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Everything posted by NormanH

  1. idunwith the DMP you still keep all your own records BUT in addition a copy of them and each new examination or consultation will be added. There is a label on  the CV to show you have a DMP and  in the event or an emergency for example your records are available to the emergency services.Equally if you had a scan in one hospital 3 weeks ago a specialist in another could consult it and avoid ordering another if nothing new was needed. It will be good IF they get it working
  2. Perhaps it is a campaign in the regional Cancer centres to make it better known? I just was very disappointed the first time I logged on.I am very much in favour of the idea, and I imagined I would find my medical records and all my results in the 'dossier' my automatically  uploaded. I think it will be like that when it fully comes into service, but when I went to have the general check up that you told us about I asked whether  the results would be sent to the DMP (as it is a bit of a summary of our condition it seemed an ideal thing to be in there)   and the doctor told me they weren't yet connected, even though the examination took place in the Sécu building here You have no need to make any excuses...in principle is a very good idea, and I think we should all join up. It is just taking a very long time to put in place, as it needs the  cooperation of all the services that deal with you such as GP; labs; xray and scanners ; and various hospital departments.for the moment each one of these tend to see it as yet one more task on an increasing list:((
  3. perhaps you could declare the MT yourself?https://www.ameli.fr/assure/adresses-et-contacts/un-changement-de-situation/declarer-un-nouveau-medecin-traitant
  4. 1)Thanks cajal you are mine of useful information [B]2) idun76000 as étranger is a new one! I have always had to use 99
  5. I have had a DMP account almost since it started, and the only things that are in it are my Ameli accounts and stuff that I have uploaded myself. My lab doesn't send off the resultMy GP practice hasn't heard of it.Even my cancer hospital supposedly one of the leading cancer research places in France is just  starting to think about it Apparently none of these people  have the necessary software  yet to be able to send records off... "Aujourd’hui, l’ICM accueille l’Assurance Maladie de Montpellier qui vient informer les patients, leurs proches et le personnel sur le Dossier Médical Partagé (DMP) et les accompagner pour la création de leur compte.Le DMP, un atout majeur pour simplifier et améliorer le suivi, la coordination des soins et la prise en charge médicale.N'hésitez pas à aller sur le stand jusqu'à 16h."
  6. Is there anything I can do from France Connect to ask for telephone numbers that someone abroad can access? There are plenty of French retirees living in Portugal and Morocco who must need to call..
  7. I know what you mean about telephone numbers. I had the same with the UK last Autumn when I was buying a replacement for my mobility scooter and the only number given was an 0800 one.In the end I had to ask someone in the UK to phone them and get a number I could call. I have 3 TINY French pensions (one so small it is only paid once a year) but for each one I had  the same rigmarole. I have actually found that things have improved though. I have had quick replies from les Impôts for example by using their internal secure email. Even  the potential nightmare of the Naturalisation process went smoothly though very slowly. The only major unresolved difficulty I have had across the two countries is with Santander bank in the UK who took over my Abbey National accounts with admittedly only small balances; closed them and although I can answer all the security questions over the phone they refuse to hand over the money unless I go into a branch in person in  the UK
  8. Except that Presidents can only serve for a certain number of years and can be voted out....
  9. In my flat my bill (as opposed to consumption) is 60€ a month for everything, heating,  hot water included.That includes all taxes etc. In the house it is much more...about 140€ a month.
  10. I enjoyed this more for the presentation and the wonderful texts of  Brassens than for the music which was always second to the words with him, although here much improved by the pianist and bassist.. https://www.france.tv/spectacles-et-culture/musique-concerts/508281-la-comedie-francaise-chante-georges-brassens.html
  11. I have French nationality now, so I have the right to vote again, starting with the local elections on the 15th March.[:D]
  12. I stick with my opinion that the right to vote is an intrinsic part of nationality. It is a right and a duty.
  13. I have friends in Foix who were very pleased by Tryba https://www.tryba.com/menuiserie/tryba-foix/ They may well have a branch near Lourdes I know the problem with the ADBF... I am  in a similar situationWhat is rather silly is that our neighbours used wood then painted it white, so there is little obvious difference from the PVC
  14. Add my wishes too. She was always a source of balanced common sense.[:D]
  15. I have a concrete example of that. The 16-year old son of the restaurant where I eat on Sundays is in the local team which has 3 times when the championship of France in their age group.Last year  they were immensely proud to pay their final  at the Parc du Princes just before the final of the professional teams....
  16. If the cap fits, wear it[:D] https://www.zmescience.com/science/the-dunning-kruger-effect-feature/
  17. A Government statement: https://www.gouvernement.fr/info-coronavirus
  18. He is worth nearly 2 million.. a Tory ex-minister flogging his latest book I doubt that his family are feeling 'the Pinch'
  19. Peregrine is a pretentious prat who like to pass as an expert among the 'expat' SPIT brigade..
  20. I have done the ANTS prédemande (and paid the timbre online) and have downloaded the document you  get. I have also made an appointment with the Mairie but don't know what they will accept as they won't discuss it until I go to the appointment..typically for here there is nothing available until mid March  so will see then. I am tempted to try a few other places to see if I can get anything earlier since the ANTS form can be taken anywhere.. Thanks a lot for this tip and your help [B]
  21. That looks hopeful. I hope the people at my Mairie  have  read it [:D] The problem is whether they will accept the letter I have as un justificatif de nationalité française, selon votre situation : une copie intégrale de l’acte de naissance de moins de 3 mois, comportant la mention de nationalité française, ou à défaut un décret de naturalisation ou de réintégration, une déclaration d'acquisition de la nationalité française, un justificatif de nationalité française du parent français (carte nationale d'identité du parent), ou un certificat de nationalité française établi par le greffe du Tribunal de Grande Instance I hope they will take it as 'une déclaration d'acquisition de la nationalité française' mais 'rien n'est  mons sûr' [:(]
  22. I still haven't got mine.I had a letter to say that I i have acquired French Nationality, and my name is in the JO, but the letter also says that I  have to wait for up to 6 months for the pack of documents that you receive , and I will  need those to go to the Mairie and apply for the ID cart and passport. They don't come automatically you have to apply for them, BUT you can do it at any Mairie equipped to take fingerprints. It doesn't have to be the one of the town in which you live. That could be useful for me since out local Mairie is notoriously difficult and inefficient. For the date of arrival (mine was 1995) I gave  them a copy of my first Carte de séjour which shows  it.
  23. Three years into the process, even after my interview at the Préfecture I had a request for the birth certificate of my ex-wife from whom I have been divorced for over 30 years..with a certified translation of course.. One of the reasons for all this is that they make you a version of your own 'livret de famille' that you will get later (they also give your your French birth certificate)
  24. "I can see why someone would want to acquire another nationality if it were a challenge, rather like adding an MA or PhD to ypur degree. Or because your original nationality has served you badly for various reasons, politics, for example. Others might be attracted to the way a society works - But, rather like changing religions, it seems to me that you never can quite become a total integrate because you lack the historical culture which cannot be learned"All true and of course I will never really considered as "French"; I will always be  "second class", but remember that for the moment it is something I have added not something I have lost, although there is a chance that if the FN passes I might have to choose, but that has,'t happened yet.
  25. I think of it as aussi que = as xxx as "as big/long/fat as " for example autant que = as much/many as ' as much as you' or 'as many as they have'  for example
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