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  1. Today
  2. Poor thing, I'm sure she is totally confused and wondering why she was put through such torture. I imagine she has to wear that horrible neck collar so she won't chew at the wound. It'll be a long week for Maisy (and the banana) and should never have had to happen. Lots of hugs for Maisy.
  3. Maisy had a disturbed evening and night. I think she was both in pain and shocked whined a lot and and demanded lots of comforting and petting. She is much better this morning but definitely cant understand why she cant have her chicken; it is designed to be thrown and for her run after which, if done many, many times a day is getting her weight down. But no running for a week so no squeaky chicken! Vets orders.
  4. Gee, that's awful, poor girl. Under these types of circumstances, I would have thought they would do an Ultrasound prior to surgery. With adopted dogs, you simply never know for sure. Hopefully she will recover quickly since it is mainly the surgical cut and the overall trauma she has to deal with, not organ removal. Certainly serious, but hopefully less complicated.
  5. Yesterday
  6. Only when they opened her up did they realise that the was already sterilised. Could not see the scar apparently.
  7. Are you saying they did a surgical procedure on her today ? Or that they saw the surgical scar from the previous surgery and did not open her up ?
  8. As you know I got this dog from a refuge; on her papers, having been seen by a vet before I got her, it said she had not been sterilised so the refuge gave me a bon to have it done. Took her in first thing this morning, got a call at 1400 hrs to say that I could pick her up at 1700hrs and that all was well, BUT THAT SHE BEEN SOME TIME AGO. Surely the inspection at the refuge should have spotted that and not put this lovely animal through surgery and pain. BL**DY HEL*
  9. That tail never stops, even when she she seems to be asleep.🏆And wow does she snore, worse than me!
  10. The wagging tail is a blur though! It’s all a joke! ❤️
  11. Last week
  12. So funny, that is exactly what I thought at first glance. 😄
  13. Those teeth look very expensive to me. Isnt she LePen’s daughter or something?
  14. Ok….back to France then. 🤔 We have three of these posters right next to my daughters school. One is not enough….you need three. She has loverly teeth. The loverly teeth party.
  15. NB guys, please be careful talking UK politics on the Forum; it is not designed for that and can engender serious bad feeling. ALBF, I will leave your post but dont go any further, please!
  16. I done it….I created the UK election thread.😋 I have only voted once in the Uk. And that was for the idiot Tony Blair. Look where that got us. War. Anyway, would I vote Keith Stammer….not in a million years. And I am a Labour supporter. But I don’t have vote anyway. And Stammers sidekick ? 🤣 It is like poundland politics. So yeah I would vote conservative even though I am not conservative. How does that work?
  17. Taken on 21 May at the weir on the Rhône south of Beauclaire/Tarascon. If you zoom in you can see his little boat anchored just in front of the turbulent water.
  18. Our eldest did his UK MSc at ICL, South Ken. He taught maths (or rather tried as the kids were not too keen on the subject) to French families in the "French Quarter". His French education came in handy for that.
  19. That.s been our impression during the days we have been here so far. Just wanted to make sure we were not the only ones.
  20. I have lived where I live now for 12 years…and the area is totally unrecognizable from when we moved here. 6 years of that is Macronism. Bless him. It is interesting to watch from a sociological point of view mind you. Terrible to have kids in France. I don’t see any future for them here. Thankfully they have duel nationality.
  21. It sure as heck isn't what it used to be. While we were living in Ste Cécile (Vaucluse) from 2021 to end of 2022, we were frequently in Avignon (doctors, etc.). I could hardly recognize it from when we lived in Bédoin for so many years and did the majority of our shopping, doctor visits, restaurants, etc. in Avignon. It is now very run down looking, dirty, trash all over the place, SDF's all around and massive traffic problems. We vowed we would never buy a property there and avoided visiting when at all possible. Sad really, very sad. Funny thing though, real estate prices are still through the roof in and around Avignon. And, for homes that, in most cases, need serious renovations and are surrounded by what some might say looks like slums.
  22. Never been to Avignon…drven passed it. Has a sweet name that makes you just want to visit. Guessing outside the walls…it aint very pretty or safe. So might give it a miss. Like most places in France. Its funny you spoke about London. You don’t realise how such a fantastic a place London is until you live in France. We were in South Kensington late last year, and everyone was speaking French. Lol…not everyone but you kinda felt like you were in France. Maybe South Kensington is the real Avignon. Yeah…London is coool. It shows the world how intigration can work. It is not perfect…but not far off. That really pisses off French politicians….although they probably all own a pad in London. Who are the biggest investors of property in the UK…well apparently it is the French. Go figure.
  23. Widening the thread, would be interested in ALBF"s take on We drove down last week to tour the area on our bikes. The picture shows the historical bit, but were are outside the walls in the main town Quite an eyeopener! Last year we stayed in London for a week and rented a flat from AirBnB in Battersea, two minutes walk from the park, then the Thames. We loved it.
  24. For the year ending June 2022, the proportion of adults reporting any drug use in the last year was highest among those aged 20 to 24 years (23.3%). ( UK result) Despite these decreases, the proportion of older age groups using illicit drugs remained considerably lower than younger age groups (Figure 4). file:///C:/Users/barns/Downloads/Drug%20misuse%20in%20England%20and%20Wales%20year%20ending%20June%202022.pdf
  25. I am no expert of drug addiction…but I rekon it is the middle and upper classes that make up the majority of drug demand in France, the Uk or whatever Kids fighting, stabbing, shooting each other to fuel that demand and just pawns. legalise drugs is the only way forward.
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