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Everything posted by NormanH

  1. Yet another load of dogs ballox[:@] Is this  the level of what passes as "research" nowadays?? 1) "France requires all British residents to have applied for a carte de séjour, or residence permit, by July 2021"It has always been possible to hold one of these (a "right" even)  and indeed they were obligatory before 2002. It is only recent arrivals who have a problem with this. I have been pointing out the wisdom of getting one on this Forum for several years. 2)"British nationals been confused"  There is no excuse for this as all the relevant information has been available  for ages 3) "One woman considering a civil partnership with her Irish partner was described by an official in the local mayor’s office as “foreign”This has nothing to do with the topic of the article 4) "uncertainty, insecurity and instability for those who are less well off and for women"   There is no difference between men and women  in this regard 5) "Continued access to healthcare was paramount for several interviewees, particularly those managing chronic conditions."  This is  true, but a) whether the UK continues to fund it is a decision of the UK Government and b) If it doesn't there are solutions within PUMA 6 "Benson described the case of a 70-year-old widow living on a UK state pension"  and "Some residents are so fearful of being told to leave, particularly because they worry they might not meet a post-Brexit income threshold"  Is the researcher totally unaware of the figures?  Has she never heard of such thing as the "minimum veillesse" or Afpa which could help https://droit-finances.commentcamarche.com/faq/4958-montant-du-minimum-vieillesse-2020-aspa https://droit-finances.commentcamarche.com/faq/8320-aspa-pour-les-etrangers 7)  "some, with the right level of resources and the confidence to question things, will be fine. Others will be cast aside as less ‘deserving’.” Where on earth is the justification for this emotional sensationalism? Who has said that these people are "less deserving"? Quotation and  reference please  On the whole  with all the help that is available  I would say that the 'inequalities" will be less felt in France than they would be elsewhere.
  2. This Fred has become extremely irritating because it is going over old ground that I thought had been settled ages ago by my posts among others. I have  had  a CdS since 1995, and such 'titres'  have always been two categories; one for  European/Swiss/EEE members, and the other one for people from outside Europe, Americans Japanese North Africans etc.See here:https://www.service-public.fr/particuliers/vosdroits/N110 The card that I hold at the moment clearly states  that it is for someone in the first category[img]https://i.imgur.com/MG8Qozy.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/MG8Qozy.png[/img] I have continually stated for  years  when the UK leaves European community it will be necessary to change to the category 2 type card, which incidentally costs 119€ where has the European type one was free. the French authorities are being very helpful for British people having to make this change,  (and for those who are having to get a card for the first time) and published a very useful document showing the different pathways to go down according to to whether you already had a CdS or not, even going so far as to publish it in English: https://contacts-demarches.interieur.gouv.fr/static/minint/pdf/PO19090367-Use_Case_V16.pdf All all this seems quite simple if only people would accept that  only the French official sites are valid, and they are completely open and clear on this issue. I have no idea where some of the mis-information that has crept into this thread comes from, but I would suggest ignoring opinions that are unsubstantiated by evidence such as links to official sites such as I have given. RIFT etc have no official status.
  3. This is what I received back in October (although I have applied for Nationality I will still need the CdS version non European until such time as I get it, if ever) when I applied for the new card I thought everyone had done this back then... no-reply@interieur.gouv.fr <no-reply@interieur.gouv.fr> 17 October 2019 at 14:31 To: xxx@gmail.com Madame/ Monsieur, Vous venez de valider une demande de carte de séjour. Le dépôt de cette demande au nom de XXXa été enregistré sous le numéro xxx. Votre dossier va être transféré pour instruction vers la préfecture de votre lieu de résidence. Vous serez informé(e) par message électronique des suites de votre demande. Si votre dossier est complet, vous serez contacté(e) par mail pour convenir d'un rendez-vous auprès de votre préfecture afin de finaliser vos démarches (présentation de votre passeport / prise d'empreintes / fourniture d'une photographie d'identité récente (format 35 mm x 45 mm) / justification du paiement de la taxe sur le titre de séjour de 119 euros). Si une pièce est manquante ou inadaptée, vous recevrez un mail sollicitant un complément d'information. Nous vous conseillons de conserver la présente attestation pour vos prochaines démarches en préfecture. Ceci est un message automatique, merci de ne pas y répondre As far as the question of its validity as a 'pièce d'identité' is concerned see here http://www.isere.gouv.fr/content/download/31243/235057/file/6-%20D%C3%A9tail%20pi%C3%A8ces%20d'identit%C3%A9%20recevables.pdf td p { margin-bottom: 0in; }p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; line-height: 115%; }
  4. that is likely to be much easier to get than  the original CdS was 20+ years ago.In those days I had to give translations of all my certificates whereas nowadays the originals are acceptable, just to give one example. I haven't said much on this thread  because this was all so long ago for me, and I could easily get muddled with the most stringent requirements for taking Nationality which in my case has now been going on for over 3 years[:'(] In answer to the question about the date of arrival I reckon that as long as you have over 5 years worth proof of Regular residence (and continuous) they wouldn't worry too much about the exact date
  5. NormanH


    And it isn't 'the taxpayer' who pays. They are funded by the Sécurité Sociale out of the côtisations  for health which are clearly distinct from other areas such as pensions or unemployment.This is very clear from the breakdown on payslips. In any case people who  have been on S1s have paid nothing towards this.
