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Everything posted by Janey

  1. Yes, congratulations Alexis, a new grandson is definatly worth some champagne Jan, I should have said, I don,t think you,re really meant to drink wine on Atkins, at least not in the first 2 weeks but I have done anyway..now lost 2 kilos But you,ve done even better, that,s great!! Janey
  2. Well done Jan, why don,t you do what I,ve done and get out some ..small..stuff and hang it in front of your wardrobe. What I couldn,t get into last week, well now I can, still a bit tight but hopefully next week that won,t be the case. Keep being good! PS..on Atkins, I,ve had wine Janey
  3. Saligobay is no beached whale..that I know for sure..I,ve seen her, she,s tall and slim Jan...just by being good!! This morning I had fried egg, bacon and tomatoes for breakfast and it was lovely mmmm. It,s not easy and I,ve cheated tonight by having an icecream. But it,s true, already I can see a differance.....one roll lesss on the belly I,ll let you know of further progress! Janey
  4. keep being good Gay, you,ve done really well already. Now lost 1.8 kilos since Sunday..that fat,s burning (had lots of helpfull info from Alexis) Janey
  5. I,m in..again! Started on Atkins on Sunday, now Tues and I,ve lost 900g already. Like Alexis, going on holiday so need to get into stuff. Janey
  6. Been very quiet on here lately so either everyone,s on holiday or given up with the dieting. Think I,ve given up as nothing seems to work!! So here goes with the dopiest question of all times......has anyone got a diet that allows you to eat a little of what you fancy...including wine.. but still lets you  loose weight ..without feeling SOOOOOOOOO restricted that you feel as though you might as well not eat at all..or you may as well join a nunnery..or live on a desert island?????!!!!!!! I think we should all start afresh and on the SAME diet( apart from the lucky ones of course that are reaching their targets) So what,s it to be then?Atkins..Southbeach..Weightwatchers..Giveup Janey Janey
  7. Janey


    Iceni,I,m not talkng HRT to avoid wrinkles I,ve got very few of them, I,m lucky I,ve got good skin. I,m taking it because I need to, had a complete hysterectomy aged 39 for various medical reasons. I had an excellant surgeon who has studied HRT for years and years and really knows his stuff. You don,t risk getting breast cancer because you take HRT. It is true though that if you already have the cancer gene or cancerous cells it is possible the cancer will develop quicker than it would have done. If you,re lucky enough to go into your menopause naturally, then maybe your symptoms won,t be so bad( not always the case) but when you have a sugical menopause your body is thrown into an almighty shock and the symptoms can be worse than you could ever imagine. I,m personally taking it to cope with the symptoms of the menopause(which are bloody awful..men are soooo lucky:rolleyes and to protect myself from other various things eg osteoporosis,heart disease,senile dementia. I,m not saying you don,t get these things whilst on HRT but you do have a greater degree of proptection. I suppose each of us has to make the right decision for ourselves. Going back to the wrinkle thing though, I do know 2 women who started taking HRT after going into the menopause and they swear that their skin improved 100 per cent, smoother ,plumper, not so dry. Janey
  8. Janey


    I,d much rather be on HRT as the benefits outweigh the disadvantages. I,ll continue taking it as long as I can. My French doctor says I,m far too young to start ..getting old. I think the ones that don,t take it have got that...wrinkled dry skin look.......weather beaten as someone said. Janey
  9. I was waving too SB. I was the one in a filthy dirty white t shirt. Went to Uzes to help a friend and forgot the Tour was passing through,tried every route possible to get home but all the roads were closed. Had to sit in the sun for nearly 3 hrs,dirty,hungry,thirsty and HOT  mind you Lance wasn,t bad..well I think it was Lance. Janey
  10. Believe it nor not, just found some in the cupboard, didn,t even know it was there According to Swiss scientists it definitely aids weight loss Janey
  11. My husband works in London near to where the bombs have gone off so I,m relieved to discover he,s ok. But like Dick he won,t be able to get home tonight. I hope everyone else finds their friends/family to be ok and I,ll say a little prayer for those that don,t. France is now on red alert because of this. Janey
  12. Looks like we,re all on the Green Tea then! Can,t hurt to try, can,t taste that bad can it ? Janey
  13. That,s excellant news Val, it must have been so hard for him to stay on top of things with the bullying. You must be very proud of him. My son has this idea that when he,s finished his BEP he wants to work on the overhead power cables not too keen on that but he,s got plenty of time to change his mind. Janey
  14. Congratulations to your son Marie-Clare! I just found out this morning that my son has pasesd his CAP in electricity. When we moved over 4 yrs ago( he was 14 then).  he couldn,t speak a word of French. He went to the local college but decided to..faire les betises..so we put him into a smaller private school. Anyway he,s now finished at lycee, passed his CAP, has started work(2 days ago) and in September will be starting his studies for his BEP in electricity whilst working at the same time. Good things do happen Janey
  15. ooops, and I can,t spell today...diet /menopause related? No, had  a glass of rose and can,t find my glasses! Janey
  16. Thanks Lorna, yes I did know and I,m not a great dairy eater..hate cheese, have a yoghourt approx twice a month, bit of skimmed milk in a tea/coffee twice a day. Maybe I should take some calcium supplements...on top of taking medication for high blood pressure, high cholesterol (meonpause related?) hiatus hernia..great fun getting old isn,t it..what on earth wil I be like when I,m sixty? Janey
  17. We,ve been having them for about 2 weeks now from our little veggie man in the village and they are.......sweet and delicious..mmmmm. I,d post one on to you TU but I don,t think it would make it in the post Janey
  18. Lorna, as a sister in a menopause clininc you must know that the benefits of HRT outweigh the disadvantages re prevention etc. I had a total hysterectomy at the age of 39 so have been in the menopause for nearly 7 yrs now. Like everyone else slowly but surely despite healthy eating,dieting,exercise the weight has crept on, gone from a size 10 to a 14. I,ve given up on the dieting forum coz nothing I do seems to have any effect. I won,t stop the HRT because I know it protects me from a lot of things and also the hot flushes are bad enough on it never mind what they,re like not on it. I,ve more or less..say,s she...accepted the fact that I,m not going to loose anything,don,t like it but it,s either that or cry through frustration. I,m just trying to eat sensibly but enjoying something if I want to and hoping that just maybe a couple of little kilos might disappear. I think that in the menopause we just have to accept ourselves are we are.(not easy though) Janey
  19. Andy, they,re definitely here in the south(dept 30 ) Janey
  20. Fancy that then..the cheek of us Irish wanting to move to France and what an even bigger cheek if we,ve been here for years already...how many pegs did my house cost me Very true the French prefer the Irish Janey
  21. Don,t panic Lori, we live in the South and there,s loads of them down here. Sometimes we get them in the house. I don,t like them but I,m not terrified of them like I used to be. I must admit though that I do bash them. Apparently they do eat other bugs in the house and if you have them in your house it means the home is healthy. If you get stung by one it will be like a nasty wasp sting, you might have a temperature for a few days but shouldn,t be any worse than that. Not sure about the tan coloured ones though. My hubby once saw a clear coloured one? Janey
  22. I knew you were capable of growing things SB So next time I come round it,s cherry pie!? Janey
  23. Keep up the good work Missyesbut! The kilo I lost a couple of weeks back, went back on again but to my pleasant surprise I,d lost it again this morningJust got back with the dog after walking vigorously for 90 minutes, hungry but going to have an apple. Janey
  24. TU, our dustbin emptying has always been charged by the number of habitants in the house. Just had a nice surprise aswell, it,s gone up from 200 euros last year to 300 this year!! Janey
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