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  1. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but didn't Redcap move over a couple of years ago?  2005? I seem to remember giving him a route....he is perhaps still lost!!!
  2. The place we like is just through the archway opposite the Ibis.  (There might, of course, be more than one Ibis.)  You enter the old town and after the Church, turn right until you see the hotel and the big parking next to it.  Not far.
  3. Lovely hotel in Boulogne...Eclos de l'Eveche.  Slightly more expensive than Ibis but we liked it.  It is in the old town and close to all the restaurants.  It is expensive to eat there...they do do offers though. You will find it on google.
  4. You will be spoilt for choice.  Hundreds of hotels for the tourists near the coast.  Have you any idea where you would like to live?  The South coast of Brittany around Sarzeau, Vannes, Carnac etc is reputed to be more expensive than Paris. A short distance away you arrive in Finistere which is possibly cheaper and very beautifull. Have you looked at the Notaires site?  You can see the house styles and prices and it might help you decide where to stay.  Ouest France also do a property guide Wednesday and Saturday which is on line. Other than that, I can't help as very rarely go to the south coast as it is too crowded and I haven't been to Vannes for years and it is only 45 minutes!  God!  I'm a misery!
  5. Yes.  Good job you didn't follow my destructions because I meant Sillon, not Sautron but then I couldn't find your post to correct it... Lovely is Nantes.  All those lop sided falling down houses that cost a FORTUNE.
  6. It all depends where you are arriving from.  I go to Orvault and park in Leclerc's car park and take the tram. Other teminuses are Neustre, Beaujoire, Sauton, St Herblain (Ikea!). All take about 30 minutes to arrive at the centre and cost 2.10€ for two tickets of one hour.  Orvault can be reached from the peripheric but when you leave the route, go down to the roundabout, over the tram line, turn right, go down to the next roundabout and right round.  You have to keep "messing about" because of the tram lines.  Don't take this entry into Leclerc.  Go right at the next roundabout - it is all within a couple of hundred yards - go down to the next roundabout, turn right, right again, then right into the parking in front of the petrol station and there is loads of room.  There is an 'official' car park but barriers.  Lots of folk use Leclerc.  Grand Val is what you look out for. Ikea is alright but they have height barriers. Phew!  Have a good time.  I love Nantes.  ps.  don't know anything about the other side of the river but I know the terminus is Neustre as it is the other end of the Orvault line.
  7. I heard on the car radio yesterday about Rennes airport going to offer flights to the UK but with the heater on etc., I didn't hear it all.  I tried Ouest France and Blue Armorique but a total lack of information on both sites.  Flybe just says it is starting flights from Southampton to Cherbourg. So. I looked for Rennes and it cost 78€ return in June.  Costs next to nothing to fly...it is the taxes! I am sure that I heard them mention London and Cardiff and two or three other destinations. A poke in the eye with a sharp stick for Ryanair?
  8. I booked with P. & O. this morning.  Calais-Dover return (ha ha. I'll be back) with the brum brum for 98€ including the fuel surcharge.  In February. I'm all excited just thinking about it....... Watch out Asda, Morrisons, Sainsbury's, Waitrose ..........  NOT Tesco.
  9. I have been trying to book a ferry for the start of March. No luck at all. Speedferries are being serviced.  Hoverspeed have gone.  Transmanche, no service.  Brittany Ferries are 'avin a laff!  From St Malo it is 322€ and from the 'cheaper' ports of Caen and Cherbourg, 320€.  Looks like Seafrance or P.O. from Calais. Whatever happened to our own boat? The 'Bryan Ferry'? Have you bought her yet Furryknickers? [:)]
  10. I would rent for at least a year too.  France can be very cold and humid and the area you fall in love with at first sight on a glorious summers day can be quite another kettle of fish in the winter.  If you look at the temperatures on the meteo each day here there are some very cold spots and enormous variations over quite a small area so one side of a departement might be ok for you and the other not.  You seem to have decided to move anyway, no matter what, as the climate in Ireland doesn't suit you, so if you rent for a year you can always move on further South or into Spain or Portugal..... your money from selling up keeping warm in the bank for when you find somewhere.
  11. I use the Ikea car park in Nantes when I take the tram to the hospital.  Yesterday, it was the same as Montpellier...chock a block by ten.  I went to the other tram terminus and the same there for Leclerc.  (They were flogging Christmas toys at -20% - you couldn't move for boxes of Barbies) My friend was actually lucky enough to get a parking place at Ikea and she said it was a nighmare. When I go tomorrow....there will be nobody  I hope.   Mrs O watch out!!  They are addictive.!
  12. We went on Thursday and I was gutted to only spend 36.25€. That was only on Christmas baubles..... I think I must have bought everything I "need".  Sad, sad day.
  13. Ooooohhh.  What did you buy? I still haven't been to Nantes.  OH is off work poorly (not) so I rather fancy him driving there but at this rate, I will have to go alone or it will be next year.  Anyway, stops him asking why I "need" stuff.  Tush!  Fellas
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