  6. Avis d'imposition. Utility bills if they are clearly for 12 months of the year. Date of first Carte Vitale? Electoral list? Change of driving licence to a French one?
  7. NormanH


    I can read the link but not reply to the post.It intrigues me to know why WB considers it a "racket". As far as I know the 'treatment' is paid for but the " curistes" have to pay accommodation and food etc, so the spa towns provide employment and a boost to the local economy.
  8. A fine Messiah from Germany.The soloists are British and I  particularly admire their ornamentation https://www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de/neujahrskonzert-mit-dem-rias-kammerchor-berlin-haendels.1091.de.html?dram:article_id=466230#
  9. I too have a strong accent in French, but it is not a typical British one apparently. I am sometimes mistaken for someone from Alsace; or Germany or Holland.I don't think I could ever lose it, since I learned my French in the old-fashioned academic way from books, rather than by listening and repeating.I am a tiny bit jealous of some people who have just picked it up by ear and so tend to have a much better accent than I have although they often make mistakes of grammar and  don't have as good a vocabulary  as I have, since  they speak what is essentially street French.  They DO have a better accent than I have though I have to admit[:(]
  10. [img]https://i.imgur.com/M3SBIQL.jpg[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/M3SBIQL.jpg[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/M3SBIQL.jpg[/img]
  11. A good TV programme (in French) about some things that are almost swindles...https://www.france.tv/france-2/complement-d-enquete/1105539-notaires-grands-privileges-et-petites-combines.html
  12. Well my efforts to get rid of the Cockroaches, the pigeons, and the rats and mice  seem to have Borne fruit this year.Not a living being in sight  all over these two days...I think I rather miss them. Only next weekend, and then the period from Tuesday till Sunday next week to get through now.
  13. .............................∏ .........................✴♬✴ .......................✴*♥*✴ ......................✴⊱〠⊰✴ ........….……..✴.*⊱♫⊰*.✴ ......……….. ✴• '*♥* ' • ✴ ........……. ✴'*•♫♫ ♫•*'✴ ........….. ✴' *, • '♫ ' • ,* '✴ ........….✴' * • ♫*♥* ♫• * '✴ .......… ✴* , • ღ☆☾☯ • , * '✴ ......…✴* ' •♫♫*♥*♫♫ • ' * '✴ .......✴' * ' • .ღ☆☾☯☯* • ' * ' '✴ .....✴' ' * • ♫♫♫*♥*♫♫♫• * ' '✴ ° :.  . • ○ ° ★  .  * .  ★ ° . .    . ☾ °☆  . * ● ¸ .  ∩ │◥███◣ ╱◥███◣ ╱◥◣ ◥████◣▓∩▓│∩ ║ │╱◥█◣║∩∩∩ ║◥█▓ ▓█◣ ││∩│ ▓ ║∩田│║▓ ▓ ▓∩ p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; line-height: 115%; } p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; line-height: 115%; }
  14. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-TBbp ... sp=sharing   Give good gifts one to another Peace Joy and Comfort gladly bestow. Harbor no ill gainst sister or brother Smooth life's journey as you onward go. Broad as the sunshine, free as the showers So shed an influence blessing to prove. Give for the noblest of efforts your powers Bless and be blessed is the law of love.
  15. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/dec/20/former-france-telecom-bosses-jailed-over-workplace-bullying If only the same thing was the case in the UK...
