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Everything posted by dragonrouge

  1. On a slightly different tack our annual rabies jabs in France have always come as well with an individual slip of paper.  Recently the French vet said that the rules have changed and instead stamped the passport.  I do hope he is correct.
  2. We have a recipe from the lovely Indians lady book on spiced chicken (whole and where you skin the chicken)  Is it the same one.  Cannot remember the authors name without going to the bookshelf and I have something to finish first.  But will look it up.
  3. I spoke to the nice guys at Nottingham this week and they informed me that gradually most banks and building societies in the UK are now changing over to the system where the tax is deducted at basic rate and then you have to reclaim it.  We have since leaving France had funds in a building society and they have always but always deducted tax at source I apply to Nottingham for it back and then send it to the Building Society.  Apparently now to pay gross involves them (banks etc) in lots of work brough about  by HMG and most banks and societies as I say are starting to pay net.
  4. Know both areas very well but Provence better.  However Provence too is huge from the coast inland to the Var and which is wonderful then continue on towards Avignon up the Rhone Valley for the wine a week would not be enough you will spend that criss crossing the place in a car unless you are careful.  People will tell you that one of the best markets around is Isle Sur Sorgue (it is) and then link that with its expensive antiques area thats a day. Go to Avignon another day.  Then St Remy another day hope you get the message.
  5. I am not and will never be an angel and the thrust of this post is very similar to others I posted elsewhere. 'If you go into a shop and the shopkeeper gives you change of £20 and you only give her £10 and you knew that and yet accepted the change who is guilty in this.  The shopkeeper who has genuinely made a mistake or those who recognise the mistake and do not volunteer as much and benefit' Once your mind is taking you down this route then you face problems.  You could and possibly would get away with it but seriously I have seen people going to prison for defrauding people and if you defraud either HMG or the 5th Republique then you stand a chance of being potted. I say all of this as a lawyer but for balance would point everyone in the direction of the Ken Dodd case when the defence was that my client has never ever believed in banks and this was years ago!!!!!! Of course it was at Liverpool Crown Court and in front of a home jury. It is pointless to take risks for banged up 23 hours a day I tell you (not from personal experience but from clients experience) not pleasant.
  6. Dear Scooby you undoubtedly have a career in the Banking Industry. Before I left banking and where let us say I achieved a senior position at Regional Level Birmingham wise for a bank that now has got itself into trouble I was responsible for obviously a huge budget its income its costs and its debts. However my starting point was not seat of the pants and any deal that did not stack up did not get my signature for one of the secrets of banking is yes you lend but your profit is the interest and you thus have to get back plus capital. So I have say 30 years experience of dealing with repossessions be they JCB's Rolls Royces or indeed and sadly houses. You say that it is rare that there is a surplus and thus its fine and dandy to go back to the borrowers for the shortfall.  I agree providing they can repay or have the chance or being able to repay. However as to the former I am sorry but I have seen substantial excess funds but when its in recovery in the bank and whole host of charges hits the account and daily as well then wrap it up with auctions costs and the like finalisation charges etc etc. Please believe me when the banks see a surplus they milk it and I have 30 years of experience that goes to prove what I assert. The only true market but that gives the game away is the auction room.  But a question which is the bank owes a duty of care in respect of repossessions..........but to whom.  The bank its shareholders or the unfortunate people who have lost their houses.  When you answer that question you will see what I mean.  
  7. the book is now half price on amazon.
  8. Not as bad as my wife who was talking to a visitor from the local hunt who called whilst I was out.  She said to this elderly gentleman that her grandfather was out and was due back in about six years.  She was of course referring to me and things have not quite been the same since! Here in the Vendee we go weekly to the local AVF conversational course and yesterday I had to start proceedings with a discourse on politics and coming from Wales and with forefathers steeped in socialism as it was then it was not so much of a challenge and fine apart from one or two passe compose and future tense problems until I then started to describe the present President of the Republique as being extreme right wing.   I was taken apart for that comment is apparently directly towards the party of Le Pen. What I was trying to say was that the rights politics would be considered extreme when compared to my forefathers in Wales in the 1850's.  However as long as I can get by be understood and make a contribution it I think will be ok. Simply fun but necessary for to integrate into the system and it makes you feel better and part of the whole thing!
  9. I still believe that filet mignon of pork done in the Normande style with calva cider creme fraiche plus estragon and sauted apples puts anything else pork wise into the shade.  Here near Fontenay le Comte we have a bio butcher nothing else plus indeed in fairness local but UK owned producers of pork and the quality is good.  So either a communal plate in the middle of the table or individual servings.  Those things tied with string just do not appeal to me I am sorry. We are all of us entitled to our views and that is to be supported and respected.  But veal and I have never ever been good bed fellows and that sentiment also applies to foie gras. But hey I am Welsh and love cockles and indeed lavabread so why should I preach?  Also cawl which is somewhat unique to Wales and ideal in the weather we have been having of late.  
