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Christine Animal

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Everything posted by Christine Animal

  1. And what about the "tout à fait" every time you say something they agree with. Christine
  2. If it is Japanese Knotweed, I definitely prefer my American Pokeweed... http://www.knotweed.co.uk/  
  3. Rare nowadays and that really shows he's a good guy  Christine
  4. A lot of the "administration" people are like that.  She may well have been exactly the same if you were French. Christine
  5. American Pokeweed, Japanese Knotweed, does anyone have any French weeds? !  :  Christine
  6. Cafeman72 We love newbies, lurkers and lurchers. Welcome! Christine
  7. There are two sayings in France, one is: La vie est comme une échelle de poulailler, trop courte et pleine de merde (Life is like a ladder in a chicken run, too short and full of *****)   The other is: La vie est comme une chemise de nuit d’enfant, (encore) trop courte et pleine de merde (Life is like a child’s nightdress, (again) too short and full of *****).   It is also supposed to bring good luck, So « Bonne chance ». Christine I edit:  I have been censored on a certain, what I thought was pretty innocent, word, so it looks as if there is a problem with "excrement"!
  8. [quote]Sorry Christine A. What I was saying was that I still don't understand and when I asked, I was blasted. And I still don't understand. Just the idea of looking to France as some sort of saviour or ed...[/quote] TU, sorry, I did understand what you were trying to say, it was the situation I was referring to, not you (and then you didn't quite get what I was trying to say....!). Hegs.  Thank you for kindly stepping in and trying to explain things.  The roads, how many times have I heard about that M25!  I suppose all those things put together make one big reason to leave.  It's perhaps that TU and I have been out of it for so long that it's rather difficult for us to perceive.  Thanks Hegs.
  9. Désolée TU! Hey, TU is tu.  Je ne comprends pas tellement.  If you can't ask a plain question and receive a plain answer.  I have nothing to hide, I don't even have a pseudo...  Let's just forget it then.
  10. Vraititi, how long have you been in England?  You don't seem to mind it over there. TU, you have been here a while and like me still can't quite grasp this present exodus, at least not the extent of it.  Someone told me they are not only leaving for France, of course there is Spain, but also Bulgaria, etc. as long as they can "get out". Christine 
  11. "cousin à la mode de Bretagne" And it is also wise to always be wary about talking to someone in a French village or small town about someone else of the same village as they are often related (have a "cousin Breton"). Christine
  12. It’s difficult to know what to advise on this. Obviously poor Caroline is ready to do anything to get George back and I understand and share her pain. What do we have to go on? A dog who has disappeared in March and without any identity. He could be in France as he could be anywhere. Even if by chance he was brought over to France, he could now be in Spain or elsewhere. Also if he was brought over to France, he could since have been micro-chipped and be registered in someone else’s name. There is an enormous « dog traffic » in France, where, amongst others, gundogs are stolen for the south-west where there are the most « chasseurs » and therefore the most demand. I think there is also a demand in Spain. On the positive side, we know he was not stolen for breeding as he is neutered. This very sad story once again shows the absolute necessity for an animal to have an identity. Have you tried to put an ad on this site « Lost Pets International » http://www.flealess.org/lostpets I sincerely hope you find him and send you my best wishes, Christine http://animalaidsaintaubin.monsite.wanadoo.fr P.S. Caroline, is there an animal programme in England where you could say George has disappeared?  Secondly have you any data so that we can know what is going on on the French side, about the racket via the Isle of Wight.  I belong to an anti-traffic organisation here (ANTAC) and they may be interested to know about this.  
