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Everything posted by Ad

  1. Hello, You can actually live very well on 1200 euros a month, depending on your lifestyle of course.where we live in the Correze it is quite cold in the winter, but over the year our electricity is 100 euros a month and thats cooking and water heating etc, we have a 5 bedroomed house, its not grand, just big, and we have electric heating, we laso have a woodburner in the lounge which uses about 500 euros of wood over the year, we keep it in all the time in the winter. Our water rates are about 150euros a year, and we water the garden, and our Tax Fonciere is 369 euros this year. You do pay some towards Social Security etc, but the allowances are high, we pay no tax, and the tax man completed our forms, tax is assessed after ss payments. My husband had heart surgery here, so pays nothing for all his pills, but we do pay towards other health problems. Other benefits are that we eat food in season, and most other food is produce of France, not a lot is imported, in our area anyway. Our house insurance is about a third of the equivalent in UK. Lots of other benefits accrue, such as lots of events are free, we seldom pay to park; car insurance is marginally cheaper. and certainly car service is a fraction of Uk costs. We live in a village and there is a constant stream of things to do, in fact we get quite blasè and say 'oh we'll go to that next year' . We have been here 2 years, and it still gets better. regards Aileen
  2. We live in the Correze, our french neighbours have been waiting 2 years for a french painter and decorator to find time to decorate their house, they are paying 1500 euros a room, and would rather do that than have someone 'on the black' do it for 500 euros a room, or even less. Its not just the Brits, or french workers, its worldwide. Aileen
  3. Mine too, all the messages have disappeared, thats after I found it. Changing the site is fine , but we are not all computer wiz's, Oh well, thats progress I suppose.
  4. Hi Roberto, If you are really worried about the temperature extremes, especially in winter in the Limousin, perhaps you should look nearer to the Atlantic coast, you will have the benefits of breezes in the summer and not quite so chilly in the winter, Aquitaine possibly, as much as we love the Correze, we did find the -11 in Feb 2003 a bit of a shock, mind you it warms up a bit during the day. Safe journey for 2nd Sept. Aileen
  5. >Can anyone give me some ideas >of plants/shrubs etc that are >pretty self-sufficient and don't need >much attention. We have >a house in 56 and >as we don't live there >need plants which will do >ok on their own. >Obviously wont be there to >water them either. > >Thanks. Buddlea, forsythia, hydrangea, rhodedendron, lavender, photinia; lavatera, rosa rugosa along the hedge . Aileen
  6. Have a notice ready to hold up in Arrivals, while you wait for the baggage to come up, there is nothing else to look at there, so you might get some response. Or put a request on here, there might be someone travelling the same day as you, as there are quite a few Brits in that area. I agree with the other posting, there has always been taxis there.
  7. The Troc de Lille in Limoges is wonderful, Aileen
  8. Kargo in Limoges, which is full of wonderful bargains for house, kitchen, bathroom, inc tiles, all discounted have shutters at excellent prices. Also Toutes Faires if there's one near you have a shutter making and fixing service. Rest of message in inbox. regards Aileen
  9. Ad

    Knot weed

    My eldest son has just bought a house near us, and has a huge patch of the stuff. when we took the old carpet up in the house in the winter, we laid it over the patch of then bare earth , thinking we would stop it from growing, wrong, the carpet now sits 2 feet above the ground, on top of the knotweed. Next move ? Aileen,
  10. Hello, What dog is it, where are you, and from when, does she like cats, we only have one but would like to keep her !! and when and why. Aileen
  11. first stop always the Maire, A mine of information. Aileen
  12. >Can anyone recommend a removal firm >in or around Haute Vienne >to the south? >Thanks How much stuff do you have, My husband has a Transit Luton, and has helped a few people out. He moved us from Uk to the Correze too, a few trips mind you, but we saved a lot doing it that way.
  13. We could help with the children, we are in Vigeois, its probably too far , about three quarters of an hour , but straight down A20 junction 45, I had 5 children , but all grown up now, anyway, if you're stuck, bear it in mind. Aileen
  14. Is it possible to be sued in the French Courts for a disputed builders bill in UK, there has been no response to our correspondence, just a sharp latter from a Paris based Advocats threatening action here.
  15. Hi ,We are in Vigeois, its beautiful, We have English friends in Objat, Ayen, Le Saillant, Orgnac and Troche, Pompadour is lovely too, with some super days at the races (horses), We'd love to meet up over anything, I shall tell my daughter about Jake, she would love to make the move but is terrified that Liam aged 10 wouldnt settle, I try to tell him that all the boys play football but he dosn't believe us. Leave a message in the inbox, and we'll call you. We have been here for a year now and it just gets better. Aileen
  16. We are in 19, and the Emmaus charity stores at Brive, Cahors, and Limoges all have english books, cheap too. Lots of other interesting stuff too, a great source of fabric for patchwork and other needlework. Aileen
  17. Friends of ours rented a flat in Ayen in the Correze, and stored all their stuff in the garage with the flat, they picked up their keys on Friday for their house, so I guess the flat will be vacant soon Aileen
  18. we have recently bought a new Citroen from a main dealer in Brive, they were extremely helpful,but just make sure you know what you get with the car, as we didnt realise that the rear shelf only came with the 'executive 'model', only a small thing , but annoying because we had tried the dog in all the models, with the cooperation of the vendeur, and he fitted best with the shelf, we ahd the 'climatisation' absolutely essential, but no shelf.
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