  10. Pierre I have them on my desk top can I simply just cut and paste and put them in the body of a message.  Forgive my ignorance but I am but a novice in such matters   kind regards
  11. I have a recipe for pate that I picked up years ago and its simple and wonderful.  Also I serve it with Gordon Ramseys apple and fig compote and our French friends whilst perhaps just being nice seem to enjoy it.  The compote can be spiced up with chilli peppers   rdgs
  12. ErnieY I too have misgivings over the one strand of hair plus the nose.  My mind is running wildfire here and before I can commit to a normal relationship with you it is an imperative that I have and see a full disclosure.  One has to be certain before once more jumps. I am also confused not sure whether you actually exist or are a virtual person.  Please come clean and that word should also be applied to those handsome guys.  We used to have some like that in the Welsh Valleys but they played prop for Wales. best wishes
  13. I have let us say a relationship with the law and domicile residency and related matters have always 'taxed' English Law.  Indeed someone was once involved in a divorce attendrf Epsom Ascot or Wimbledon cannot remember and claimed I think to be living in France.  He had a writ slapped on him and the law said that his centre of economic interests was the UK and the wife had her divorce. This article is one of the if not the best that has been written on the subject and I am so grateful that it has been posted on the forum. Still I wander off the subject. I am not holier than thou or anyone else but I have posted this elsewhere and just repeat it here. If you go into a shop give a 10 euro note and get change for a 20 euro note and you know you have done so and then keep the change on the basis it was the shop keepers fault they can afford it then you are on the road to ruin.  Once you mind is so orchestrated then you have difficulties. Thus here in France you are playing fast and loose with the system and you know what you are doing then you are commiting an offence.  Ok you can live with yourself and its a personal choice but a knock on the door at a very early hour in the morning is not pleasant.  You may suffer but also your wife husband children  will also suffer.  Is it worth all of this? Perhaps I am olf-fashioned and was brought up within a family that did not have financial wealth but believed in values and family values. But that was a long time ago and I would not dream of imposing my thoughts or values on anyone else.  We all have decisions to make in this.  Some play it straight others not.  
  14. Dear Cooperlola am I correct in assuming therefore please that ALD is indeed a maladie of long duration? Hopefully I can get into Fontenay this afternoon and will speak to Groupama. I can see the logic (now) in that matters relating to the illness are paid by CPAM at 100% therefore there is a saving to Groupama.  Is that the thinking please?
  15. Dear Benjamin/Sunday Driver.  Please forgive me ignorance but what is ALD is this an illness of long duration?  As you possibly know I am with my wife involved in related matters in that she has suffered from an illness of long duration for over 38 years and we too are with Groupama.  Because of our ages the joint premium is over 170 euros per month and I have simply given them the CPAM document with our reg details and the like and had not thought of anything else.  Also I would have thought that anyone suffering from a long term condition would not benefit but be penalised for their illness? Dear Benjamin any news on the DLA front.  I have been absent due to lots of other commitments for some time but will shortly becoming involved with the argument with our friends in Blackpool.
  16. Scooby I have read your various posting plus others.  However before doing so this morning I made a decision that being whether to stock the logs it being cold here in the Vendee or to have a cup of coffee and just have a 'play around' with the computer.  There are consequences of that decision in that my wife may well have views on my decision making process.  But the decision was mine and the consequences are mine. My career has been in two distinct areas one banking and where I had responsibility for the Peak District but did not live there for I did not like the area.  Again a decision with the consequences being mine.   I did not like Buxton or Rollestone on Dove or indeed Derby lots of people do but again their decision.  I chose Worcestershire. Then later the career law again a decision.  Thus unless HMG have enacted a new law and Her Majesty has graciously given Royal Assent there there is no law against dreaming.  We all have dreams for ourselves our children their children and a whole host of other dreams such as Wales again becoming Six Nation Champions and us winning the Ashes next season with Simon Jones again knocking them over. The point is dreams are personal and despite all best practices you can build in as many contingencies as you like and it will not be enough but dreams are dreams and further down the line the consequences are highly personal.  However we bought in 2001 and when the rate was 1.675.  Our decision but the rate could have gone up and gone down I built in a contingency of 1.11 so do you think that was logical intelligent and sensible planning?  Could I have your crystal ball and think of parity back in 2001.  Certainly not. By background and with my forefathers being founder members of the then Labour Party I was a socialist but my views have changed.  Again a personal decision and I must live both with my background and the consequences.  But a decision with consequences. Think about 84/85 when the pits were closed down do you think those miners throughout the UK who took out mortgages in say 1980 could envisage that Baroness Thatcher and Scargill could embark upon such a challenge that would see communities wiped out and miners losing their homes? We were fortunate or otherwise to keep our house in the UK and its there like thousands of others through bloody hard work no one has given us anything and no one on this forum wants anything.  All they need is some compassion some understanding and someone to say 'but for the grace of God' I am now going to have a swipe after what hopefully has been a logical argument to counter yours.   My career has shown me in equal measures corporate greed in the creed of so called Shareholders do not believe it.  Some of our Captains of industry are in it for themselves not the shareholders. Finally our UK home is in Chepstow which is of course in the Wye Valley.  But I live in Chepstow. I think your postings are objectionable add nothing and perhaps you would now reflect? I doubt it.
