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Everything posted by NormanH

  1. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/apr/14/care-homes-coronavirus-why-we-dont-know-true-uk-death-toll
  2. Do let me know if the audio readings, by a fine actor of my close acquaintance, are not working...
  3. I Yet more dead, yet more dead, Yet more dead people, Into the valley of Death Send the most feeble “For the good of the Herd! Do not Test !” was his word. All in the valley of Death Went the the most feeble II Call on the NHS!” Give no resources Not though the people knew That it would be lethal. Theirs not to make reply, Theirs not to reason why, Theirs to obey – and die. Into the valley of Death Send the most feeble . III Bodies to right of them, Bodies to left of them, Bodies in front of them Threatened by Evil; An impossible task, What more can we ask? Into the jaws of Death, Not so much as a Mask, Send the most feeble. IV Needing intensive care, Clutching and gasping for air, Scaring the Doctors there, Fighting the virus where All are now equal. High Fever provoking A desparate choking; Friends and the family Desparately hoping That soon they’ll be stable. Then some came back, but not, Not the most feeble V Bodies to right of them, Bodies to left of them, Bodies behind them Surrendered to Evil; An impossible task, Too much to ask…. Came through the jaws of Death, Not so much as a Mask, All that was left of them, Left – the least feeble. https://drive.google.com/open?id=14EEb2imC64qfnsyrmANajG_XHFezdiGh p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; line-height: 115% }
  4. Do not go quietly into this last fight Do not go quietly into this last fight, Curse your betrayers at the close of day; Rage, rage against this snuffing out of light. When sick men at their end have death in sight, Because the Goverment has failed them they Do not go quietly into this last fight. Doctors in despair, crying how they might Have saved more of them for another day Rage, rage against this snuffing out of light. The old and chronic sick who have no right To live; choking and gasping on their way Do not go quietly into this last fight. Unprotected staff who struggle through the night, Knowing there could have been another way, Rage, rage against this snuffing out of light. And now my friends please join me as I write, Bless us all now with tears of molten lead, I pray. Do not go quietly into this last fight, Rage, rage against this snuffing out of light. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ORJXpgP7X7AG0lmJVfoDbXybBtC_WPk5 p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; line-height: 115% } p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; line-height: 115% }
  5. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/apr/13/half-of-coronavirus-deaths-happen-in-care-homes-data-from-eu-suggests
  6. The number of new deaths each day The range of sources is bewildering. The daily announcements should be treated with caution as they only include deaths in hospital of those who have tested positive for coronavirus, and there is generally a delay in reporting deaths of a few days or even longer. For example, while on 27 March the government announced that 926 Covid-19 deaths had so far taken place in English hospitals, NHS England now reports that the true figure was 1,649. The gold standard is the number of death certificates collated by the Office for National Statistics: it report at least 1,568 mentions of Covid-19 for all deaths up to 27 March, but this will increase as registrations come in. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/apr/12/coronavirus-statistics-what-can-we-trust-and-what-should-we-ignore
  7. This site explicitly differentiates between Hospital and EHPAD deaths https://www.gouvernement.fr/info-coronavirus/carte-et-donnees Some countries don't count the ones in Homes. I don't know whether the UK stats do or not.
  8. https://www.insee.fr/fr/information/4470857 Compares deaths in each department in March 2020 in comparison to 2019
  9. NickP "the Guardian does, and constantly reports anything it can to undermine the present government. Years ago they would have been fifth columnist" I presume you also include the Telegraph in  that? https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/03/28/exercise-cygnus-uncovered-pandemic-warnings-buried-government/
  10. Perhaps you will be like these Italians... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTVXEGIS3LE
  11. I have been trying this for the last fortnight https://foldingathome.org/
  12. https://www.lemonde.fr/planete/article/2020/04/09/coronavirus-en-france-le-bilan-approche-des-11-000-morts-le-confinement-prolonge_6036054_3244.html Le confinement des Français « va être prolongé » au-delà du 15 avril et Emmanuel Macron présentera lundi soir ses décisions pour la poursuite de la lutte contre l’épidémie, après avoir consulté tous azimuts, a annoncé l’Elysée mercredi 8 avril. Perhaps this is the confusion? Between "une annonce" and The President speaking on the TV
  13. I did see figures for France which compared the usual number of deaths in these months with the ones this year https://www.lemonde.fr/sante/article/2020/03/28/selon-l-insee-la-surmortalite-est-la-plus-forte-dans-le-haut-rhin_6034731_1651302.html
  14. The level of testing in France has been very low. I can't comment about the UK as I am not there, but I agree with you
  15. I think the main thing I don't like nowadays is that most milk is homogenised. That makes more difference to me than if it is UHT or fresh. "Fresh" milk from a supermarket is  dire. When I was in the Ariège I could get whole sheep's milk and at one time in Béziers there was whole cow's milk at the Farmer's market, and those were a totally different thing, but unfortunately I can't get either now.
  16. For France I usehttps://www.gouvernement.fr/info-coronavirus/carte-et-donnees and https://www.lemonde.fr/les-decodeurs/article/2020/04/01/coronavirus-visualisez-le-nombre-de-personnes-hospitalisees-departement-par-departement_6035199_4355770.html The site which that data comes from is http://www.healthdata.org/ and the specific section is here: http://www.healthdata.org/news-release/new-covid-19-forecasts-europe-italy-spain-have-passed-peak-their-epidemics-uk-early-its I do not think that this Institute have the intention of 'knocking ' or "accusing" the UK government, nor is it a propaganda site.
  17. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/apr/07/how-can-coronavirus-models-get-it-so-wrong
  18. I think that this is open to 'misinterpretation' Re: Boris Johnson has Covid19 Perhaps we might add Jeremy Corbyn to the wish list....WB
  19. The weather down here has been like that for quite a while...but it just makes having to stay inside worse for this very 'Mediterranean' culture that habitually live outdoors at every opportunity..
  20. I have said before that I would not wish this virus on anybody, and I wish him well in his recovery. That said there are many other people suffering in the same situation, not least because of decisions that have been made by the party that he leads. They will not get the attention,  and possibly not the quality of care,  that  Mr Johnson will receive, so I keep most of my sympathy for them.
  21. I refuse to believe that she was 94....
  22. https://www.lemonde.fr/les-decodeurs/article/2020/04/01/coronavirus-visualisez-le-nombre-de-personnes-hospitalisees-departement-par-departement_6035199_4355770.html seems to be going down slightly as the confinement  has some effect.Apparently  it doesn't show up for at least 15 days..
  23. But the pharmacy is supposed to renew a prescription without having to see a Doctor again to relieve the burden on Doctors during the present situation https://www.bfmtv.com/sante/coronavirus-les-personnes-atteintes-de-maladies-chroniques-pourront-obtenir-leurs-medicaments-sans-ordonnance-1875289.html
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