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Mme poivre

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  1. Thanks NormanH I feel very privileged to have been able to do it, not just time and money, but health and fitness too. As a 50 something I am very aware of my mortality and am grateful for every day that I can enjoy. Now Its my chance to have 5 weeks in the lovey Vendee before I have to go back to reality and work. have a wonderful summer everyone :-)
  2. Well we did it 545 kilometers over 6 days down the Brest nantes canal. It was a really lovely experience and we managed to stay at some really lovely places along the way. From B & B's with swimming pools in the middle of the house to eating evening meals in little rural villages. I can honestly say we are looking forward to next year already .
  3. This is a link to the first section of our ride I am getting really excited about it now went for a lovely Sunday morning ride and found i need to get a lot more practice in before July. http://cycling.brittanytourism.com/troncons/la-velodyssee-roscoff-pontivy
  4. Thank you Cendrillon This looks like it should have what we are looking for thank you
  5. WE are using this route Vette :-) and where is your b&b because we will be looking for them on the way down We just need to get first night sorted really in roscoff then I will look at finding places for each day after about 60 miles slowly done and enjoyed :-)
  6. Thanks Sue Unfortunately yes Sue we are arriving at 9.30 pm so was hoping to find a B&B as close as we could to the port not knowing the area and not wanting to cycle out at that time of night. Its difficult because of having to take the Ferry on the days we need its was the best option.
  7. My husband and I enjoyed our first cycle adventure so much that we are going to do it all over again this year. However, this year we are starting from Roscoff and ending in Vendee. What I would like help with please is are there any bed and breakfast or small hotels near to the ferry port that will accommodate our bikes and us. Any recommendations appreciated TYIA
  8. lovely man came this evening and sorted my bees out didnt charge the earth and said he would come back if they dont all go :-) a good result was getting bit worried about being stung again .
  9. well i have had a phone call and someone is coming tomorrow - the bees must have heard sat here watching tv and one just snuck up and stung me for no reason :-( now really need them to come feel as if i have been punched in shoulder - luckily I dont think i am allergic as i am here on my own :-( but have taken antihistamine.
  10. I am pleased to say I had a phone call today and someone will be coming around tomorrow probably gonna cost me an arm and a leg but needs to be done :-)
  11. If any one could help me I would be most grateful I have contacted loads of companies bur so far no one has replied If you know any bee keepers that might be able to help let me know please Thanks in Advance - I am worried that the nest will go too big and break my chimney when i am not here :-(
  12. I rang up they said yes we can help send someone today - got a phone call sorry we cant do it so we have asked another company to call ..... still waiting :-(
  13. Thank you Derek J :-) http://www.mapmyride.com/routes/copy/794202395/ http://www.mapmyride.com/routes/copy/802137309/ http://www.mapmyride.com/routes/copy/791494665/ That last one is the first one and does not have all the route as I started on Endomondo but it ate my battery too quick so I changed to Mapmyride. They are not in route order either sorry.
  14. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10154064270443761&set=t.1786882821&type=3&theater Try this as well might work :-) its a picture of me when we got to the Vendee sign.
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