  13. Are you really sure they're bees?  Not hornets or something, because I think, but I would have to check, that the Pompiers deal with this type of thing (in which case it might be as said above a good idea to the see the mairie about it). Christine
  14. Lori, the vaccine has existed for several years now.  Do you speak French?  I have just copied for you a text concerning piroplasmose where they mention the vaccine (hope this works as its rather long!) : LA PIROPLASMOSE La piroplasmose du chien est une maladie due à un parasite du sang, le piroplasme, transmis par les tiques. Cette maladie est très largement répandue et atteint la quasi-totalité des départements français. Au coeur des départements peu touchés, on peut observer des foyers isolés. La tique est responsable de la contamination Les périodes douces et humides du printemps et de l'automne sont favorables au développement des tiques. Ce sont les saisons les plus risquées pour votre chien même si toutes les tiques ne sont pas porteuses de piroplasmes. Les tiques qui peuvent transmettre la piroplasmose à votre chien sont présentes en zone rurale (broussailles, lisière de bois) comme en zone urbaine (jardins, parcs, terrains vagues). Elles se nourrissent exclusivement du sang qu'elles prélèvent sur le chien ou sur d'autres animaux (parfois l'homme !) Dès qu'un chien passe à sa portée, la tique se fixe dessus, enfonce son rostre (sorte de "mâchoire") dans la peau et se gorge de sang. Après 48 H, elle transmet au chien les piroplasmes contenus dans sa salive, puis se détache et tombe au sol où elle va continuer son cycle de développement. Le piroplasme un parasite des globules rouges Injecté avec la salive de la tique, le piroplasme pénètre à l'intérieur des globules rouges et provoque leur éclatement, à l'origine d'une anémie (chute importante du taux des globules rouges dans le sang).   La piroplamose est un ennemi redoutable. pour protéger votre compagnon le plus efficacement possible, il est nécessaire d'associer les 3 mesures suivantes : 1.Appliquer régulièrement et soigneusement un antiparasitaire efficace. 2.Vacciner précocement avec le vaccin antipiroplasmose. 3.Inspecter soigneusement votre animal au retour de chaque balade pour éliminer d'éventuelles tiques. La vaccination Le vaccin piroplasmose est à ce jour, le premier et le seul vaccin antiparasitaire enregistré en France chez le chien. Cette vaccination ne garantit pas une protection à 100 % mais elle diminue significativement le risque de maladie et atténue la gravité des symptômes. Pour renforcer la qualité de cette protection, il est nécessaire de vacciner le plus tôt possible (à partir de 5 mois) avant que le chiot ne soit en contact avec le piroplasme, et de préférence durant les périodes à risque minimum, c'est-à-dire l'hiver et l'été. Votre vétérinaire connaît bien les moyens pour protéger votre chien contre les tiques et la piroplasmose. N'hésitez pas à lui demander conseil. Les symptômes 6 à 8 jours après la piqûre de tique porteuse de piroplasmes, les premiers symptômes apparaissent chez le chien. Généralement, l'affection débute par une grande fatigue (le chien hésite à se déplacer et refuse toute nourriture) et une forte fièvre d'apparition brutale. Ces symptômes s'accompagnent parfois, de l'émission d'urine foncée. Dans certains cas, les symptômes de piroplasmose sont atypiques. En un ou deux jours, ces symptômes s'aggravent avec une atteinte du foie et surtout des reins (augmentation du taux d'urée dans le sang) ainsi qu'une intense anémie (les muqueuses de l¹oeil et des babines sont très pâles). Sans traitement adapté, entrepris le plus rapidement possible, la piroplasmose peut être mortelle pour le chien. Il faut donc consulter votre vétérinaire dès les tous premiers signes de la maladie. Pour confirmer le diagnostic, un examen sanguin est réalisé pour visualiser au microscope la présence de parasites dans les globules rouges. Diagnostiquée précocement, la piroplasmose peut être soignée de façon efficace. Certains chiens, cependant, conservent des séquelles.  
  15. When I asked our vet about the tick problem, he also said this collar seemed to be the best (saying that is what the chasseurs use on their dogs - good reference!). I suppose you know that there is a "vaccin" (expensive) against piroplasmose, transmitted by ticks. Christine, Deux-Sèvres
  16. Un seul être vous manque et tout est dépeuplé.  (Snoopy).
  17. A lot of them live there, must be Nice... if you're a rich Taylor.  
  18. Yes, I would definitely stay. I would never leave my animals or France (especially as I now know how to post pictures on here!). Christine Animal
  19. "Insonorisation" I would think...   Or perhaps the stuff to do it with is called "isolation sonore". Perhaps Vraititi knows exactly. Christine
  20.   Got it! Thank you very much.  That is what I was trying to do, but I have just seen that I was typing "tetedane" instead of "teteane".  Quel âne! Is there a way to copy the url into the "picture source" instead of having to type it? Many thanks again, Christine
  21. This is perhaps a little more acceptable, but it's still a copy and paste, no link and no insert Christine Animal 
  22.   Mr. Russethouse, I think the Chorizo was a wise choice (surtout avec un verre de Rosé!) Now I am afraid this is the best I can do, I'm in a big mess!  Can't use the link, can't use the insert a picture (little mountain), can't make either work.  So here is copy and paste!  I need more lessons... <script language=JavaScript></script><script language=JavaScript src="http://servedby.advertising.com/site=705592/size=728090/bnum=75372228/optn=1"></script>  Photobucket HomeUpgrade | HTML Practice | Recent | Search | Log OutMr. Russethouse, this lady (below) is not me either (except perhaps for the hairdo).  About | FAQ | Terms | Rate Us | Contact | Forums Copyright © 2003-2005 Photobucket.com Inc. All rights reserved. HOW DO WE POST A PHOTO?????
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