  17. And of course Croydon is not too far from the UK homes of Eric and Mick
  18. Back in the UK we support the Dogs Trust and all such things.  Wildlife and the like the Organic Gardening People up in the Midlands. As to Super U and Hyper U we have amassed some thousands of points since we arrived here in the Vendee from Normandie. Would really like to donate these points to someone who could really use them.  Not a problem.  But I am a cynic unfortunately and would like some absolute commitment that they will be used for the purpose they are intended. Our Foreign and Commonwealth guys in the UK have in the past sent huge amounts to deserving nations in Africa and which are now in Bank Accounts in Switzerland. Some charitable events also have derived millions of pounds for good causes but are we sure they arrive at their destination. Perhaps I should just donate and hope?
  19. Dear Benjamin Its slow here as well in the Vendee.  As you probably know I do a bit with the law and have done for some 40 years. Whilst you may have heard what you think you heard the original agreement with the Chelsea was as I understand your posting £3k at £50 per month.?  Yes? So we are saying that some 16 years later the Chelsea are getting back into the equasion and now demanding their original £3k back plus interest for the 16 years and this amounts to £81k or thereabouts.  And they are forcing the sale of the current house. All of this begs a question how come someone who has had a home repossessed is able to obtain a mortgage.  There are time limitations on civil debts and thus I say to you there are so many things here that neither you or I know about and I bluntly would not believe anything that I am told until I see the documents. Of course this is the Society that offers you 6% of t he mortgage as cash back when you take out a mortgage.  No such thing as a free lunch.  As a starting point in matters of mortgages there is a major case involving Barclays Bank but this is not the forum or the time of the year for such a discourse. Best wishes to everyone and have a peaceful time over the festive season.
  20. ErnieY I have just sat here and thought about a few things and tried to see where this is all taking us and it is nowhere. I wonder if you have ever considered the then leader of Westminster Council and the re-allocation of votes and cemeteries.  We of course as a nation had to chase her to Israel.  Not sure if she was Tory or Labour. Then of course a one time Labour MP and now associated with the government who benefitted from a loan from the Paymaster General.  Thus the point I am making is that as in life there are good bad and indifferent people and we all have views but to broadcast them wholesale adds nothing
  21. ErnieY I have over the years read with at times considerable interest in your postings seemingly being balanced half intelligent and logical.  I will not read any more. Your views as to the Prime Minister are yours and should be supported for it is your right to so comment. Equally now to my right.  My forefathers were amongst the original members of the Labour Party and when it was only God and the Unions that supported them when they worked in two foot nine seams in the pits on their bellies.  You will never be able to comprehend the suffering that they went through.  Never ever.  I no longer support the Party having been a card holder for many years.  My forefathers have turned in their grave when one of theirs turned his back on the movement.  But that is my decision and my right but my views are essentially private ones and I do not broadcast them on this site for it surely is for issues to do with France not the political maelstrom in the UK.  To throw bombs as you have done adds nothing. Now a final parting comment. I was in South Wales when one of our political leaders closed down the pits and the carnage that has done has cost more that our current Prime Minister has ever caused.  I do not need lectures from you on this subject for bluntly I have too much ammunition both as a socialist one time now a lawyer who fights for the underdog and at each and every opportunity. I am not sure but did we not send some of our army personnel to look for the son of the then PM and was it not the same guy who did plea bargaining (mods this is in the public domain) to get himself out of a hole in Africa. I am dismayed at all of this and ErnieY you seemingly have retired early but pension not due for some time so somewhere along the road you also took the money and moved away.  Private or public sector?  
  22. Dear Benjamin please pm me and I will give you background on our situation.  My position was not based upon moving to France per se it was based on an altogether differing argument and fortunately the Chair of the Tribunal agreed with me and all that took place was hours of us arguing legal stuff as to residence and the like and moving abroad for services that were restricted in the UK. Indeed the Blackpool guys did not even put up their lawyer so I had full audience and it was an opportunity that I will never ever forget. I am so pleased that movement is now being seen.  We put millions into the banks but next to nothing to those who deserve our support and help and simply love.
  23. Hi Puzzled no it is not insensitive and I did not either view it or take it as being insensitive. For our part we bought at 1.675 to the pound made profit in Normandie  and then moved to other regions and where our original nest egg has been the sole financial basis for the various purchases.  So yes if and it is a huge if we can find a buyer we take back lots more £.  Then our investment in a  house in the UK has also gone down! Another consideration and I really do not wish to hijack this posting is that I do not have children and my wife does from a previous marriage.  I do not want to be the last one around and when the Fifth Republic takes 60% of the value here and it goes down my line! So overall there are compelling reasons for going back but the posting by another as to parity just got to me! That was insensitive and ok grown man been there scenario should be able to take it but if the argument had been thought through then the posting would not have been made.  It is interesting that no defence has been forthcoming.
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