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Everything posted by NormanH

  1. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2019/sep/23/health-cover-for-retired-britons-in-eu-to-last-six-months-in-no-deal-brexit
  2. The report is available here: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/831199/20190802_Latest_Yellowhammer_Planning_assumptions_CDL.pdf Section 11 is particularly relevant to retired British people.
  3. This is not a thought out answer just a link to an official site for the optic part of it https://solidarites-sante.gouv.fr/systeme-de-sante-et-medico-social/100pourcent-sante/ https://solidarites-sante.gouv.fr/systeme-de-sante-et-medico-social/100pourcent-sante/espace-professionnels/les-nouvelles-mesures-optique/article/la-reforme-100-sante-optique
  4. I found that 'Les Années"  was best read in short sections giving one time to let them sink in and savour them.
  5. So it is a FF problem. I block trackers with another add on (Ghostery) so I have no need for a browser to do this. It is extremely irritating that there is no way of turning the feature completely off....
  6. But on Firefox it comes up again on each and every operation, whereas for me on Opera it doesn't. This leads me to suspect that there is something in the way that the most recent version of FF handles cookies that causes this.
  7. I have just started getting this since I updated to the latest version of Firefox, but now I have logged in on the latest version of Opera browser and I not seeing it.
  8. I read les Années by her recently and was entranced, though it is better in French than in the Canadian translation.Here is an article about her in today's Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/books/2019/aug/10/abortion-sex-and-family-secrets-annie-ernaux-frances-great-truth-teller
  9. I emphasise that this is my own experience but it may not be generally true.I was just looking for an explanation of the OP
  10. They take the gross amount that you have paid tax on in the UK and calculate how much tax you would have paid if it had been paid in France.As French income tax is lower than British you have normally paid more tax than you would have paid here. The difference is then given back to you as a credit. In the past you didn't get it all back, they gave just enough so that you paid 0 tax. Now it seems that they give it all back so you can actually have a credit. It is worked out in detail on my Avis. There is 1 part way I can see the credit I have against my home help, and another part where I see the credit against the tax I have paid in the UK. They are then added together to give me a total refund
  11. Having looked at my 'Avis' which I didn't have available for my first post it looks as if I was right and they are now paying the full 'credit''on income  already taxed in the UK whereas before they cut it off at Zero so there was no money actually paid back..
  12. It's not quite the same thing, but as from last year I started to get back the rebate for the person who helps me at home. In the past it could take you down to zero, but you didn't actually get any money back. Perhaps they are doing the same thing when they do the calculation of how much tax you would have paid if it had all been paid in France. This always works out less than you have actually paid  in the UK, and perhaps that is now being given as a rebate, not just taking you down to zeroThis it's only a suggestion I have no concrete knowledge
  13. This one had me in tears at the sheer ...she does a real crescendo through a long nots rather than staring below pitch and slithering upI am in pieces  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlCYP9YlogM
  14. Now you have whetted my appetite https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1kdMEfHNlEg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DlIPyey3_YY
  15. What a wonderful sweet 'old-fashioned' timbre she brings to this! Thank you so much I didn't know her at all..
  16. This is what I mean by attacking the note in tune and not slithering up to it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1-IVQrwHlo&list=OLAK5uy_mzX--ReovnTpTIGRKEH7GsTxJycnl4wNU&index=4
  17. Bit too much wobble in the earlier music repetoire but impressive in the Donizetti..
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2duxosA4Sn4&feature=youtu.be
  19. Gorgeous music..I have one caveat...she tends to  start a little under the note in the longer value notes)  then glide up onto it  rather than starting in tune and making a crescendo .. This is a modern technique from jazz singers that I find mannered in this music.. compare with https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0NK2JzplZU at about 8minutes 30 or this one at 6 minutes 50 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFDtRn396WY Even Schwartzkopf whom I don't associate with this music avoids that error https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFDtRn396WY about 6minutes 30..
  20. My sort of music as you well know:) On the other hand I find it odd that amidst the architectural splendour and playing such formal music the conductor and male players be so informally dressed00
  21. You may find that a local Emmaus would take some of it that could be useful https://emmaus-france.org/ou-donner-ou-acheter/ I don't know that area, but here the local Mairie will also take away objets encombrants...ask  them. https://www.service-public.fr/particuliers/vosdroits/F31954 Les encombrants correspondent aux déchets qui, du fait de leur poids et de leur volume, ne sont pas pris en charge par le service de collecte des ordures ménagères. La loi n'établit pas de liste des encombrants, mais en pratique il peut notamment s'agir : du mobilier (table, chaises, armoire...),de matelas,de sommiers,d'appareils de gros électroménager (lave-linge, réfrigérateur, gazinière...) si la commune les accepte en tant que tels.Toutefois, certains déchets bien que volumineux ne sont pas considérés comme des encombrants, notamment : les gravats qui doivent être amenés en déchetterie,les déchets verts (herbe tondue, branchages ...),les pneus usagés (qui doivent être repris gratuitement par votre garagiste),les bouteilles de gaz qui doivent être reprises gratuitement par le vendeur ou remise à un point de collecte,les véhicules à moteur (carcasses de voitures, cyclomoteurs...).
  22. Lovely..I have it on in the background now:)
  23. Alas I couln"t access it.You on the other hand should be able to watch this: https://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/077324-000-A/edward-elgar-the-dream-of-gerontius I think the French orchestra makes a wonderful job of this music. I usually find French musicians not quite right in the German repertoire, but here they are splendid.
  24. I had a friend who played the French horn in the Covent Garden orchestra...he told me of a concert on a cramped stage where she had to try to squeeze on to the stage by a tiny space between brass players....One of them said to her..."what if you came on sideways?"...and she replied "buster there AIN'T no sideways" [:D]
  25. yes hugely enjoyable..I downloaded it..
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