added the French TVA and the adjustment came to £1 extra It took 4 days to arrive by La Poste. So I'm a happy purchaser. It seems that the big companies like Amazon have registered with HMRC and that allows them to deduct the UK VAT, beware that not all companies do this and you may well be charged sales tax twice. Also, DHL are charging all sorts of extra handling costs So be aware of unscuplulous shipping companies..
  21. Ken wrote the following post at 15/02/2021 15:33: No, you didn't mislead me. Only a fool would have believed it. Unfortunately there are plenty out there who fall for that rubbish. Looks like you've found one
  22. chessfou2 wrote the following post at 15/02/2021 13:31: Frexit - the wet dream of Brexiters, but more likely than the idea of Irexit! Astonishingly, Irexit is often mentioned by Brexiters (English) and about 3 people in Ireland Don't mix up your wet dreams with what other people think.
  23. It doesn't mention the USA and if you believe that you believe in fairies.
  24. Alan Zoff wrote Perhaps with all the idiots refusing there will be enough vaccine to bring forward the first and second jabs for the sane ones No chance Alan we go ono the site every morning and it's always the same in 28 days there will be X amount of vaccine released.
  25. I think they are hoping that us oldies die off before we can get an RDV. ??
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