  16. For Christmas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpaNo4mWRBE&t=3461s
  17. In this bit of France it is 'si tu a besoin de quelque chose n'hésitez pas....mais pas  aujourd'hui' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f317gvBq26Q Devant ma maison y a un pin terrible Dont la grosse branche pourrait bien tomber. Pour mon pauvre toit, quelle belle cible. Cette branche-là, je vais la couper... Aujourd'hui peut-être, ou alors demain. Ce sacré soleil me donne la flemme Je la couperai... té : après-demain, Et si je peux pas la couper moi-même, Je demanderai à l'ami Tonin Qui la coupera aussi bien lui-même. Ce n'est pas qu'on soit fainéant par ici Mais il fait si chaud dans notre Midi. J'ai de beaux lapins, des lapins superbes, Mais ils ont toujours envie de manger. Il faut tout le temps leur couper de l'herbe Et je devrais bien leur en ramasser... Aujourd'hui peut-être, ou alors demain. Ces sacrés lapins me donnent la flemme. Je la couperai... té : après-demain, Et si je peux pas la couper moi même, Hé bé je lâcherai tous mes beaux lapins Qui la couperont aussi bien eux-mêmes. Ce n'est pas qu'on soit fainéant par ici Mais la terre est basse dans notre Midi. Le soir de mes noces avec Thérèse, Quand on s'est trouvés tout déshabillés, En sentant frémir son beau corps de braise, Je me suis pensé : "je vais l'embrasser"... Aujourd'hui peut-être, ou alors demain. Moi les émotions, boudiou, ça me rend tout blême. Je l'embrasserai... té : après demain, Et si je peux pas l'embrasser moi-même... Mais soudain ça m'a pris au petit matin. On est déchaîné chez nous quand on aime Et deux mois après... j'avais trois petits. Nous sommes les rois dans notre Midi
  18. I hadn't even heard of them before.Mind you down here it would probably be in Montpellier or Marseille  which I couldn't  get to on my mobility scooter [:D]
  19. My first love was the daughter of a Don at King's so I was often there at Evensong.  Despite the fact that I suspect he was a Communist he had no qualms about the  beautiful aesthetic side of the College. He also introduced me to the idea of Holidays in the Loire and always ordered a bottle of  Beaujolais in the village pub which I reckon was rather a rare thing to so in the early 60s [:D]
  20. Will look for it:)Here are a couple of Dove Sono interperations https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHbv0CYs0ik less likely... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5WDGxpblZc
  21. nomoss has always been ahead of his time...
  22. Thank you. I would probably have missed this if you hadn't posted the link. [:D]
  23. Mahler's 10th fared a little better...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fu3dqBKDxU
  24. Tax for 2019 has been paid monthly at source since January, as will be the case in 2020, so where does the idea that "The average taxpayer is not paying income tax this year" come from? Calendrier Janvier 2019 : Le prélèvement à la source est entré en vigueur A partir de ma déclaration de revenus effectuée au printemps 2018, l’administration fiscale m’a transmis un taux de prélèvement personnalisé. J’ai pu opter pour un taux non personnalisé ou un taux individualisé. Depuis le 1er janvier 2019, le prélèvement à la source est appliqué sur mon salaire et mon employeur collecte mon impôt sur le revenu. Retour au sommaire Avril – Juin 2019 : Je déclare mes revenus En avril, je déclare mes revenus, dans les mêmes conditions qu’auparavant, en quelques clics sur impots.gouv.fr grâce à la déclaration pré-remplie. Cette déclaration permet de déterminer mon nouveau taux de prélèvement et de calculer l’impôt que je dois payer si j’ai eu des revenus exceptionnels en 2018. Les informations sur le prélèvement à la source (taux de prélèvement et options) sont affichées à l'issue de la déclaration de revenus en ligne. Retour au sommaire Septembre 2019 : Mon nouveau taux s’applique et je paie l’impôt sur mes revenus exceptionnels Le nouveau taux, calculé à partir de la déclaration de revenus déposée au printemps 2019, sera appliqué à partir de septembre 2019. Si j’ai perçu des revenus exceptionnels en 2018, je devrais également payer mon impôt sur le revenu en septembre. S'agissant du paiement de l'impôt, il est rappelé qu'aucun prélèvement automatique ne sera opéré cette année. Si j'ai un solde à régler, je dois donc effectuer une démarche pour payer : payer en ligne sur Internet (www.impots.gouv.fr), ou par smartphone ou tablette,utiliser le talon figurant en bas de mon avis d’impôt pour payer par TIP SEPA ou chèquesi le montant dû est inférieur ou égal à 300 €, régler en espèces ou par carte bancaire auprès de mon centre des finances publiques.
  25. A breathtaking opening generalisation based on no evidence that I can see.
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