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Anton Redman

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Everything posted by Anton Redman

  1. French Embassy to US seems to have better info than FE to Australia site. http://ambafrance-us.org/spip.php?article360 Broadly given French unemployment rates I think it very unlikely you would find a French employer ready to go through the hassle of arranging a visa for you. There are French classic car businesses but you are unlikely to bring unique skills and knowledge to them so are unlikely to have enough clout under the working visa rules. In terms of travel in the other direction my wife lived in Australia for 25 years and has dual nationality. Last time we looked I needed to make a huge one off non refundable payment into the Australian health insurance system if we wanted to move there. Both retired both in good health. Have you ever worked in a foreign language ? Written stuff is OK but after 8 hour of business French followed by a couple of hours socialising my head used to feel like it was ready to explode.
  2. Where abouts in France are you Norman ? Builders reached 10 metres off ladders for clearing our pigeons. I went up once just to convince my self I could.
  3. Three or four years old you can dump them at school and they will pick it up. At nine years old they run the risk of being labelled thick held back a year or two and never catching up. Buy a Fransat receiver and a dish, lock him in the room with no UK TV and do not let him out till he can understand Les Experts.
  4. They can and do break /chew through plastic http://www.fourmilab.ch/images/animal_magnetism/fouine.html
  5. Foiunes move round suitable sleeping places moving one familly on will simply mean another moves in. We cured ours using plywood cut to shape mounted on the wooden ring beam. Concrete from the inside if you have access to the roof.
  6. The only thing that worked for me was to close every hole they had been using to enter the dependence. The use bird spikes on anywhere they could roost. http://birdspikesonline.co.uk
  7. According to French acquaintances in Bordeaux the Billi cattle shed was constructed in response to pressure from the high price / full ticket airlines who objected to airlines which had negotiated lower landing fees having access to the full facilities of Bordeaux. I think the only leverage that might work is pointing out to the concessionaires for the various shops the number of customers that they are now being denied access to compared to three years ago.
  8. The reaction of Ifor Williams when asked for a certificate of conformity for France has changed from : Free, Nominal Charge, Large Charge to Refusal. Is it possible they are being out under pressure by the French agent ?
  9. It might help if we knew if the Ruffec being visited was in 87,33 or 16
  10. I never think of dealing with the drains. The overnight arrival of an clump of Amazonian flora over the trap alerts me the fact that the drains are blocked and I had better deal with it
  11. A few miles South of Saumur. Population 400 so does not have any restaurants. Reasonable selection within a few kilometres : http://www.pagesjaunes.fr/ Not too bad for visiting Chateaux, we went down with Chateau fatigue after four days at Fonteneay l Abbye which is abiut half an hour away. If you drive up to the A85 at the start of the day then work your way slowly back. I think it could be fine for a holiday.
  12. They all seem to be a fair distance from the port itself http://www.parking-public.fr/parkings_dieppe_76200_g3605153 http://www.vincipark.com/vincipark.nsf/fr/parcservice/pages/760102.htm Google.fr often gives better results for France than google.uk or google.com
  13. For a couple of years in my 20s I lived without a fixed abode, almost exclusively outside the UK and in places where nobody would want to hold a driving license – you imagine turning up at the Hertz desk at Heathrow with a license they know very well could be purchased for £ 20 . DVLA advice was that provided the people at the address quoted knew where in the World to find you there was not a problem Couple of interesting debates below : http://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/drivers_of_no_fixed_abode http://www.canalworld.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=3740
  14. Any chance of a 'photo but if there has been nothing holding it up for a few years I would leave well alone rather than messing with the wall. I thought we had a unique problem with a chimney immediately in front of window.
  15. Respectfully suggest you edit link to remove closing bracket) from the link.
  16. An AÉRATEUR À MEMBRANE allows air into a pipe but does not allow air and hence smells back out of the pipe. You use them to stop the fast moving plug of water produced when for instance you pull the plug on a basin dragging the water out of the trap. They also reduce glugging sounds for the same reason. Similar logic applies to WC with aereateurs. As they are in theory one way they can go anywhere though I would want on to be accessible in case the membrane fails. If you want to vent you fosse with both air in and air out. You need to T off the WC pipe and go sufficient far upwards that the smells released clear the roof and do not reenter the house.
  17. If you decide on the Albany suggest you ring to see if the ferry is running. Just realised must be about 15 years since I used the route. http://www.the-albany.co.uk/
  18. [quote user="woolybanana"]Get it direst from Germany[/quote] Guest arbiter and branding common for everything except cars. Well upset a Merc dealer in Essen last time I was there by saying if I wanted a very well engineered car that could stand 1,000,000 of miles on German roads and looked like a taxi I would save € 15000 and buy an Opel
  19. Only Hampton Court, "no I always walk this way" close . Not an impossible walk back to Kingston and hence Richmond but not good acces to London underground. ,
  20. If you need to get away quickly in the evening park at 'The Albany' / 'Fox on the River' on the other side of the Thames and take the ferry accross. I think pub has reverted to the 'The Albany' Not muddy by Glastonberry standards
  21. The 7 day notice period only begins when proof of delivery is signed for. However I would telephone now explaining what ever personal difficulties made it impossible to purchase and fire off an international recorded delivery letter as soon as I received the papers.
  22. The last time I was property hunting at least 50% of property descriptions on French Estate Agents websites were self contradictory. A two storey house built on 60 square metre plots which had 170 square metres of living space in total. What you see is what you get if you are very lucky.
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