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Everything posted by woolybananasbrother

  1. You mean French nuns can't double swing?
  2. Isnt there an Anglo something forum that might be able to give information? Will, you know the forums in Normaldy?
  3. We will never know. Proves the point though.
  4. Too old babe, too old[6] mais rusé comme un renard
  5. You realise they will deliver foam bits covered in honey and a football team to do the licking........? Well done.
  6. Yes, whoever the MP is, he should be suspended, tried and if necessary imprisoned, deprived of his pension and other perks. The issue is not party political. How about Blair and Ecclestone? And have you noticed how Murdoch is building a head of steam against the BBC. All in the hands of the Man Not Fit To Lead.
  7. Ooooooooh Twinks, I wish I could meet some nice and proper people like me too. I feel like I am living in the pit. I'd settle for just the food.
  8. What worries me about this thread is that they will all want some when they read it, given their lives...[6]
  9. It wakes you up from your sleep my old love though, doesnt it? (you dont expect me to read all that guff do you?) Try this one. Context, feeling cold after a day outside in winter and I quote a French speaker "J'ai besoin de quelque chose de chaud dans mon corps" . Ron, even you can work it out, surely. I taught language for 35 years so know some of the subtleties I hope.
  10. Nero fiddled while Rome burned. Hedonism we can do without.  By the way, can I please ask for the help of fellow pot growers. I have mildew on me leaves so have no swing and twinkle left though they make a good 24 hour do. With this I can swing away for years even to the point of being a Goth. Talking of Goths, my partner and I are Goths and I was wondering whether there are any of you out there prepared to help out with the rictual tatooing of the rictual (polite see!). Coops, we still good for a pot(ty)party round Le Mans race time. You know how it makes the race sizzle. Swingers or Trolls? Get real guys.
  11. What is really outrageous is that the people from Arche de Noe get eight years for acting in good faith after being found guilty in a Mickey Mouse trial and how many will the bank people get (with bonuses I expect)?
  12. I just love it. Though sorry for people who invested in good faith and have lost money. How many heads will roll I wonder? Is this perhaps the last of the Mitterand banks where anything went and the government covered for them?
  13. Cheffois is excellent by the way, but only dogs.I currently live about three miles away so have use the place a few times as have others of my acquaintance.[6]
  14. Well, actually it does. All a question of inference.[6]
  15. There is not a fan big enough to cope with the doodoo that is going to be flying soon. [6]
  16. Under the new rules I doubt they would qualify
  17. And what prey were you doing under a lawyers toga? Plain answers please.[6]
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